pornharms purifyyourgaze recovery love addiction healing pornaddiction chooseintimacy fightthenewdrug areyounotentertained dignity islam mattfradd ncose putdownthescreens attorneygeneralsessions boundariesarebeautiful boundariesarebiblical christianmen feminism health jeshua jesus kvinnosaken marriage obscenityprosecutions pornaddictionrecovery pornkillslove radikalfeminism responsiblefreedom quranjournaling
You can't quit something that is constantly on your mind.
Don't turn quitting porn into a belief. Don't turn #NoFap into a religion. Don't turn being porn free into a crusade.
Focus on positivity. Focus on what you want to become, not on what you want to quit.
Don't focus on porn.
Focus on you.
#thepornsolution #pornification #nofap #nomasturbation #nopmo #pornkillslove #fightthenewdrug #antiporn #pornaddiction #rebooting #pornharms #pornography #quitporn #yourbrainonporn #kcnfo #porn #love #motivation #addiction #addictionrecovery #selflove #mentalhealth #psychology #anxietyanddepression #emotionalhealing #addiction
Earlier this week our wonderful VP of Advocacy, Haley Halverson, testified before Maryland state legislature about the research showing the impacts of pornography on violence against women!
Joining her in giving testimony was Patrina Mosley, the Director of Life, Culture, and Women's Advocacy at @frcdc. Together, these two women and other experts presented a voice of reason to the MD legislature, which we hope will persuade them to declare pornography a public health harm. In addition to their expert testimonies, a Maryland college student shared her own experiences with how porn has impacted her campus. The #MeTooMovement has shown the world how powerful personal testimony is, so we were so happy her voice was included in the discussion!
We really hope that, after hearing the evidence of the negative effects of pornography in so many areas of life, Maryland state legislators will choose to stand for human dignity!
#metoo #endvaw #pornharms #beavoice #advocate #activism #standup #humandignity #publichealth