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I haven’t been posting as much lately and I think that’s because I’m a bit all over the place with my posts! I’m not sure what to share sometimes (most of the time). So, I thought I could do a little intro about who I am and what I stand for to help you get to know me better, which in turn will help me share parts of my life in a way that’s hopefully of value to you! So here’s Kaveets in a nutshell ♀️...
Main thing: I’m super open and open-minded and I’m working hard to be better and I’m well aware there’s a long way to go!
Im the founder and owner of @dashingdate, a speed dating and matchmaking company. I am pretty much always working but I’m good at turning it all off when I really need to. I’m also good at forcing myself to take breaks even if it doesn’t feel necessary.
Dashing Date is my second business. I previously had a tech start up called and before that I worked at Bombardier.
I can talk about dating, business and all kinds of self improvement stuff till the ☀️ comes up.
I love questioning everything and strongly believe in going against the herd and leaning into most things that feel super uncomfortable.
I’ve gotten really good at saying no and staying away from situations and relationships where I can’t offer value to others. Or at least benefit from.
I love collaborating, teaming up and always open to brainstorming about cool ideas that’ll change the world. (Hit me up)
Other tidbits: I’m 33. I’m born and raised in beautiful Montreal. I have the best boyfriend ever. I don’t speak French but I’m learning. I like alcohol. I love food. I’m picky about who I’m friends with and obsessed with the ones I picked. I’ve been to school in both India and Thailand . I’ve been a pescatarian for over 10 years. Im always on some kind of diet ♀️. My mom is insanely cool. I’m a good cook. I love eating keto. I’m a bit of a weirdo. I’m a Virgo. I play poker. I meditate. I had the best dog ever for 14 years, he passed away in January ❤️.
I also just realized why my posts are all over the place . Thanks for reading!!
A JumpWithKiara spotted in her natural habitat..
This is what I usually do.. making all kinds of fun and completely different programs for my clients, designing new jump rope fitness classes, and studying for school, answering questions and learning about you!!!
Now to make this caption of "quality", I'd like to help you with something.
VISUALIZING something is entirely the reason why most successful athletes persevere. Visualizing a movement or a win is the sole action that makes the difference. So.. if you cant get that DOUBLE UNDER, or that CROSS, or that BOXER STEP.... close your eyes, visualize it, try it, fail, sleep, succeed. This is the recipe that I've seen win EVERY TIME with each of my jump Students and with myself. Please. Try it
I hope I've helped someone. Let me know, as always, I'm only a comment/DM away!
PS I also have been working on my blog! It's almost ready .
Thanks @starbuckscanada for getting me out of the house and into the real world on weekends
⚕️BODY TYPES: In my opinion, based on a number of facts, your body type will dictate how much muscle you gain and how quickly. There are three common body types: (I'm also convinced that we can be a combo of each.. like a sliding scale)
✌So, depending on which category you would fall into; jump rope intensity and program would have to tie into your goals.
✌Some body types build more muscle faster in some areas. Some body types do this all over, and others cannot build muscle quickly.
✌✌However, this should not be taken as a limitation. Everybody can build and maintain muscle, it's just that everybody's body (lol) responds differently.
Lastly, Jump rope can definitely, and does break down muscle. Then it gets repaired, so I consider this building muscle.
Fun fact: my body is closest to that of a mesomorph for my lower half, as it builds muscle very quickly. However on the upper region, it takes more time.
#bodytypes #musclebuilding
March 15th I'll be performing live in Montreal, bunch of great artists, fashion show ( I'll be modeling too !)... Rafelle lounge is the place to be !!! DM for info !!! @jaymonroephotography -
#femalerapper #femaleartist #canadianartist #risingstar #talentedartist #mtl #songwritter #songwritter #linkinbio #allmajorplatforms #spotify #applemusic #itunes #attitude #rookie #excusemyfrench #newep #dopemusic #cokeboys #gijace #wefinnagohard #yasss #showtime #mtlrap #mtlhiphop #mtl514 #golddimes #golddimesoutfit
BREATHE! As we scroll through your feed, we sometimes forget to actually breathe! I care as much for your mental health as I care for your physical health
I was jumping on a beautiful early morning to the sound of church bells it was so peaceful and CLEARLY so much fun!
⁉️I was just wondering.. do you follow my page as part of the jump rope community? If not, then I'm so curious to know why! I love making new connections
When you feeling yourself before your show !!!
#showtime #femalerapper #femaleartist #canadianartist #risingstar #talentedartist #mtl #songwritter #milwaukee #watchme #watchthewave #gijace #linkinbio #rapmusic #mtl514 #mtlrap #montrealhiphop #recordingartist #confident #grownandsexy #bossbitch #mirrorselfie #selfie #feelingmyself #rookie #excusemyfrench #newep #cokeboys #guess #allblackeverythang