fancycookies sugarcookies cookieart cookies royalicingcookies fancycookiesmalaysia icingcookies charactercookies kukishias bdaygoodybag cookiesevent cookiesjakarta cookiesulangtahun jualkukishias jualkukishiasjakarta kapocookie kukishiasjakarta souvenier weddingcookies decoratedcookies sugarcookiesmalaysia bread breadcookies eggcookies toast toastcookies cookiedecorating customcookies doorgiftbirthday fancycookiesmalaysia
Cute simple flowers ❤️. Also, my hands may be permanently stained from airbrush colors. I spent hours yesterday taking apart and cleaning every airbrush I own. Now it’s time to start this crazy cookie week. .
#flowers #cookies #cookieflowers #garden #gardening #satisfy #satisfying #video #instavideo #decoratingvideo #cookievideo #airbrush #pink #yellow #spring #springtime #plants #fancy #fancycookies #youfancyhuh #fowler #fresno #selma #kingsburg 559 #centralvalley #california
This cutter is from @thesweetdesignsshoppe I used a fine point Rainbow dust pen for the details and @thesugarart Amore dust for the blush. Filmed using my @arkonmounts .
#bunny #satisfy #satisfying #instavideo #asmr #cookiedecorating #easterbunny #eastercookies #flood #smooth #cute #cutecookies #iteach #sahm #customcookies #sharethecookies #love #fancycookies #edibleart #fowler #fresno #artist #bakery #centralvalley #559
Thursday #mood Today’s Thursday right !?! #mondayholidaysthrowmeoff Yes it’s a bit blunt but I know my talent and I know my worth... #snapsfingerslikechriscrocker When clients dm or text for a quote and its a very detailed fancy fondant character cakes its definitely not going to be cheap.... Tall cakes, 3D fondant figures, 10 different fondant colors and for 100 guests..... I do know how to price cakes that won’t #hurt the #bakingcommunity .... when a baker under prices such cakes you hurt other bakers in this community.... make real hard working talent look out of budget!! But hey to each it’s own but don’t inquire on FANCY cakes if your not going to have the correct budget for it and to NEVER reply back with a “thank you for your time but a little out of my budget” after insisting via email and dm you inquire my services... I’m closed at the moment but as a #mompreneur #manifester that making money clock never shuts off... so taking time away from my time off to try and accommodate your order is rather annoying when we give the quote and then nothing... Be kind to us bakers we r making a living at home... it’s not just like baking a boxed cake and slapping some icing on it... those 3D Cakes are tons of hrs of hand crafted work!! #knowyourworth #mood #iloveleonardodicaprio #sweettreatsbyelisha #dontlowertomakeadollar #dontworkforfree #bepoliteandsaythankyou #notinmybudget #fancycakes #fancycookies #mompreneur #itsabusiness #itscustom #itsnotwalmart #weareadultshere #inquiries #quote #crickets goes for Custom cookies and treats as well ☝☝
¿ Has tenido alguna vez un oso de peluche ?.
Yo sí, y me parece una de las cosas más tiernas del mundo ,así que me apetecía muchísimo dejarlo representado en una galleta .
¿ Habéis visto las texturas ? Ese efecto peluche en su cabecita y el chaleco hecho con glasa simulando lana son lo más .
➡️ ¿ Queréis que lo llevemos a alguno de los cursos presenciales ?
Por cierto mi oso de peluche se llamaba Chuchi ¿ Cómo se llamaba el tuyo ?.
#reposteria #reposteriacreativa #cake #galletas #reposteriacasera #decoracion #fancycookies #edibleart #cutecookies #cookiesofinstagram #royalicingcookies #sugarcookies #royalicing #cookieart #charactercookies #decoratedcookies #galletasdecoradas #galletaspintadas #biscottidecorati #biscoitosdecorados #cursosdegalletas #cursosdereposteria #flowercookies #bolachasdecoradas #ghiacciareale #biscottidecorati #biscoitos #springcookies #bear
Pastel pinks with mossy greens for a first birthday This set speaks to all the joys of my cookie decorating soul #sugarcookies #royalicing #royalicingcookies #decoratedcookies #decoratedsugarcookies #customcookies #customsugarcookies #torontocookies #torontosugarcookies #torontocustomcookies #torontodecoratedcookie #firstbirthdaycookies #gardenpartytheme #gardenpartybirthday #floralcookies #floralbirthday #birthdaycookies #monogrammedcookies #plaquecookies #fancycookies #prettycookies #pinkandgold #fancyfirstbirthday #cookieartist #cookieart #edibleart #cookielove #cookielife #vjscookies
Happy Mother’s Day! Cutter is from @kaleidacuts marker is Rainbow Dust from @grunderfullydelicious .
#mothersdaycookies #mothersday #flowers #flowerdelivery #mothersdaygift #happymothersday #cookies #sugarcookies #decoratedcookies #fancycookies #treatyoself #cookiedecorating #food #nailedit #art #edibleart #flowercookies #decoratingvideo #satisfy #satisfying #fowler #fresno #559
Becky with @coronadosweetcookiestudio always challenges me with her fabulous cookies at Cookie Rehab. I always learn something new when she teaches, and I am obsessed with this cookie I made in her class.
#pinklemoncookies #cookiegram #sweets #instacookie #customcookies #cookiedecorating #cookier #royalicing #royalicingcookies #decoratedcookies #girlycookies #girly #girlygirl #fashioncookies #atx #roundrock #roundrocktx #roundrockeats #cookierehab #birthdaycookies #fancycookies #cookieart #cookieartist #cookiesofinstagram #cookieoftheday #cookielove #cookiegirl