fashion500 fashion5002019 thefashion500 aprilisblackfashionmonth awards blackexcellence blackfashion brunch brunchnyc brunchparty dayparty designers fashion fashion500honoree fashionblogger fashionista gala instafashion instastyle newyork risingstars style stylist thegrammysoffashion trendsetters thefashion500
Hey guys don’t forget to get your tickets NOW I’m inviting everyone to come celebrate with me.I DONT WANT TO HERE YOU DIDN’T GET An INVITE. GO TO @theblockassociation and click link in bio to get your tickets NOW. This event is EPIC ! APRIL 28th Sunday
REPOST :: This year @thefashion500
@theblockassociation @upscale.Society @caribbeansocialnyc @bartenurablue
Presents the 10th Annual "Fashion 500" Gala Awards for #Aprilisblackfashionmonth and we are very proud to announce that we will be Honoring @hausofsheanyc for her achievements in fashion and we will be presenting her the 2019 "Fashion 500" Award on Sunday April 28 , @Slateny ( 54 west 21st near 6th Ave. ) 3pm-12am. Photo By: @themreport
#fashion5002019 #fashion #style #awards #aprilisblackfashionmonth #gala #trendsetters #blackfashion #risingstars #fashionista #designers #thegrammysoffashion #fashionblogger #stylist #fashion500 #thefashion500 #instafashion #instastyle #blackexcellence #newyork #nyc #fashion500honoree #hausofshea #shadesofshea #shadesofsheainc
#Repost @thefashion500 with @repostapp.
This year @theblockassociation & @thefashion500 presents the 7th Annual "Fashion 500" Brunch Gala for #Aprilisblackfashionmonth and we are very proud to announce that we will be Honoring @vinniesstyles @vinniesjay @vinniespolop for their achievements in fashion. We will be presenting them with the 2016 "Fashion 500" Award on Sunday April 24 , 2016 @Slateny ( 54 west 21st ) 3pm-11pm. This is event is proudly sponsored by @suedenyc @bartenurablue Photo By: @themreport
Patience pays...always! You’ve all day to find out the big fashion revel of who’s the final three ppl we’re so proudly honoring for our 9th Annual edition of @theFashion500 happening at @slateny on the last Sunday in April (29th) as our finale for #AprilisBlackFashionMonth. So without further ado @theBlockAssociation is excited to announce that Andre McDonnell will be joining us this year to accept our FIRST EVER Philanthropist award for his numerous humanitarian cause through his company. Come support & salute this @Itsfromthesole founder with congratulations & applause! We will be presenting him the 2018 "Fashion 500" Award on Sunday April 29 , @Slateny ( 54 west 21st near 6th Ave. ) 4pm-12am. Photo By: @themreport
#fashion5002018 #fashion #style #awards #aprilisblackfashionmonth #gala #trendsetters #blackfashion #risingstars #fashionista #designers #thegrammysoffashion #fashionblogger #stylist #fashion500 #thefashion500 #instafashion #instastyle #thesewfarsewgood #sewfarsewgood #blackexcellence #blockassociation #newyork #nyc #theblockassociation #fashion500honoree
#Repost @amazingmestyles with @repostapp.
Shout OUT to the ORIGINATOR'S @vinniesstyles
#VinniesStyles #fashion500honoree #BrooklynStandUP #CongratstoALLtheHonorees #Fashion500 #BKNY #Luvit #Stylist #JudyAManda #FashionisEverything #thebreakfastclub #theblockassociation
#AMazingMEStyles #Fashion #Styles #Brooklyn #PureAwesomeness #AMazingMEstylesApprvd
I am so grateful, humbled and proud to be honored in the fashion industry #excited
This year @theblockassociation, @thefashion500 @caribbeansocialnyc @bartenurablue Presents the 9th Annual "Fashion 500" Gala Awards for #Aprilisblackfashionmonth and we are very proud to announce that we will be Honoring @igoldensoul @goldenmagazine for her achievements in fashion and we will be presenting her the 2018 "Fashion 500" Award on Sunday April 29 , @Slateny ( 54 west 21st near 6th Ave. ) 4pm-12am. Photo By: @themreport
When your fashion family @haberdasherynyc is amazing! I thank you tremendously for the Love & recognition you rock @d244media
#fashion5002018 #fashion #style #awards #aprilisblackfashionmonth #gala #trendsetters #blackfashion #risingstars #fashionista #designers #thegrammysoffashion #fashionblogger #stylist #fashion500 #thefashion500 #instafashion #instastyle #thesewfarsewgood #sewfarsewgood #blackexcellence #blockassociation #newyork #nyc #theblockassociation #fashion500honoree
This year @theblockassociation & @thefashion500 presents the 7th Annual "Fashion 500" Brunch Gala for #Aprilisblackfashionmonth and I am very proud to be Honored for my Achievements in fashion and I will be accepting the 2016 "Fashion 500" Award on Sunday April 24 , 2016 @Slateny ( 54 west 21st ) 3pm-11pm. This is event is proudly sponsored by @suedenyc @bartenurablue Photo By: @themreport #fashion500 #thefashion500 #thegrammysoffashion #Fashion500honoree #theblockassociation #theblockboys #aprilisblackfashionmonth
#Humbled #GodIsGood!! #TeamSFPL #GabrielApprovesMediaGroup -- #Repost from @theblockassociation Ok folks we are just TWO weekends away from what people in the "in" crowd are calling "the Grammys of Fashion" Yurp...the 6th Annual Fashion 500 Gala Brunch/ Day Party held this year inside @HudsonHotel's Hudson Common space (Sunday April 26th 3pm-10pm) Here's another set of our proud honorees that will be receiving their awards that day. @GabrielofSFPL of @theSFPL has now been added to this illustrious elite list for 2015. THANK YOU for been apart of our #AprilisBlackFashionMonth yearly celebration. Your support is PRICELESS! Photo by @theMreport #theBlockBoys #Fashion500 #Fashion500honoree #theGrammysofFashion