wimwenders cinema film movie jeanlucgodard nouvellevague paristexas wingsofdesire italy paris berlin chrismarker france outsiders peterhandke photography royalcollegeofartanimation truffaut abstraction agnesvarda alainresnais belatarr camus ericrohmer europeanart europeunion existentialism fellini germany вимвендерс
It's the perfect plan for the long weekend: @Le_Grand_Palais is hosting a free immersive exhibition every evening until Monday. Celebrating the work of the great German director, images from his iconic films are projected into the space to allow visitors to walk amongst them. As the director explained, "it's not cinema, it's not architecture... it's walking inside a film". From 'Wings of Desire' to Paris, Texas', you don't want to miss it!
#WimWenders #GrandPalais
So sorry to hear about the passing of Bruno Ganz , a great actor who played the Main angel in the movie "wings of desire" (where the bad seeds and crime performed) Will be missed , we are loosing the great ones... #brunoganz #wingsofdesire #wimwenders #nickcave #nickcaveandthebadseeds #crimeandthecitysolution
1. Michelangelo Antonioni "Il Deserto Rosso"
2. Andrey Zvyagintsev "Elena"
3. David Lynch "Ereaserhead"
4. David Lynch (photography)
5. Wim Wenders "Places strange and quiet" (photography series)
6. Andrei Tarkovsky "Stalker"
7. Wim Wenders "Places strange and quiet"
#cinematography #industrial #chimeneas #perro #dog #andreitarkovsky #fábricas #wimwenders #davidlynch #andreyzvyagintsev #michelangeloantonioni