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♦️Shin splints are very common amongst runners and other athletes that spend a lot of time jumping, running or just being on their feet. The pain is typically dull in nature and can actually be on either the medial or lateral side of the shin bone.
♦️There are several factors that can contribute to shin splints, but one of the most common factors is due to an increase in training load / intensity which causes the tibia (shin bone) to become irritated and the muscles around it to become overworked and inflamed.
Here are some of the strategies I use to reduce shin splint pain with my patients:
1️⃣Mini-Band Toe Lifts (Dorsiflexion + Isometric Control of Eversion)
2️⃣Mini-Band Toe Point + Roll Ins (Inversion)
3️⃣Mini-Band Toe Lifts + Turn Out (Dorsiflexion + Eversion + Hip Ext. Rotators)
4️⃣Heels Elevated Toe Lifts (Dorsiflexion with larger ROM & control)
5️⃣KB Toe Lift Ups with Hip Flexion (Dorsiflexion - pull toes / ankle up through full ROM)
6️⃣Ball Squeeze + Alternating Heel Raises / Toe Raises (Dorsiflexion + Plantarflexion + Post tib control)
7️⃣Alternating Double Leg (2) Hops + Single Leg Landing Drill (to improve control & awareness of lower limb during jumping and landing mechanics (plyos)
♦️These strategies help improve the tissue capacity by strengthening all of the muscles that surround the shin bone (tibia), as well as allow for a gradual graded progression back to running and jumping activities so your body is ready to handle the load which means less risk of future injuries.
If you found this helpful, feel free to save and share with your friends!
⬇️Also, let me know what other rehab videos you want me to make in the comments BELOW⬇️
@clinicalathlete #clinicalathlete #shinsplints #injuryrehab #runninginjury #footpain
STOP. Just stop. I don’t know if it’s because it’s a grouchy Monday over here or just the forever-long winter, but this post even required the caption to be up front and centre. .
We’ve had a few too many people coming around these parts who have had pain “forever” that they thought would just go away on its own. Okay, fair, I get it. I know it’s a hassle to make an appointment, leave work early, manage that awful Queen streetcar...but whenever I hear “and so I thought I’d just ice and rest it and then it was still painful”, a small part of my soul breaks away, flows into the Patient Sadness Underworld, and is never to be seen again.
This isn’t about money, popularity, testimonials or reviews. This is about sharing that there are people who are very well-versed in these types of things, and who’s sole career purpose is to knowledge share with you and get you going on a PLAN to get back on track. I know it’s a pain. No one really likes coming here. We cost you money and valuable time. But we try to make it as painless as possible. So please, stop running injured!
The key to coming back from an injury should not be a passive approach. There are definitely moments where passive modalities can help to ease symptoms but if we don't incorporate the active components then we are missing the big picture.
The base in the pyramid is load and volume management. Is there a certain intensity or volume you can perform without flaring up the symptoms? That is always the low hanging fruit. Remember that If you can do this then you can also incorporate everything else above this level.
If you cannot find a load or volume that keeps your symptoms at bay try to manipulate the tempo or time under tension(TUT). Incorporating tempo work can help load tissues with lighter intensity. Using isometric contractions as well have shown to provide pain relief while increasing capacity.
Next, we can look at modifying the training as a whole. If the previous step did not work, we can temporarily change the biomechanics to change where the demands are placed and find a variation that can be trained without discomfort.
If the injury is acute and sensitive then we can train around that body part. If it's a knee injury then work on the hips, feet and core. You can do this with almost any body part and strengthening the surrounding muscles can help increase performance through irradiation.
Now if you really can't even train close to that body part then train energy systems. For example, if you're unable to bear weight on your legs then train your upper body. You can still incorporate assault bikes with just the arms, using battle ropes, etc. The work:rest ratios can be manipulated in order to train different energy systems(aerobic, anaerobic, etc). This can give you a bigger base to build from as we respect tissue healing time frames.
At last…there is rest. Rest is always an option but remember everything above where you can work on the pyramid can be incorporated as well. This is just a diagram and a framework. If you have an injury of some sort, I recommend you consult with a physical therapist and/or healthcare professional.
Shin Splints Rehab Exercises
by @thephysiofix
• • • • •
♦️Shin splints are very common amongst runners and other athletes that spend a lot of time jumping, running or just being on their feet. The pain is typically dull in nature and can actually be on either the medial or lateral side of the shin bone.
♦️There are several factors that can contribute to shin splints, but one of the most common factors is due to an increase in training load / intensity which causes the tibia (shin bone) to become irritated and the muscles around it to become overworked and inflamed.
Here are some of the strategies I use to reduce shin splint pain with my patients:
1️⃣Mini-Band Toe Lifts (Dorsiflexion + Isometric Control of Eversion)
2️⃣Mini-Band Toe Point + Roll Ins (Inversion)
3️⃣Mini-Band Toe Lifts + Turn Out (Dorsiflexion + Eversion + Hip Ext. Rotators)
4️⃣Heels Elevated Toe Lifts (Dorsiflexion with larger ROM & control)
5️⃣KB Toe Lift Ups with Hip Flexion (Dorsiflexion - pull toes / ankle up through full ROM)
6️⃣Ball Squeeze + Alternating Heel Raises / Toe Raises (Dorsiflexion + Plantarflexion + Post tib control)
7️⃣Alternating Double Leg (2) Hops + Single Leg Landing Drill (to improve control & awareness of lower limb during jumping and landing mechanics (plyos)
♦️These strategies help improve the tissue capacity by strengthening all of the muscles that surround the shin bone (tibia), as well as allow for a gradual graded progression back to running and jumping activities so your body is ready to handle the load which means less risk of future injuries.
If you found this helpful, feel free to save and share with your friends!
⬇️Also, let me know what other rehab videos you want me to make in the comments BELOW⬇️
#clinicalathlete #shinsplints #injuryrehab #runninginjury #footpain #shinpain #physio #injuryprevention #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #health #education #fitness
As a runner, I’ve struggled with plantar fasciitis on and off for years I’ve tried so many treatment strategies that have only provided me with very temporary results I’m so happy I found PROFOOT Plantar Fasciitis insoles from @profoot_inc They cradle the heel and are made with Vita Foam XD which molds right to the foot for shock absorption these super comfortable insoles help fight the inflammation and achy pain that comes with plantar fasciitis and has truly helped my feet feel the best they have felt in a while! If you’ve been struggling with heel pain, I highly recommend these light and comfy insoles they come in men’s and women’s sizes and you can find them at Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, and Amazon #lifechanginginserts #myprofoot #profootproducts #ad
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#fixitfriday with a little resistance band foot fix for your poor peroneals. Be sure resistance is around the ball of your foot and that the movement is isolated at your foot/ankle and not at your knee or hip. Enjoy!
✔TAG a friend that needs to do this because #sharingiscaring ❤
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That comeback is always stronger than the setback♀️
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