maxillofacialsurgery oralsurgery dentist dentistry maxillofacial surgery dental orthodontics smile doctor odontologia orthognathicsurgery maxillofacialsurgeon ctbmf maxilofacial plasticsurgery repost beauty jawsurgery tooth braces bucomaxilofacial diagnosis facialsurgery medicine oralhealth surgeon teeth time bogota hoxton
Mind-blowing right @whatthecleft #beforeandafter #beforeafter #transformation #lifechanges #makeover #makeovers #cleftlip #cleftcutie #cleftpalate #cleftlipandpalate #cleftproud #differences #miraclebaby #momsofinstagram #blessedmom #proudmom #plasticsurgery #maxillofacialsurgery #dentistry #dentist #orthodontics #orthodontist #bravestwarriors #specialneeds #specialneedsmom #specialneedskids
This Harvard degree represents a culmination of the sacrifices made by two immigrant parents who had nothing but an American dream, not for themselves, but for their children. It’s the least I could do. On another note, all this work to finally become a doctor, to find out I can’t even read my degree because it’s in Latin ♂️ But do I look like a surgeon yet?
#ilooklikeasurgeon #maxillofacialsurgery
Agora é oficial. Na data de hoje 01/06/19 se inicia uma nova etapa no Hospital Geral Cleriston Andrade. Novos profissionais das diversas especialidades contratados para melhoria do serviço. Tenho a honra e satisfação de fazer parte da renovada equipe de Bucomaxilo do Hgca. Esperamos prestar o melhor atendimento à população de nossa cidade e região. Now it’s official. On the present date begins a new stage at the Cleriston Andrade General Hospital. New professionals of all specialities hired to improve the service. I have the honor and satisfaction to be part of this brand new team of Maxillofacial surgeons of HGCA. We hope to delivery the best service to the people of our city and region. #cirurgiareconstrutiva #traumadeface #extracaodosiso #implantesdentarios #extracoesconplexas #enxertoosseo #sahos #apneiadosono #bichectomia #odontologia #excelencia #bucomaxilofacial #cirurgiadaatm #tmjsurgery #dentistry #implantology #iti #tooth #maxillofacialsurgery #orthognathicsurgery #maxillofacialtrauma #cirurgiadaatm #tmjsurgery
Uma experiência muito enriquecedora, poder participar do Maior Congresso de Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial, assistir Palestras Incríveis, fazer Novos Contatos e ainda por cima, Apresentar Nosso Trabalho! #ICOMS2019 #bmf #bucomaxilofacial #buco #maxillofacialsurgery #mronj #osteonecrosedosmaxilares #fousp #uspsaopaulo #phdusp #iaoms #phdlife #phdstudent #icomsrio #icomsrio2019
Конгресс ICOMS 2019 подошёл к концу. Он удался. Прощаюсь с Бразилией в хорошем настроении. Программа выполнена - много новой интересной информации, понимание уровня хирургии во всем миру. Я прочитал два доклада по теме трудных аспектов лечения пациентов с расщелинами, которые вызвали интерес аудитории, встретил старых друзей и завёл новые профессиональные знакомства. Спасибо организаторам и всем участникам и до новых встреч в Глазго в 2021 году! #icoms2019 #icoms #iaoms #maxillofacialsurgery #cleft #cleftlipandpalate
#dr_alexandre_ivanov #congress #maxillofasialcongress #dr_ivanovs_travels #riodejaneiro #rio
Curso de Aperfeiçoamento em Cirurgia Oral Avançada
Coord: Prof. Ronan Matheus
Prof: Prof. Aline Mendes
#maxilofacial #cirurgiabucomaxilofacial #buco #cirurgiaortognatica #cirurgiaodentista #cirurgiabucal #bichectomia #esteticafacial #ortodontia #bracket #maxillofacial #maxillofacialsurgery #screw #titanium #surgery #dentistry #bone #graft #bone #blood #facialtrauma #traumatologia #expansaodemaxila #laterognatismo #artroscopia #atm #tmj