research_understand research researchanddevelopment researchlife researchers researching researchpaper researcher researchpapers researchmethods researchstudy urbanresearch prilaga marketresearch doyourownresearch researchgate researchmethodology designresearch medicalresearch researchisthereason urbanresearchdoors researchflatearth researchlab science cancerresearch cleanscriptgroup researchproject researchtrip researchassistant clinicalresearch growsales
Has @instagram started asking you to choose between two photos from two different accounts to “understand you better”? This ten question survey showed up tonight and it was new to me. I had to choose either Account 1 or Account 2 (they were all accounts I was already following). It looks like Instagram is letting the users give some real direct input to the algorithm. ·
#research #instagram #researching #researchers #researchanddevelopment #research_understand #instagramers #insta #fractal #algorithmic #design #changesarecoming #changescoming #change #algorithm #algorithms #app #apps #application #software #development #softwarefollowers #softwareinstagram #softwarefollower #softwaredeveloper #instagramalgorithm #rnd
This is where the magic happens at the @umddoglab We had so much fun participating in the Canine Language Perception Lab. If you haven’t already done it, go! Details on how to contact them are on their page! #lfldogs #leashfreeliving #dogsofinstagram #research #dog #science #dogs #researcher #dogstagram #researching #instadog #researchers #puppy #researchpaper #doglover #researchanddevelopment #dogoftheday #research_understand #dogs_of_instagram #researchpapers #dogslife #researchlife #ilovemydog #researchtrip #cute
Thanks to IXA research group for believe in my qualification to assist #dl4nlp seminary , maybe my future is on this lands applying some AI techniques ;)) °
#research #science #researcher #researching #researchers #researchpaper #researchanddevelopment #research_understand #researchpapers #researchlife
This post is a brief synthesis of all my research about how today's environmental facts affect our nutrition. As you can see regular nutrition is not able to provide what is necessary for our bodies. That's why I am a firm believer of supplementation. But of course not just any supplementation it should be 100% natural and it should provide all the essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need on a daily basis.
Back at school in ‘19 @wintecmediaarts doing my Honours. It was primo looking at the entire facility and looking at what I can tutu with . But then it dawned on me - full time work; full time study; full time whanau - I don’t have time to tutu . Looking forward to the challenge though.
I did today ! Today you are where your thoughts took you, tomorrow will be where they take you. ( James Allen) ☕️ Eu fiz hoje ! Hoje você está onde os seus pensamentos o levaram , amanhã vai estar onde eles o levarem ! ( James Allen) ☕️ #microbiology#cientifico #science #sciencenews #microbiology #microbiologylab #microbiology_microbiology #bacterial#medicine#biomedicina #biologia#biologystudent #biologyclass #medicinals #clinical#universidad #biologia #medicina#biomedicina#fiocruz#uerj#rj#divulgacaocientifica #diariodeumamicrobiologista #laboratorywork #worldmicrobiologist #microbiologists #microbiome #research #research_understand #pathology #cienciasbiologicas #
Do not give up on your dreams. A great week for all. Diary of a microbiologist Não desista dos seus sonhos . Uma ótima semana para todos . Diário de uma microbiologista #biologia #science #research #scientific #microbio #microbiology #microbiologie #microbiologists #biologia #medicina#biomedicina #sienceinsport #pathology #microbiology_microbiology #microbiology_lab #culture #bacterial #bacterialinfection #brazil#divulgacaocientifica #sciencenews #fiocruz#uerj#mestranda #research #studentmicrobiology #microscope #universodabio #research_understand #asmr#microbio #medicine #cientificos #