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pretty easy beltless clean triple at 195. i went up to 205 but failed the last clean due to a double bounce, i’m trying hard to get rid of it so after i bounced i just dropped it because i wouldn’t have counted it lol. . -
also please don’t forget about my gofundme ecuador is getting closer and closer and i’m getting so excited! and if you’re interested in doing my weightlifting seminar please dm me☺️
@proven_activeapparel @autumocrossfit @fierroskitchen @dotfit @dotfit_pro @thechestee @usa_weightlifting @juggernauttraining #teamusa #squatclean #weightlifting #youthweightlifting #youthpanams #seeyasoonecuador
Build a heavy complex
Encore & toujours ce chamallow sous la barre ....
Bosse ton gainage me dit on dans l’oreillette
@wheelwod @adaptivetraining @iamadaptive
#crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitfrance #crossfitstrong #adaptive #adaptivecrossfit #adaptivetraining #onearm #noexcuses #clean #squat #squatclean #jerk #cleanandjerk #lift #weightlifting
Como hoje é quinta e é dia de #tbt não posso deixar passar em branco que a PR de Squat Clean está aumentando, 69 quilinhos encaixado ... rumo aos 75 ️♀️ .
Sempre evoluindo com o melhor treino do mundo do coach @rallicf
Com aquele abraço especial ao final do movimento na minha amiga que nos últimos meses além de amiga ta sendo minha "coach", por me ajudar a corrigir alguns detalhes e por confiar em mim @brunaleminski, obrigada por sempre acreditar em mim, sua ajuda é sempre bem vinda
Seguindo o plano alimentar do nutri @nutrileoguaitaneli que sabe das coisas a gente vai ficando mais forte . ✔
#crossfiteirosdefoz #crossfiteirosdobrasil #crossfit #crossfitters #crossfiteiras #squatclean #pr #crossfitbrasil #crossfitgirls #lpo #evolution #motivation
Fitness has become my passion. I have fallen in love with the direct connection to hard work & results. . ♀️Today I had the honor of working with CrossFit Majestic coach & athlete @phil_toon20 .
Not only did he teach me that almost everything I was doing was wrong but he completely transformed my clean & split jerk by teaching me knee position & eliminating my early elbow bend on my pull. .
If you want to become elite in any field, it is essential to surround yourself with experts in that field. .
Thank you so much for your insight & time today Phil! .
#gfit #gfitnation #gfitathlete #1stphorm #iam1stphorm #legionofboom #wedothework #duespaid #fitnessjourney #crossfitters #crossfitworkout #splitjerk #cleans #squatclean #squatcleans #girlswhocrossfit #girlygains #girlswithgains #eliteathlete #workhardgetresults #hardworkpays #goalgetter #strongereveryday @gfitnation