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Baby born with an intact amniotic sac in which they had to interfere to cut it. This is called " Birth with a caul", it is rare , occurring in fewer than 1 in 80.000 births. The caul is harmless and is immediately Removed by physician upon delivery the child
Pagi ini dapat kasus unik , kasus bayi kembar/ gemelli, bayi yang pertama lahir lalu plasenta, nah pas Mau melahirkan bayi kedua sang bayi tetap mau di lahirkan bersama ketuban dan selaput nya masih utuh..
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Shoot by Dr. Dede SpAn
Hello world .
Three baby boy just born early morning today
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Уважаемые коллеги!
Приглашаем Вас и Ваших коллег на Конференцию «Неудачные программы ВРТ: взгляд со стороны различных медицинских специальностей» в рамках "Петербургского медицинского форума" @sergey_anoufriev
31 мая 2019 года
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Pellets in the Appendix!
An 8-year-old hyperactive boy was admitted to the hospital after having been found to have elevated blood lead levels, ranging from 17.4 to 27.4 μg per deciliter (reference range, <10) over a period of 2 years. An abdominal radiograph revealed large numbers of small, hyperdense foci in the right lower quadrant.
The entire family reported that they regularly ate geese that were killed with lead pellets from a shotgun, and the children reported that they had been eating the pellets as part of a game to make them disappear. The patient and his siblings underwent bowel washout. A follow-up radiograph of the patient revealed that pellets were still present in the gastrointestinal tract, in either the cecum or the appendix. Laparoscopic appendectomy was performed.
The appendix weighed 27.5 g (normal weight, 4 to 5 g), measured 55 mm in length, and had an average external diameter of 7 mm with a wall thickness of 2 mm. A total of 57 lead pellets were recovered from the lumen. Microscopical examination of the appendix showed minor changes with a focus of submucosal calcification and fibrosis. No acute inflammation was observed.
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Admin: @mike.dicaro
⚠️ Imagine being in the hospital when you receive the following case:
A 65-year-old homeless male patient with diabetes, with reported night fever and tingling in the lower limbs, had a foul odor on the right foot, and when removing the sock that covered the lesion, the nurse sees wound infested with maggots (myiasis).
What would you do? .
How myiasis affects the human body depends on where they are located. Larvae may infect dead, necrotic or living tissue in various sites: the skin, eyes, ears, stomach and intestinal tract, or in genitourinary sites. They may invade open wounds and lesions or unbroken skin. Larvae or eggs can reach the stomach or intestines if they are swallowed with food and cause gastric or intestinal myiasis.
It has been a serious complication of war wounds in tropical areas, and is sometimes seen in neglected wounds in most parts of the world. Predisposing factors include poor socioeconomic conditions, extremes of age, neglect, mental disability, psychiatric illness, alcoholism, diabetes, and vascular occlusive disease. Via @medicalpedia .
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Laparoscopic cholecystectomy... minimally invasive surgery to remove gallbladder, mostly indicated for gallbladder stone.
#drtjhang #surgery #surgerycase #gallbladder #gallbladderstones #laparoscopy #laparoscopicsurgery #minimallyinvasive #cholecystectomy #medical #medcase #medicalcases #medicalschool #medicalstudent #medicaleducation #bedah #operasi #empedu #edukasi @instamedic_en
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy...teknik operasi minimal invasif mengangkat kantong empedu, paling sering untuk kasus batu empedu.