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Hashtags for theme #ROCKBLADES

Heres a little taste of Salsa's daily treatments! love how @soreno_more and @rocktape relax salsa and put her muscles at ease This whole process litterly only adds. 20 minutes to our workout and its time well spent! ⏰ save on #SORENOMORE Poultice like you see here directly at @arenushealth Website using code PRP-82562 . . #barrelhorsesofinstagram #barrelracerland #barrelracers #1dbarrelhorse #barrelracinghorse #quarterhorses #aqha #americanquarterhorse #kinesiology #rocktapeequine #rockblades #rocktapefmt #fmtcertified #teamarenus #arenushealth #arenusambassador #horsehealth #pnw #Oregon #tapedtuesday #microbrew

Hashtags for theme #ROCKBLADES

Movement of the day. 90/90 transfer good mornings. This movement was a lot more challenging in real life then it was in my head. The 90/90 transfer is tough on its own if you do it right, but adding the bar made it substantially more challenging. This is a great all encompassing movement. You get hip mobility, core work and strengthening of the external rotators of your all in one. It took me a few sets to loosen up and feel fluid with it. Try it out! Happy Sunday!

Hashtags for theme #ROCKBLADES

Recap FT Summit 19 3 Days, 700 participants, 30 or more speakers. You could definitely say that this years @perform_better_europe Functional Training Summit was very Brain driven. Neuro Athletic Training everywhere. So Dr. Eric Cobb and @zhealth_performance couldn’t miss it, as well as Dr. Perry from @stopchasingpain . I‘m very honored to learn from this global experts and call them friends. My own lectures about the @rocktape concept were so much fun and showed how much our content fits in the modern way of pain science and brain based movement and rehabilitation. #skintelligence And than there was the crew. No words that could describe what an amazing work and spirit they put into these days, educating, taping, helping and spreading the #rocktapelifestyle @carlo_trs @claudio_leona @denlai.thephysio @sam_sportsclub @coachmontanez @lifting_jasm Seeing my new article about movement and emotions in the new @ft_magazin New faces ‍♂️‍♀️ I lost my voice already on the second day from all the very intense and funny talks. Thank you all for this. Last but not least. @moving.monkey Leon, you beat me at the Tennis court, always throws around ideas and stuff I never heard of and made my core hurting from all the laughing we had. There is so much more to come Overall a great event and I will come back. #rocktape #ftsummit #education

Hashtags for theme #ROCKBLADES

Катана от лучших мастеров Окинавы Теперь я еще беспощадней к недугам Приходите, будет весело ИИИ БУУУДЬТЕ ЗДОРОВЫ #лечениеспиныкраснодар#фитнесс#фитнесскраснодар#висцеральныймассажкраснодар#IASTM#иммт#FDM#нарушениеосанки#спорткраснодар#реабилитация#лечениепозвоночника#здоровьеспины#cuppig#cuppingtherapy#rockblades#endiglow

Hashtags for theme #ROCKBLADES

P365 Episode 1547: ISTM To Down Regulate Forearm Pump. @rocktape #rockblades Keep watching on

Hashtags for theme #ROCKBLADES

Ready for your mind to be blown Check out this improved range of motion on my boy Brandon. Tight hammies can limit mobility!‍♀️ Manual therapies such as IASTM, Theragun, and fascial stretching help break up that unwanted tension.⚡️Just after one small session, the improvement is incredible. Check it out!!! · · · · · · · · · · #hamstrings #tighthamstrings #rangeofmotion #theragun #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #deeptissuemassage #myofascialtherapy #softtissuetherapy #physicaltherapy #myofascialrelease #correctiveexercise #kinesiology #iastm #graston #rocktape #rockblades #savagemn #priorlakemn #burnsvillemn #applevalleymn #twincities #minnesota #lifetimefitness #fitness #painrelief #athleticperformance #recovery #movement

Hashtags for theme #ROCKBLADES

⏩Zwei Übungen, die hervorragend deine Beinmuskulatur stärken.⏪ 1.) Hamstring Extension to pull back✔️ 2.)Back Lunge ✔️ ➖ Sind zwei effektiv Übungen wo du einen glatten Untergrund und ein kleines Handtuch brauchst. ➖ Dein Körper und insbesondere deine Muskulatur werden durch gezieltes Krafttraining belastbarer und somit leistungsfähiger. Zudem sinkt das Verletzungsrisiko. #FCPerformance #athletictraining ##speedtraining #speed #performance #football #soccer #nutrition #mindset #motivation #soccertraining #footballtraining #soccergym #footballgym #fitness #workout #trainingsday #quickfeet #sportperformance #sprinting #power #strong #sports #train

Hashtags for theme #ROCKBLADES

FASCIA ・・・ Your body is held together by a big net called fascia. Take a look at how it moves and slides. ・・・ Fast facts about fascia: — 1️⃣ Fascia connects all connective tissues (that means the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and blood) 2️⃣ Fascia holds together the entire body. 3️⃣There are four different kinds of fascia (structural, intersectoral, visceral, and spinal), but they’re all connected. 4️⃣When it’s healthy, it’s flexible, supple, and it glides. ・・・ Benefits of keeping fascia healthy — ✅improved body symmetry and alignment increased blood flow, which means faster exercise recovery ✅reduced appearance of stretch marks and cellulite scar tissue breakdown ✅reduced risk of injury less day-to-day pain ✅improved sports performance ・・・ What causes unhealthy fascia? — •A sedentary lifestyle •poor posture •dehydration •overusing or injuring your muscles •unhealthy eating habits •poor sleep quality •stress - Video by @inbalancemuscletherapy .... #backtobasicstherapy #gingergenie #fascia #fascialstretchtherapy #fascialrelease #grastontechnique #rockblades #rocktape #anatomyandphysiology #interstitium #physiology #physio #humansareamazing #bodymechanics #biomechanics #skincare

Hashtags for theme #ROCKBLADES

Hip mobilization be like✌ Applying angled pressure to the hip joint to manually create accessory movement, stretch the joint capsule, and decompress the surrounding tissue. · · · · · · · · · · #hippain #glutestretch #mobilization #massagetherapy #massagetherapist #sportsmassage #myofascialtherapy #softtissuetherapy #structuralintegration #myofascialrelease #correctiveexercise #kinesiology #cupping #iastm #rocktape #rockblades #kinesiotape #savagemn #priorlakemn #burnsvillemn #applevalleymn #twincities #minnesota #lifetimefitness #gym #health #fitness #painrelief #athleticperformance #movement

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