utepcampus utep elpaso utepminers college collegecampus collegelife utepbasics addictionfree alcoholicsanonymous alcoholprevention collegegraduate collegiaterecovery hope livetheexperience mentalhealth prevention recovery student support utepcrp utepunion weinthistogether youth addictionrecovery springsemester campus alcoholawarenessmonth juarez anipa utepcrp
#Repost @cherdani with @repostapp.
#utep #utepcampus #utepminers #friends @me6an_bc @utep_miners #temple #lighting #shadows #cityscape #city #elpasotx #eptx #elpaso411 #silhouette #outing #exploring #nightscape #night #snow #snowinthedesert #cold @igsouthwest #igerselpaso @visitelpaso @instagramtexas
In the far west Texas town of El Paso, you can find a salute to Bhutan at the University of Texas at El Paso. The universities buildings are inspired by Buthanese architecture. Buildings are tapered with deep inset windows and modernist flat roofs and pops of decorative tile. #utep #architecture #buhtan #elpaso #utepcampus #hintsofmidcentury #modernistroof #collegebuildings #universityoftexasatelpaso #elpasotexas
Campus D32 #aroundtheworldin110days #utep #utepcampus #buthanesestyle #slopedwalls #overhangingroof #wideoverhangingroof #decorativebrick #decorativebrickwork #instagramtravel #travelphotography #campusstroll #elpaso #westtexas #univertityoftexasatelpaso #univeritycampus #elpasotx #instatravel #westelpaso #latergram
Hey Y'all,
For my class project, we are doing a donation drive to make feminine hygiene products accessible to women in need on-campus and in our community! If you could please share to spread the word and donate to either of the locations on-campus that would be great! We are looking for products such as pads, tampons, feminine wash, diva cups, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me!! Thank you so much!! #utep #womensstudies #utep2019 #utepcampus #WS2300
Tropical pic taken in El Paso, TX! I'm getting ready for my Caribbean vacay with my sis coming in town today. A vacation is definitely needed after this busy month. Right?! Guess where we're going...
#ElPasoTexas #Tropical #MarriedtoaCaribbean #CaribbeanLife #VacayMode #LiveforVacations #TimeOff #NeedABreak #MyCaribbeanVacay #IslandLife #Cruise2018 #CarnivalCruise #CaribbeanVacation #MyLife #TropicalScenes #IGElPaso #FromElPaso #UTEPCampus #UTEP
Meet our Vp of Service Andres Guardado @martianinks ! One thing he likes about being In APO , is that he gets to have a good time providing service to others !! As you guys know we are a National Co-ed Service Fraternity, and even if we are enjoying our summer vacations ... We like to provide service to our campus .... #splashnsparks#utepcampus#LFS