espa vivaespa jaspal 28abril adiospedro amorespa catalu elecciones historiadeespa independencia librerarespa noganaran orgullodeserespa orgulloespa lynaround mistymynx promoshaklee shakleebandartasikpermaisuri shakleebandartunrazak shakleebrunei shakleecheras shakleekulimhitech shakleelunas shakleesabah shakleesarawak shakleesingapore shakleesingapura asava advcash
Today, I went to hairdresser's and I had my hair cut. I like my new hair.
After that I had a lunch with my mom, grandparents, aunt and cousin. I'm glad that my family is fine.
Then I went shopping and I bought clothes. And I played the guitar after I got home. I really enjoyed my day off. Thanks for a wonderful day.
I hope that today will be a wonderful day for you.
guitar @espguitars
skirt @17kg_official
#D_Drive #yuki #guitar #esp #smile #photo #japanesewoman
#femaleguitarplayer #dayoff #enjoy #fun #clothes #rock #ギター #ロック #ゆき
@marshallamps_uk made my original JVM!! I was impressed when I saw it.
I couldn't imagine myself having my original Marshall amplifier when I started to use Marshall JCM2000 about 8 years ago. Thank you so much!! I'll keep playing rock music with my JVM!
なんと!Marshallが私のオリジナルアンプを作ってくれました!JVM 410Hです。Marshallを使いだした時はこんな日がまさか来るとは!本当に感謝で感激です。
#D_Drive #yuki #marshall #amplifier #jvm #bluerose #guitar #white #esp #ギター #アンプ #ゆき #rock
La delicia que necesitas hoy: un golfeado recién salido del horno❤ etiquetaa tus amigos para que se antojen también
#Repost @comeydisfrutaenaranjuez
#instafood #vzla #esp #golfeado #venezolanosenmadrid #saborvenezolano #pasapalos #gastronomiavenezolana #GastronomiaVenezolana #Gastronomia #Comida #ComidaVenezolana #PlatoVenezolano #Venezuela #SaboresVenezolanos #SaboresDeMiTierra #Pueblo #MiTierra #Autoctono #Gastronomico #Creativo #Creatividad #Cocina #CocinaVenezolana