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I’m a breakfast fan. I’m a pizza fan. But I’m not into eggs, especially when I’m pregnant... I choose not to let this stop us from making the BEST breakfast pizza. ❤️ You need:
1 store-bought thin crust 1/2 package cream cheese [4 oz.]
1/2 lb. maple sausage [cooked and crumbled] — we prefer @bobevansfarms 1/2 a green apple [chopped into tiny pieces]
2 oz. each shredded sharp white cheddar and gouda
Preheat the oven according to the crust directions — you’ll bake it according to those directions too. [We bake on our @lodgecastiron] Make sure to brush some olive oil on the top and bottom of the crust. Soften the cream cheese and mix with the sausage — spread over the pizza. Sprinkle the apple pieces on next, then evenly top with shredded cheese. Bake, slice, and enjoy!
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