polosmak предприниматель бизнес барнаул бизнестренер консультации likeforlikes liketime коучинг полосьмакроман бизнескоуч бмбарнаул чтение inatagood instagirls instagood instagram goodday l4like multiculturalism nederland polski коуч chernigov fentezi smail бм консалтинг разборбизнеса стартап бизнесмолодостьульяновск
Next move onto the Polish Supermarket. I am losing that intimidation I used to feel about the Polish language. I was actually understanding some of the spoken stuff. “French onion soup” the French bit is the same as Croatian, the onion bit looks like cebolla in Spanish or even цибуля in Ukrainian. So I guess the two slavic languages I learned help! #polyglot #polskisupermarket #polski #nederland #multiculturalism #slaviclanguages #polosmak