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#렛헐메이크오버백옥에이드 . 하루 한포로 #밝음충전 언제 어디서든 밝아지는 건강한 습관 #백옥에이드 물없이도❗️입속에 톡톡~ 털어놓으며 끄으읕❗️ . ▶️ . #렛헐메이크오버 #lethermakeover #LHM #LHM서포터즈#whitejadeaid #백옥에이드 #아미노산비타민 #白玉美刻 #谷胱甘肽 #维生素 #kbeauty #koreancosmetics #korea #화장품 #화장품스타그램 #뷰티 #뷰티스타그램 #화장품그램 #코스메틱 #cosmetic #beauty #뷰티템 #뷰스타그램 #화장스타그램 #화장품추천 #인스타뷰티 #인스타뷰티그램 #코덕 @__l.h.m__

Hashtags for theme #WHITEJADEAID

[勁!由頭白到落腳趾尾!世界級美白沖飲!] WHITE JADE AID 白玉美白沖劑(現貨首賣) 雖然我林瘋青靚白淨度已經近乎完美,但為咗更白一層樓,早喺一年前我已經將泡菜國嘅美白產品逐一起底!無論是精華、是cream、還是美白丸,凡是有新嘢我都有白錯冇放過!拔池,試咗貢多花款都仲係試唔出咩大道理,說實在,我已經徹底迷失喺呢場美白遊戲之中...... Fine勞ly,我呢個狂白份子好不容易遇見一款美白強身嘅妙品喇! 近年令泡菜豬妹ss中晒針癮嘅韓國白玉美白針,以白雪公主為終生目標嘅你,一定略有所聞。所謂白玉美白針亦稱為美白抗氧注射,透過打針方式快速分解人體肌膚嘅黑色素,修復受損細胞,令全身肌膚由內而外白裡透紅。A!你唔好誤會,我唔是叫你走去打針呀!我林瘋都係一條淆底獸,打針呢家嘢,聽見都經已怕到打尿震!我想介紹嘅,其實係由泡菜國首席白玉美白針醫藥公司,聯同太平洋製藥公司技術生產嘅白玉AID美白沖劑! 白玉有個雷名叫谷胱甘肽(glutathione,GHS),係由谷氨酸、半胱氨酸及甘氨酸結合而成,有強大抗氧化及解毒功效,能夠激活細胞,改善血液循環,將體內有害毒物轉化為無害物質,再排出體外,保持正常兼健康嘅免疫系統功能!谷胱甘肽能夠糾正乙醢膽鹼、膽䶨酯酶嘅不平衡,為皮膚起抗過敏作用,延緩皮膚衰老,令黑色素自動波不歡而散,肌膚重新綻放光澤! WHITE JADE AID 白玉美白沖劑獲得美國FDA認證,不含防腐劑,笨且由SAMSUNG公司承擔保險!所以並不是咁易就有山寨貨冒到出嚟的!好!未正式飲白自己之前,我地再嚟睇睇個簡單而隆重嘅產品功效先! - 解毒 - 輻射病及輻射防護 - 保護肝臟 - 抗過敏 - 改善某些疾病的病情和症狀 - 養顏美容護膚 - 增加視力及眼科疾病 - 抗衰老作用 嘩嘩嘩!講到醫埋病咁犀飛利!但作為一個頭腦清醒嘅知識份子,雖然你個包裝係幾得體,但呢啲花言巧語我唔會信囉!我林瘋就即管check下你有冇吹大自己! 飲白GPS: 飲之前,我都有好醒咁睇下班泡菜妹有冇d咩提點下,發現十居其十都話會飲到慶恰恰兼且身痕痕?!吹到奇淫合歡散咁.......不過嚇我唔到嘅!一沖開,杯水會變為淺粉色,我當然一乾而盡啦!心諗又話一飲完就立馬有feel,個feel留咗喺南韓呀?殊不知3分鐘之後,我個胃忽然痛到hihi,gel緊頭都要不顧一切坐低抖抖,我頓時有種天堂有路我不走,地獄無門闖進來嘅犯賤感覺.... 好彩呢個咁hi痛嘅情況只係維持咗大約2-3分鐘!同時,我耳朵、頸同大脾亦開始又慶又吉,唔講仲以為我比人來回摑咗十巴.... 半個鐘之後,所有反應就隨風四散,我呢個不羈的瘋亦再度回復平靜。 懶醒嘅你,一定以為我胃痛同紅到晒傷咁係副作用啦!實情係飲用後,白玉刺激血管供血到細動脈及微絲血管,通過表皮反映出血紅蛋白,所以皮膚先會慶吉吉。而一向帶住個小胃病做人嘅我,第一次飲用刺激血管到胃位置,先會痛到來回地獄又折返人間,到夜晚果劑同打後再飲已經冇痛,只有紅燒豬耳同豬仔脾feel咁囉! 雖然我塊面尚算白淨,但由於一向四肢冇搽防曬,手臂其實暗塊面兩度有多,呢個問題一直困擾住我。我有試過飲FAxxL架,起初都見勢色對路,但一停飲,轉頭就變返不明不白..... 呢盒白玉美白沖劑,我試足兩個月見到有明顯效果先入貨,我自己到大約第三星期見效,班泡菜妹就平均第十五日有料到。我見白就收口停飲,到依家停咗兩星期,我對強而有力嘅臂彎都仲是白雪雪的!而WHITE JADE AID就標榜自己功效可以維持半年至一年,不管你信不信,反正我信了!講開又講,最近對眼連睇三集《海德哲基爾與我》都唔是太攰,唔知關唔關阿白玉事呢? 建議服用量及服用方法: 一日2次,朝早空肚及臨瞓前沖一包,加入100ml水攪勻服用。三盒為一療程,一盒20包可飲十日。* 過敏或特殊體質人仕,請將一包分為2次飲用或者在飯後進行服用。 注意事項: 1. 服用白玉AID-S後,即使皮膚會發紅或者發癢也請不要抓。 因皮膚裡的細菌通過脆弱的毛孔有可能會使皮膚感染,所以請不要抓,可輕輕按揉或者輕輕敲打。 2. 皮膚敏感與過敏體質人仕請先在飯後進行服用。如無異常,再進行空腹服用。 3. 胃潰瘍或胃炎患者有機會發生胃疼,所以請在飯後一小時後稀釋三分之一進行服用。 4. 孕婦與肝移植及腎臟不好的人請避免服用。 服後反應: 服用後三分鐘開始產生反應,皮膚紅熱,輕微伴隨著發癢,耳部和臉部尤為明顯。這都屬於正常藥物反應,反應都在接受範圍內,所以不必擔心。大概持續一小時後,反應會消失並恢復正常。如果受不了,可以選擇飯後服用,用200ml的水來稀釋,反應程度會小很多。服用後要多喝水,促進新陳代謝。

Hashtags for theme #WHITEJADEAID

My @_daint package came in today and I am so excited you guys! I recently heard about this company from the beautiful @skinsationdiary when she posted her Daint box and I was impressed. I've been dying to try the Hygee Essence that's so famous here on IG, and I've also been wanting to try out a Thank you Farmer product as well, so I'm pleased with this month's selection. I also wanted to thank the wonderful and beautiful Carmen, the owner of the company, for such a great box and such a great company . I personally love small and new businesses, as well as supporting our Canadian ones. I order a bunch from South Korea and from the States, so when the occasional Canadian company comes along I'm super happy and proud. Go Canada! . . . . For those of you who don't know, Daint is a new non- subscription box based here in good 'Ol Toronto Canada. It's a service that you do not have to commit to, so you no tying you down for all the commitment phobes like me . I recently read the @jecoeurblog article on her and how she overcame difficulties with her career choices,fears, and her self confidence, as well as how she first started her business. It was a great read, and I'm so proud and happy that she stuck through and committed to starting her dream job. Good for you dear, and I wish you all the best! I can't wait to see how well the Company does! Good luck! Fighting . . . ✨Hygee Step Facial Essence Balance . ✨Thank YOU Farmer Back to Iceland Cleansing foam. ✨Thank YOU Farmer samples. Miracle age repair line, BB and CC creams, and sun protection, and the true water line. ✨White Jade Aid White Cleansing Mask. ✨White Jade Aid Magic Glutathione Mask. ✨Hygee One Step Facial Essence Fresh sample. ✨Hygee One Step Facial Essence Balance. . . . .

Hashtags for theme #WHITEJADEAID

Do you need healthier, brighter, transparent skin tone!? White Jade Aid, Let Her Makeover. . . . #whitejadeaid #koreancosmetic #networking #business #tourist #korean #hot #cnd #cndblue #cndbluecompany #company #beauty #global #international #cosmetics #plasticsurgery #beauty #kbeauty #trend #team #antiaging #skincare #skin #dermatology #glutathione #distribution

Hashtags for theme #WHITEJADEAID

Roll on. Roll off. Breathe in through nose. Out the mouth. Roll on. Roll off. Don’t forget to breathe. Very important. (A little modified Wax On, Wax Off to prepare for our new green + white jade facial rollers. Coming soon.) ✨✨

Hashtags for theme #WHITEJADEAID

Last nights routine. Finally got to use the deep cleansing mask I received from @amabiebeauty and I really liked it! Clay masks are one of my favourite things for my combination skin and this was a great one! . . . @cosrx Low pH good morning gel cleanser. . Chulala Deep Cleansing Mask. . @bentoncosmetic Aloe BHA toner. . @deciem The Ordinary Niacinamide. . @deciem The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin. . @bentoncosmetic Snail Bee High Content Essence. . @107oneoseven Core Essential Essence. . White Jade Aid Magic cleansing Mask. . @zymogenkorea Houttuynia Cordata Ferment Serum. . @cosrx Centella Blemish Cream. . @paparecipe Bombee Lotion. . . . #whitejadeaid #sheetmask #smotd #deciem #theordinary #bentonsnailbeehighcontentessence #bentoncosmetics #zymogen #bentonaloebhaskintoner #oneoseven #cosrxgoodmorninggelcleanser #paparecipe #chulalamask #centellablemishcream #koreanskincare #kbeauty #asianbeauty #asianskincare #abskincare #abcommunity #skincareroutine #pmroutine #skinblogger #abskincare

Hashtags for theme #WHITEJADEAID

'I Love You' cream has two main functions; whitening & moisturizing. The capsules will provide your skin to become brighter and settled. . For more informatin contact us. . * Website : * E-mail : . . #cnd #cndblue #whitejadeaid #aquaaid #jungwonsy #brigetening #whitening #moisturize #kdoc #kdoctors #customized #aesthetic #cosmetic #product #genohill#g2cell #gene #korean #consultation #reservation #medical #tourism#tour #information

Hashtags for theme #WHITEJADEAID

Haul time! I finally got my Blossom box from @_daint and she is the sweetest young entrepreneur ever. This is my second box from her and she always make time to meet up and shop with me. Thank you so much. I know I'm not a easy person to be with ♥️ She pulled a granny move on me again by giving me extra freebies. I'm glad I got her a gift too beforehand because she felt BAD receiving it. Good now we share the same boat together Prelab Toning Peeling Taps Gentlemask: Aromatica Treatment Oil (This smells so divine even without opening the bottle ) The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Rose Hip Seed Oil* Serendi Beauty One Day Cream Mask Papa Recipe Sparkling Bubble Toc Mask* ♣️ White Jade Aid Magic Glutathione Mask* *Gifted I had 2 more duplicate masks from my box but a client's daughter wanted to try some masks with me so I gave her some. Hehehe If you're from Canada, US or U.K. and if you want to try some indie effective skincare, hola Daint up

Hashtags for theme #WHITEJADEAID

I love masking and does it almost everyday. I enjoyed writing reviews and sharing my thoughts on all of them. When @putihtalk offers a chance to win a variety of mask for sharing honest reviews on their platform, I didn’t hesitate. Their site was very easy to use. I share reviews of masks I’ve tried and include links to my reviews on Instagram. I’m so happy to share my love of masking on a different platform and grateful to win something I love and enjoy in return. A win win situation! Thank you @putihtalk for the awesome selection masks. Check out their page for your chance to win the next giveaway. Prize was for 6 masks items: #CELDERMA Ninetalks Hydrogel Mask #SNP Red Tension Firming Lifting Mask #Leegeehaam Vita Propolis Mask #Huxley Oil Extract Mask #Verite Real Power Shine up Mask #ImSorryForMySkin ultru 8 step travel kit But received these Bonus items as well: #feelject Disposable Syringe to store excess essence #ImSorryForMySkin Jelly Mask - Pore Care #SNP Rabbit Whitening Face Art Mask #WhiteJadeAid Magic Glutathione Mask

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