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The 1st post of my new theme "Seasons"❄️
We start with winter❄️
* {Reign} Haven't seen it yet * {Mirror Mirror} Always watch it in winter
* {North and South} One of my favorites❣
* {Victoria} Really like winter and Christmas episodes
* {War and Peace} I prefer other movie with Audrie
* {Red riding hood } Not bad at all
* {Cranford} A little funny
* {Penny Dreadful} Haven't seen it yet too. #newtheme #seasons #winter #snow #christmas #reign #pennydreadful #warandpeace #mirrormirror #lilycollins #redridinghood #cranford #victoria #northandsouth #perioddrama #movie #series
Biographical information
Name: Jane Eyre
Nationality: English
Heroine of the book: "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte
Married: Mr Rochester
Family: Sent-John, Mary and Diana
Appearance: not very beatiful, small like an elf✨
Character: Well-read, polite, modest, affectionate, but having self-esteem and pride girl. #janeeyre2011 #janeeyre #charlottebronte #book #novel #series #mrrochester #ruthwilson #miawasikowska #woman #character #perioddrama #perioddress #mustread #19century #history