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Great tip! #eslvideotips #englishlivetips #inglescomnativos #vicstips #ielts #toeflprep #toefl #esl #english #toeflpreparation #ingles #dicasdeingles #inglesonline #phd #mba #pucrio #fgv #englishtips #aprenderingles #studyabroad #nativeenglishteacher #englishtips #engenharia #doutorado #oab #traducao #study #grammarpolice
4 days away Lol, I’m giving you guys a full shoot, my feed needs to look a certain way
Cc: @curtsceneit
#MBA #Graduate #2019Graduate #blackgirlsgraduate #Bulldog #graduation #blackexcellence #college #done #MastersProgram #Aamu #Aamu19 #graduationpictures #gradphotos #photoshoot #gradshoot #Hbcu #hbcugrad #wearegraduatefashion #creative #director #details #sumacumlaude #brains #Huntsville #Blackcolleges #business #hbcubuzz
Great tip! #eslvideotips #englishlivetips #inglescomnativos #vicstips #ielts #toeflprep #toefl #esl #english #toeflpreparation #ingles #dicasdeingles #inglesonline #phd #mba #pucrio #fgv #englishtips #aprenderingles #studyabroad #nativeenglishteacher #englishtips #engenharia #doutorado #oab #traducao #study #grammarpolice
با اینکه کتاب های روانشناسی و عجیب غریب زیادی خونده بودم، همیشه دنبال این بودم که یه کتاب باشه، فقط یه کتاب که هیچوقت از خوندنش سیر نشم... کتابی که وقتی به اونجایی که میخواستم رسیدم برگردم توی همه ی داستان های زندگیم بگم که این کتاب بود که باعث شد من تغییر کنم و زندگیم تغییر کنه... وقتی باب پراکتر میگفت اولین کتابی که خونده think and grow rich بوده و هنوز که هنوزه اونرو داره و مرور میکنه، قند تو دلم آب میشد...
توی عجیب غریب ترین روز های زندگیم بودم که فکر میکردم زمین و زمان باهام لج افتاده و خدا هرجوره داره امتحانم میکنه که این کتاب سر و کلش پیدا شد... اونم اینطور که رفته بودم شهر کتاب برای خریدن کتاب های اولین کلاس بیزینس و جالب بدونین حتی یکیش رو هم پیدا نکردم و دلم نیومد دست خالی بیام بیرون... یه دفتر آبی گلدار خریدم به همراه این کتاب
و این شد شروع بهترین تغییرات من...
چه اون دفترچه و یادداشت هاش و چه این کتاب یعنی قانون توانگری...
این اولین پست من توی اینستاگرامه و کلی طول کشید تا تونستم خودم رو راضی کنم برای شروع
برای همین حس کردم شروع رو با معرفی این کتاب داشته باشم
برای اونایی که حال و حوصله کتاب خوندن ندارن...
نگران نباشید قراره تک تک صفحه های این کتاب رو باهم بخوریم
It's been almost 5 years that I'm into self_improves books, but none of them could satisfy me.
All the time I was looking for a book that can change my life, can change me! A book that I can talk about in the future when I'm a successful woman... Inside all of my life stories. I got jealous When @proctorgallagher was talking about the #thinkandgrowrich book in his videos... That was so beautiful
I was in the hardest and weirdest days of my life... Everything was in front of me... I went to the bookstore to buy some business books for my #MBA class and I couldn't find any of them!
But I didn't want to go back home without any book... So I bought a blue notebook and a book that changed my life totally... #thedynamiclawsofprosperity by #catrherineponder...
Anyway... I thought it would be good if I start my Instagram with sharing this book that was the start of my changes... We are going to talk about it a lot❤️❤️❤️
#book #cool #instagram #selflove #change #dream #self_improvement
Having a great business idea comes often and filing a business license isn’t that hard either. But entrepreneurship is real work and NOTHING is guaranteed
In an era dominated by millennials who live for fast access and instant gratification, some may get the notion that success happens overnight
However, the ongoing sleepless nights, sacrifice, investment, risk … oh and the juggling of a million things- all in the face of entrepreneurship takes time and dedication.
I now realize more and more that there are some hard skills that just can’t be self-taught and are not best learned through experience (the hard way)!
As nursing continues to evolve so does the need for them to be business savvy. Not only are nurses the largest component to the healthcare sector, nurses are privy to critical insight that can spark innovation and intervention
Nurses should be equipped to create businesses that take full advantage of the insurmountable opportunities
That said, my goals may require me to take the GRE General Test as I can see a MBA in my near future. .
#ad #GreatnessAwaits #GREtest #business #entrepreneur #MBA #nurse #nurselife #atlantanurse #thenursejulia