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I was going to write a post on the power of #pitaya and how it rejuvenates the liver, is the foundation of youth and has so many healing properties but the truth is it’s a privilege to have access to this food... and while I never take this access for granite life is to short to stress over having access to specifics!
I’ve spent way to many years feeling guilt and shame around food.
No guilt.
No shame.
I will not waste minutes of my life feeling less than over food.
So let’s be clear, there are no foods that are “bad” for you. It’s the energy we create around it. You can make a bowl of pasta be the most healing food or a smoothie bowl be toxic with your energy and thoughts. We are that powerful. You have control, don’t give your power to anyone who says otherwise. Be loving towards yourself and your body. Reap the benefits and bask in the joy that is food. #mindfuleeeeeats #themindfulblonde
Progress happens with consistency.
When you set an intention, and choose healthy practices and maintain them, you will see results.
Take small steps everyday.
Keep going and you’ll get closer and closer to your goal.
Part of my morning practice is:
• 16oz lemon water
• 16oz celery juice
• Heavy Metal Detox or another healing fruit smoothie
Almost 2 years of maintaining these and other healing protocols from @medicalmedium has given me amazing results.
Symptoms that have healed or diminished so far:
daily headaches | hormone imbalance | depression + suicidal thoughts | hair loss | weight gain | body temperature fluctuations | fatigue | insomnia | muscle weakness | joint pain | numbness + tingling | dry skin | itchy eyes, skin & scalp | blurred vision | edema | swollen lymph nodes | mood swings | brain fog | high TPO | digestive issues | chemical sensitivities | legs like lead | neurological fatigue |skin rashes | anxiety + panic attacks | heart palpitations | difficulty breathing
Part of me thought I would never be able to heal, I was so sick and had lost faith. Another part thought it would be a quick fix and then I would return to “normal” eating habits!!
Neither of those were correct!
I have found that holding faith while also being flexible with the process makes for an easier healing journey. Being grateful for all the good, doing all you can and trusting that healing will come when & how it comes.
Small steps do add up to change over time, and consistency is key.
You can heal, and you’re worth every bit of effort it requires ♥️
#celeryjuice #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #healing #juice #youcanheal #hmds #smoothie #healinghappens #patience #smallstepseveryday #medicalmedium #mmtribe #plantbased #plantdiet #medicalmediumcommunity #heal #cleaneating #foodheals #healthy #foodismedicine #lifecoach #wellness #holistichealth #wellnesscoach #chronicillness #autoimmunedisease #hashimotos #nourishyourself #smallstepsbigchanges
Just a friendly reminder that if we can spend hours binge watching a Netflix series we can take an hour (or less) out of our day to prep some healing foods or juices we all have the same 24 hours in a day- but what’s most important to us always shows by what we prioritize first. Just a food for thought
#medicalmedium #medicalmediumcommunity #mmtribe #medicalmediumprotocol #celeryjuice #wellnesscoach #wellnessblogger #autoimmunedisease #adrenalfatigue #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicillness #healing #spoonies #plantbased #vegan #detox #detoxing #healyourself #whatrawveganseat #rawveganfoodshare #fitfoods #foodasmedicine #naturalhealing #rawvegan #veganlifestyle #alkalinediet #highcarblowfat #veganfamily
Anti-Aging Foods
Eat a combination of these powerful anti-aging foods regularly to reduce oxidation, improve focus, and promote longevity throughout your body.
Apricots - anti-aging powerhouses.
Arugula - help menopause symptoms.
Asparagus - full of anti-aging energy.
Avocados - help slow down aging.
Chia seeds - ultimate brain food!
Cranberries - counteract oxidation.
Grapes - promote longevity.
Maple syrup - trace minerals fortify the brain and protect against oxidation.
Wild Berries - full of antioxidants
spirithealingtea #healingtea #detoxtea #chronicillness #mysteryillness #medicalmediumcommunity #medicalmediumprotocol #foodismedicine #letfoodbethymedicine #healyourbody #medicalmediumlifestyle #medicalmedium #lifechangingfoods #thyroidhealing #detox #healingpath #healinginseattle #wellnessintegritywisdom #mmtribe #unitedbyhealing #unitedbymedicalmedium #liverrescue #liverdetox #liverhealing #369cleanse #livercleanse #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuice #agingwell #aginggracefully
Another day, another salad
Today's salad for work was again simple and delicious. Ingredients:
- Lettuce
- Cucumber
- Peaches
- Nectarines
- Oven baked sweet potato
- Red clover #microgreens - Basil
As much as I love atlantic dulse on top of everything didn't fit in today's salad which was more on the sweeter side of life So I'd definitely leave it out the next time.
Other herbs that'd would go with this salad would be parsley or coriander
I'm not a dressing person (I rarely use one) but you could squeeze 1/2 lemon + 1 tsp maple syrup over the salad.
Do you ever just stop & look at healing foods in awe? What a miracle it is that all of these foods exist in such variety & ABUNDANCE for us. What a gift. Although not everyone has perfect access to healing foods today, access is actually better than ever before. We can ship the healing power of fruits, wild blueberries,herbal tinctures, Atlantic dulse, pitaya, coconut water, & more across the world to regions that would never be able to access them otherwise. The Earth is unrelenting in her supply (wild blueberries have survived being completely burnt down to ashes), & if you tune yourself to that energy, you may be surprised by new avenues through which they are drawn to you. Consuming healing foods is a very sensual, spiritual experience for me. Their flesh, their seeds, their skin, their color, their energy, their consistency, their properties, their many synchronistic details. All divinely made & orchestrated to nourish, heal, support, hydrate, delight, & comfort you. Physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually.⠀
Are you feeling any sense of deprivation, restrictions, or lack with your eating?⠀
If yes, shift your focus. ⠀
Become more mindful of the thoughts you’re thinking about food. Focus more on what to eat then what not to eat. Slow down. Take time to tune into your healing foods on a deeper level. Recite their healing properties as your consume them. Relish in their divine flavors & light-filled energies. Read @medicalmedium’s Life-Changing Foods book over & over again. Learn about the endless options you have for healing, & the countless number of ways that each of these foods heals, nourishes, supports, comforts, & delights (if you let them) you.⠀
Healing truly is all about abundance if you let it be. You have complete control over your mindset.
When you find organic locally grown Farmers Market CELERY for 2$ a bunch!!!!! ya I bought all of them
I also got local blueberry honey, organic Swiss chard, Organic parsley, organic red onion and Organic sprouts of: sunflower, kohlrabi, kale and radish! We also found gluten free, non GMO and vegan tamales and blondies for my mother in law and son It’s really exciting to see so many aware of the importance of quality foods♥️
Happy Saturday Friends!!
#medicalmedium #medicalmediumkids #medicalmediumwarrior #medicalmediumcommunity #medicalmediumlifestyle #vegan #vegansofig #planteater #plantbased #plantpower #plantpowered #plantbaseddiet #rawtill4 #chronicillness #wellnesswarrior #healingfoods #foodheals #hclf #strep #ebv #clearskin #clearskintips #clearskindiet #bloating #lifestyle #turlockfarmersmarket #celeryjuice #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals
How do I make 32 oz. of celery juice every morning? With 2 big stalks of celery, my trusty @vitamix, and a nut milk bag! First I chop off both ends & wash each rib. Then I start with only 2 ribs on low speed to get the blender going. After that you can add as much as will fit, and turn up the speed! I added them one by one today through the top, but sometimes I break them in half and add them by the handful. Once blended grab a bowl and your nut milk bag, strain, pour, and HEAL! I upped my 16 oz. to 32 oz. about 6 months ago, and fall more in love with celery juice every day. Over 450 days since I started drinking this magical herbal extraction & feeling stronger than ever at 41 years old! #medicalmedium #celeryjuice #celeryjuicebenefits #celeryjuiceheals #teamceleryjuice #everydamnday #lifechangingfoods #healingfibromyalgia #healingebv #healing #heal #strongereachday #medicalmediumprotocol #medicalmediumcommunity