perfectionism mentalhealth anxiety psychology recovery perfectionist selfcare selfcompassion selflove anxietydisorder beauty selfacceptance inspiration motivation ocdrecovery therapy 2ndammendment 45glock 9mmpistol 9x19 aesthetic america arpistolbuild cainarms cainarmsllc connection counseling depression perfectionist
This is my FAVORITE definition of perfectionism because I believe it captures perfectionism at its core. You know what else? PERFECTIONISM IS A SHIELD (another Brene Brown reference). When I aimed to have the perfect life, it was really just me hiding behind my coat of armor, my perfectionism shield. I hoped that my shield would protect me from being criticized, shamed, and seen as less than.
When we hide behind our shields, we hide ALL parts of us. Not just the parts we are afraid to show others like the perceived "negative" or "imperfect" parts of us. When our shields are up, we also hide our joy, our silliness, our creativity.... you know, the parts of us that makes us who we really are.
So together, let's put down our shields so we can have real authentic relationships with ourselves and others.
Oh, and if you are looking for more on perfectionism, download my FREE Ebook, 10 Steps to Overcome Perfectionism for Good! #linkinbio.
#perfectionism #perfectionist #recoveringperfectionist #effperfect #nomoreperfectionism #breakfreefromperfectionism #personalgrowth #selflove #selfcompassion #mindfulness #bosslady #mompreneur
No apology needed! I could add other things to this list but this is a good start and today is a great day to LIVE LOVED! .
Live from a place of such security that you can lay down performance, perfectionism, and people pleasing. Let yourself experience peace in choices that reflect what YOU need. Remember you are deeply loved by the One who created you. Let’s live from that place of being loved today. No apologies needed. - Amber
(Image Source unknown)
#liveloved #noapologies #noapologyneeded #boundaries #choices #recovery #health #performance #perfectionism #peoplepleasing #12steps #freedom #codependency #selfcare #soulcare #letitbe #trust #rest #believe #enneagram #enneagram1 #enneagram2 #youareloved #godlovesyou #singlemoms #singledads #singleparents #family #relationships #firstmostbest
I’ve done all of these (though typically the dark spirit summoning isn’t my style !)⠀
⬆️This illustration⬆️ from @lizandmollie hits on ideas from all three of what I call “Coping Skills Buckets.” ⠀
✅ GROUNDING (anything sensory that brings you back to the present, like taking deep breaths or going for a walk and feeling your body move and the air on your face)⠀
✅ DISTRACTING (anything you can do to occupy your mental energy and focus in the moment, like a puzzle, calling a friend, hugging a dog, playing a game, watching a show, listening to a podcast, etc.)⠀
✅ VISUALIZATION (meditation and mindfulness exercises that help you take a more curious, observational approach to thoughts and feelings and detach from them)⠀
What’s one of your favorite ways to respond to your anxiety? I’m always looking for new ideas!
I was recently in a social setting with a group of people who had lots of opinions and beliefs that differed from my own. As we talked, we ended up in a few heated debates. After awhile, I found myself biting my tongue or changing the subject. ⠀
I’ve learned from experience though that speaking up EVERY time I disagree with someone can get exhausting. It can also wreak havoc on relationships. The key is knowing how to distinguish between a battle worth entering and one worth walking away from.⠀
The internal self-check I like to do when invited to battle is to ask myself:⠀
✔️Will this be valuable for my relationship with the other person?⠀
✔️Will this be valuable for my mental health?⠀
✔️Do I have the internal resources (time, energy, patience, etc.) to engage on this topic right now?⠀
✔️Am I focused on proving I’m “right,” or am I focused on sharing my views while still respecting our differences?⠀
✔️Am I being treated with respect by the other person involved?⠀
Nobody else gets to tell you what the right balance is for you. Only you know when it’s a battle worth entering, and when you’re better served to sit it out. ⠀
What other questions do you ask yourself when deciding whether a battle is worth fighting? Share below!⠀
(Image credit @riskhappy )
“But I don’t want to get lazy!” If I had a dollar for every time a client said this to me when I suggested they take a little recharge time, I’d be writing this post from my yacht on the Mediterranean ⠀
⬆️This⬆️ might be one of the hardest lessons to learn (shout out to my fellow #recoveringperfectionists )!⠀
We live in a culture that’s kinda obsessed with productivity. There’s this intense mentality about hustle, hustle, hustle.⠀
The issue with a society that pushes everyone to ignore the need for rest is that we eventually crash. We ignore our inner cues for so long that we don’t see a breakdown coming. Maybe the breakdown comes in the form of a physical health problem, panic attack, or prolonged dependence on numbing out with drugs or alcohol. Or maybe instead of a breakdown, you swing to the other extreme and binge eat/ binge sleep/ binge scroll social media anytime you have a moment of peace.⠀
➡️ Resting is not lazy.⠀
➡️ Doing nothing can be just as important as doing all the things.⠀
➡️ You are not better than anyone because you worked a 60-hour week.⠀
➡️ You are not more successful than anyone because you went to the gym every day this week.⠀
To recover from lots of work we need some chill. To recover from lots of physical movement we need some physical inactivity. To recover from lots of social time we need some solitude. ⠀
Our bodies and minds demand balance, so we can either acquiesce willingly or wait until we’re forced. ♀️ ⠀
What would be different about your life if you believed the statement above?⠀
(Image credit @kindness_is_everything_x_o_x_o )
I love this statement for how true it is. There’s so much confusion in it. ✨
I mean, where to even begin?
Being liked happens a lot to deeply empathetic people because of the way we make others feel about themselves. (Seen. Appreciated. Special.)
Intrinsically, this is a lovely trait. However.
It’s a slippery slope from here to people pleasing. And if you’re anything like me, people pleasing can become a deeply protective mechanism.
Especially as we move closer to our own truth. The idea of disinteresting a follower on Instagram, for example, if I shift my focus. The random judgement of people whose opinions I don’t really (honestly) value if I were to stand up and say, Hey. This is what I’m doing now.
We feel all that tension and it’s scary.
The magic, as we move toward our hearts and our truth, is in not minding that they won’t like it. It’s in releasing the self-protective side of us that feels compelled to make everyone comfortable all the time.
What if: we saved the energy that gets used up charming random people and channeled it toward () genuinely not giving a f*ck?
It’s a muscle, it’ll take practice. And sooooo much easier said than done, I know. But I think awareness of the thought starts this important ball rolling. ✨
Our truth, magic, freedom and beauty wait for us on the other side.
(Can you do this, somewhere in your own head today? It’s safe there (ideally ) and I totally believe in you.) ✨
: @_introvertfeelings
When we try to distract ourselves from our intrusive thoughts we reinforce that that thought is dangerous, valid, meaningful, and to be avoided. This naturally reinforces the thought to keep coming back. Distraction may look like trying to ignore an intrusive thought or trying to change what you are thinking about to something less anxiety provoking. It may look like scrolling through your phone looking for an escape. These are pretty natural gut reactions to discomfort, but when doing ERP this will lead to mistrials (undoing any benefit you may have received from conducting an exposure) and doesn’t allow us to show ourselves that we can tolerate discomfort. Plus, there’s a good chance the thought and anxiety will be there waiting for you when you are done distracting. Distraction doesn’t help us meet our goal of a life without anxiety making decisions for us. I believe in everyone’s ability to notice intrusive thoughts and feel the resulting anxiety without latching onto them or trying to distract from them. I believe in YOU.
#ocd #ocdrecovery #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #intrusivethoughts #compulsion #pedophileocd #harmocd #scrupulosity #relationshipocd #contamination #pureocd #anxiety #doubt #fear #anxietydisorder #sexualorientationocd #perfectionism #uncertainty #mentalhealth #panic #exposureresponseprevention #ocdrecovery #mindfulness #exposure #cbt #recovery #yougotthis #psychology #selfcompassion #wecandohardthings
This week is all about coping statements!!! What we are going to do is explore some coping statements that can help move you TOWARDS facing fear.
The goal here is to feel empowered to stare your fear in the face without engaging in safety seeking behaviors.
This coping statement was one given by a follower in yesterday’s post and I love it so much.
Try it out and let me know what you think. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
#ocd #anxietydisorder #ocdawareness #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #harmocd #hocd #compulsion #erp #exposuretherapy #pureocd #cbt #panicdisorder #anxietytherapist #ocdrecovery #anxietyattacks #anxietysucks #panicattack #mentalhealth #mentalillness #panicdisorder #relationshipocd #perfectionism #exposureresponseprevention #intrusivethoughts #pureo #depressionsupport #anxietyquotes #uncertainty #itsabeautifuldaytodohardthings #bfrbawareness #bfrb
Most times we think of self harm only as “cutting, burning or heating oneself physically.”
We need to underhand that most self harm does not even have to do with wanting to kill oneself or suicidality.
Most self harm serves a PURPOSE- to feel in control of something or a part of ourselves and to distract ourselves from our emotional pain.
There are a lot of ways we can engage in self harm subconsciously or even in ways that we may get praised for. ✨Ahem intermittent fasting✨, you kind of sound like starvation to me.
Dieting is one of the MOST culturally acceptance forms of self harm. We shrink our body and try to make it look a certain way in attempts to feel better about ourselves emotionally.
I’m not saying ALL dieting is self harm- I don’t believe in absolutes. But I think it’s a particularly sneaky one.
Whenever we continuously dishonor our needs, whether they are physical (like hunger), we are subliminally engaging in self harm.⠀
When looking at our needs it’s helpful to perceive them in 6 broad categories (also represented as the “Self Care Wheel” created by Olga Phoneix).
- spiritual
- emotional
- physical
- personal
- professional⠀
- psychological
Notice where you are not meeting your needs and see if you can start this weekend!
#selfharm #dietculture #proudhaesprovider #haes #riotsnotdiets #anxietyrelief #perfectionism #edrecovery #bulimiarecovery #edwarrior