smilethroughthepain chronicillness autoimmune chroniclife chronicpain chronicpainawarness chronicpainsurvivor chronicpainwarrior crps disability doen fibromyalgia invisibleillness invisibleillnessawarness pain painsucks painwarrior smile spoonie spoonielife spoonieproblems spooniestrong spooniewarrior chromicfatigue endurance fatigue health heretohelp piercings acutepancreatitis
✨ KNOW WHEN TO PUT YOURSELF 1ST ✨ of THE BIGGEST lessons I’ve learned over the past few years is that people are going to do what’s best for them. PERIODT.
If you’re like me, I’ve really struggled with this concept for most of my life and have seen my habits creep into my business life.
While I’m twisting myself into a for the benefit, consideration, and protection of others, they’re living their best life, without me in mind!! My friends always get on me about this.
Who else has experienced this?!? Moral of the story: SECURE THE BAG !! “The Bag” being your self worth, self LOVE, financial independence, and peace of mind.
Because folks will hold your hand and walk you to the edge, whispering their “forevers” and grand promises...only to let you jump off the cliff by yourself.
Trust me, a lot of the people you’re jumping through all those hoops for, won’t do it for you on their best day. ♀️ Hey, when we know better, we do better. ( least we try ) ✨
So give without expectation!
Dream big!
Put in the work!!
Learn to make yourself a priority.
Build a tribe that claps when you win!
#thismessagewasformetoo #foreverdontlastthatlongsis #drigwedds #leanonyourself #thankfulformytribe #periodt
✨ S M I L E M O R E ✨
Please take a moment today to appreciate your progress. No matter how far away you may be from the goal, stop right now and SMILE about how far you’ve come! There was a moment in your life when you didn’t even think you would have made it here.
We are often our biggest critics. The things we shame ourselves for on a daily basis aren’t even the focus of the people that LOVE us. “I hate my smile...I’m too fat...too skinny...If I was rich all my problems would go away...I hate my hips, I wish I had perfect teeth...” and the list goes on.... I smile a lot, not because I don’t have insecurities, worries, doubt, wounds, and sad days....
I choose to SMILE because we often have to be intentional about letting our LIGHT pierce through our darkest days. It’s how I honor the things in my life that ARE going well, that have’s how I let Creation know how thankful I am for the people that DO show up, that support and LOVE on me.
It’s not always easy but we owe it to ourselves to fight. We may fall short, stumble, trip and fall flat on our faces. But it’s worth it to get back up and try again. We’re so worth it, even when they try to convince us we’re not. Even as a young girl, I never thought my external attributes were my superpower...I KNEW it was my HEART.
So I’m challenging everyone to SMILE MORE!!!
#drigwedds #selfLOVE #selfcare #iLOVEtoseeyouSMILE
Her parents were told she wouldn’t be able to walk when she was a baby due to her getting diagnosed with spina bifida but now look at her. She’s a star girl
@caaparker_ on TW
#determination #growth #health #miracles #song #music #strong #showlove #love #kidshealth #smilethroughthepain #warrior #miracle #survivor
SURGICAL plan! "You can't have creativity without vulnerability." Madonna said this on the news this morning & I couldn't agree more. It has been hard coming up w/ material to write bc I haven't wanted to share the "non official surgical plan". The good thing is mentally I finally know deep down I need this surgery. I talked to my surgeons 2 days ago & found out my surgery may not happen until September I bawled my eyes out when I hung up the phone . It's far away. W/ the way things have progressed I regret cancelling surgery that was set for June 7th. I could be a week postop & in recovery but I wasn't ready for it in May. I firmly believe one must be mentally prepared going into any surgery.
Below my fusion is unstable. There was a glitch that happened & I didn't heal. I'm fused to L3. My fusion will be extended to my sacrum & SI joints. I'll have a tethered cord release. It's believed there's a stretch on my spinal cord due to new spine positioning. This can cause many neuro symptoms & I have a lot; my GI system, spine shifting L, legs weak, low back pain, inability to walk far, tingling in legs, clonus, spasticity, hyperreflexia, sacral dimples, scoliosis,'s screaming w/ a red flag. My thoracic fusion will be looked at too bc it feels like my rod is bending forward. This happened last year & I think it's due to TC. I think it's why I developed scoliosis after skull-T2 fusion. All my mobility will stem from my hips. It's a daunting surgery. I'm scared but I'm stuck between a rock & a hard place.
My brain has been all over for weeks trying to decide what to do so I'm yet to respond to comments but again, I've read. I'm thankful for the support & encouragement. One comment stands out & idk how to interpret it. So, I can't always control an EDS body. I can do everything right but it's not enough. So, like many w/ EDS I smile through a lot of BS
#EhlersDanlos #ehlersdanlossyndrome #chronicillness #chronicpain #chronicdisabilities #rawandreal #tetheredcord #spinalcordinjury #neurology #invisibleillness #invisibledisabilities #smilethroughthepain #healthjourney #roadtorecovery #neurogenicbladder #zebrastrong #hope
"It could be worse" or "My issue isn't as bad as yours". These are the 2 sayings I get told the most. Oddly, they're on polar opposites. Yes, it could be worse but that doesn't take away what I'm going through. It's so hard. It's not ideal. It's hard physically & emotionally. It's hard to see the toll on my family. It has been almost 14 yrs. of medical w/ what feels like non-stop surgery; 17 yrs. w/ mom's cancer. There is always going to be someone who has it "worse". To tell someone that, doesn't eliminate what the person is dealing w/. It doesn't take away the pain or all the emotions felt..
On the flip side, just bc someone has a different situation doesn't mean one needs to downplay what they deal w/. Many who comment will often write, "My issue isn't as bad as yours". You DO NOT need to write that!! Just bc my circumstances may be different doesn't mean you have to downplay what you're dealing w/. It has never been my intention to minimize others' experience. We all go through our own medical issues. None of us really know what it's like to feel another person's pain or live their life. It's sad there is "competition" in the medical world among patients & their family's. We're patients. We should all want to get better so we can have fun!! Idk about you but I certainly don't want any additional med problems thrown on my plate..
So, what's the point in saying, "Ya know, it could be worse but I hope you get well soon"? I know it's meant well but it drives me nuts. Why not just say, "I hope you get well soon."? If you ever want to share something personal bc you can relate or you just want to share, NEVER feel like you have to write, "It's not as bad as you" bc I'll just end up commenting back, "Don't minimize what you've gone through bc I've been through different". We're all in this together to some extent & should just want the same thing for one another: HEALTH!
The smiles on the L hide a lot if medical going on. You'd never know w/ my smile on the bottom L..
Top R: blood transfusion Sept. 2017 after surgery
Middle: intubated ICU Oct. 2018
Bottom R: halo removed & a lot if pain Oct. 2017
@ehlers.danlos @chronicloveclub @healthbeme .