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On 26th May, Europe will elect the people who decide our path through one of the most uncertain periods in recent memory. These representatives will shape the future of hundreds of millions of lives.
But here’s the awkward truth: in 2015 only 28% of people aged 18-24 bothered to vote. In many countries, that figure was much, much lower. This is a tragedy of democracy. The European Union will only speak for us if we stand up and make our voice heard, so we need to act.
EUnited is a project by photographers Clara Nebeling, David Uzochukwu, Wendy Huynh and Maria Sturm, in collaboration with Kemmler Kemmler.
It only has one aim: encourage more young people to vote in 2019. To do this, we need you to like, share and re-post the imagery as much as possible over the next two weeks. We can only do this with your help.
This is
Our Vote, Our Future. SHARE THIS MESSAGE.
#ourvoteourfuture #eunited #votetogethereu #votetogether #thistimeimvoting #europeanelections #euelections #kemmlerkemmler
EUnited concept by Clara Nebeling.
Photographers: Clara Nebeling, David Uzochukwu, Wendy Huynh and Maria Sturm
Typeface: Grow by Dinamo
Art Direction: Eloise Harris, Daniel Fürst
Copy: Alexander Gwilliam @claranebeling @maria__sturm @katinkaschuett @annatiessen @daviduzochukwu @wendyhuynh @abcdinamo @beargwills @eloise.c.harris @yeswedan
.. - #ourvoteourfuture - exactly
28% (!!) 18-24 years old went to vote in the last european parliament elections in 2014.. i think we all should use our influence to change it this year, no matter how big or small it is! you can also influence your environment even if you're not old enough to vote. just take your time and think about what you really want in future and what is important to you - for you, your children, your grandchildren we have the privilege to have an opinion and to vote, let's make a change and use the last days to make sure everyone knows! thank you for creating this project to raise the youth vote. friends, please share this european election posters to spread the word in your community ♂️ | by @daviduzochukwu | #adv/unpaid |
DreamHack Open Rio 2019
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Apr 19-21
Teams: AVANGAR, Sharks, Valiance, FURIA
Single-Elimination bracket
All matches are Bo3
Teams out:
5-6. INTZ eSports - $3,000
5-6. W7M Gaming - $3,000
7-8. eUnited - $2,000
7-8. Redemption POA - $2,000
⏰ Schedule in stories
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Tags #csgo #counterstrike #cs #esports #esport #charleroi #dreamhack #dhopen #dhrio19 #avangar #furia #diadefuria #gofuria #valiance #intzarmy #standunited #eunited #gow7m #riodejaneiro #brazil
DreamHack Open Rio 2019
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Apr 19-21
Group A: AVANGAR, eUnited, FURIA, INTZ
Group B: Redemption, Sharks, Valiance, W7M
Two double-elimination groups
Opening & Winners' matches are Bo1
Elimination & Decider matches are Bo3
Top two teams from each group advance to the Playoffs
Single-Elimination bracket
All matches are Bo3
⏰ Schedule in stories
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Tags #csgo #counterstrike #cs #esports #esport #charleroi #dreamhack #dhopen #dhrio19 #avangar #furia #diadefuria #gofuria #valiance #intzarmy #standunited #eunited #gow7m #riodejaneiro #brazil
Happy Europe Day! #luxembourgville #studentlife #lisboa #amsterdam #paris #roma #berlin #caminodelnorte #españa #portugal #italia #netherlands #france #letzebuerg #friendship #travelingishappiness #exploringeurope #memories #beautifulplaces #keephikingkeepliving #deutschlandespaña #lovewithoutborders #EU #eunited #europeday #euelections2019 #thistimeimvoting #govote #unidaenladiversidad #europäischeunion
Europe: a story of modernity: "In der griechischen Mythologie beschreibt eine Erzählung Zeus in Form eines Stiers, der eine phönizische Prinzessin, die durch das Meer an die Küste Kretas trägt. Sie wird zur Namensgeberin des Kontinents – Europa. Ich wollte die moderne europäische Jugend in diese Machtposition versetzen – die jungen Erwachsenen, deren gesellschaftlicher Platz regelmäßig hinterfragt wird. Das ist ihre Zukunft." ist eine unabhängige Europawahlkampagne, die vor allem junge Menschen im Alter zwischen 18 und 30 Jahren zum Wählen animieren möchte. Die Wahlbeteiligung dieser Altersklasse lag bei der letzten Europawahl bei nur 28 Prozent. Grund genug für Clara Nebeling, eine Kampagne zu konzipieren, mit der vor allem jungen Wählerinnen und Wähler erreicht werden sollen. Gemeinsam mit drei europäischen Fotografen wurden Fotoserien rund um die Idee von Europa geschaffen. Ziel war es, zeitgenössische politische Bilder zu schaffen, die Jugendlichen mehr ansprechen als die üblichen Kampagnenbilder für politische Parteien.
So soll die Wahlbeteiligung erhöht werden, denn Wählen ist wichtig. Wer möchte, kann mit dem Motiv seiner Wahl online ein Poster erstellen, dieses herunterladen und frei verwenden.
Fotos: David Uzochukwu/ @daviduzochukwu
#europe #eunited #europeanelections2019 #elections
IEM Sydney 2019 Season XIV Champions
Congratulations to Team Liquid!
Russel "Twistzz" Van Dulken is the HLTV MVP of the tournament
Grand Final
Best of 5
Liquid vs Fnatic
Cache 10:16
Overpass 16:14
Mirage 16:8
Dust2 6:16
Inferno 16:9
Sydney, Australia
Apr 30 - May 5
Final standings:
1. Liquid - $100,000
2. Fnatic - $40,000
3-4. MIBR - $20,000
3-4. NRG - $20,000
5-6. mousesports - $10,000
5-6. NiP - $10,000
7-8. BIG - $6,000
7-8. Grayhound - $6,000
9-12. Renegades - $5,000
9-12. MVP PK - $5,000
9-12. FaZe - $5,000
9-12. Chiefs - $5,000
13-16. BOOT-d[S] - $4,000
13-16. eUnited - $4,000
13-16. Heroic - $4,000
13-16. ViCi - $4,000
Don't forget to follow!
Tags #csgo #counterstrike #cs #esports #esport #iem #iemsydney #fazeclan #fazeup #fnatic #alwaysfnatic #letsgoliquid #goninjas #mouz #vamouz #mousesports #somosmibr #mibr #gobig #renegades #beheroic #heroic #nrg #nrgfam #eunited #vici