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Хештеги на тему #FASTPACKING

ALL THE LOVE from you folks has me feeling like the sun is shining on my soul! We have so many new friends here and I wanted to do a little introduction so you can get to know us (if you have been here from the beginning share what you enjoy about following us in the comments below so folks know what they have to look forward to): ‍♀️Hi! I’m Lindsey and my partner’s name is Kyle. We are into outdoor things. All the things. We can’t make up our mind (or control ourselves) so we just do them all and keep taking up new hobbies. Adventures we will share with you: hiking, backpacking, fastpacking, trailrunning, climbing (rock and mountain), bikepacking, skiing, snowshoeing and... I think that’s it, for now. We like to dabble and while we aren’t incredible at any of these things we love doing them all. ‍♂️I don’t consider this a couples account per say but you’ll see a lot of Kyle because he is by far my favorite adventure partner. When you aren’t seeing him it’s safe to assume he’s the one behind the camera. We are thruhikers! We thruhiked the PCT in 2016 and the AT in 2013. We like to talk about it and dream about the CDT. Never, ever hesitate to reach out with thruhiking questions, we love to chat about it. I give a shit. I’m a white woman recreating on stolen lands in the United States. I don’t always get it right and I’m forever learning and growing - I want to share that with you and I want you to feel comfortable asking questions and correcting me when I get it wrong. You’ll see me get firey about women’s issues, racism, indigenous lands and rights and all sorts of other things. Hope you’re here for it! I will always be transparent with you. Sometimes we get products and items sent to us by companies we partner with, sometimes we get paid to put up posts and stories (the paid part is very new and very rare). I’m still learning how to navigate this crazy world of IG and what I care most about is being authentic with you all and inspiring you to get outside. We are so so excited that you’re here! Tell me about yourself in the comments below! . Ancestral lands of the Wasco, Wishram, and Chinook peoples and the Confederate Tribes of Warm Springs.

Хештеги на тему #FASTPACKING

AD I've worked hard to build a life I love. A life where the lines between work and passion are totally blurred, and I get to spend time in some amazing places and do things that fulfil and inspire me. But it is work, no matter how it looks on instagram, and I treat my job like anyone else does. ⁣ Being a freelancer means that my office is where I make it, so this week I'm making it my favourite environment on earth, the mountains. With an @ospreyeurope Transporter Carry-On neatly packed with running kit, cycling kit, and my laptop, I've somewhat spontaneously found myself a little working retreat where I can do some writing and hopefully create something that you guys will love and brings value to your worlds of adventure. In between lines on the page I'll be sprinting into the pretty peaks. Oh and eating baguettes. But honestly, working. ️☕⁣ #OspreyEurope #OspreyAdventureProof

Хештеги на тему #FASTPACKING

分水嶺の想い出②✨ 1日目は雁坂小屋まで行きたかったけど ツェルトが張れないかもという噂を聞いて 将監小屋で早めにビバーク ・ これがたぶん正解で 23時に再スタートしたくらいから雨が強くなってきた☔️ 雁坂小屋はとっても寒くて止まっていると震えが こんな中ビバークしてたら死んでしまう そこから大弛峠までは冷えないように無心で歩きました⛰ この辺りの森は何回来ても美しい…✨ ・ 気持ちよくなっちゃって 気づいたら相方置いてけぼり事件が起こってたけど ソロだから一緒に歩く必要ないしね〜 ペースが一緒だったお兄さんとお話しつつ 楽しい山歩きでした✨ 大弛峠で約90km!ずいぶん来たよー ・ photo by 坂祐次さん 高島拓也さん ・ #mountain #fastpacking #山 #mountains #trail #trailrunning #縦走 #分水嶺 #分水嶺トレイル #山好きな人と繋がりたい #山が好きな人と繋がりたい

Хештеги на тему #FASTPACKING

分水嶺の想い出①✨ 写真いっぱいいただいたので載せます! 過酷さが出まくってますが、それも想い出☺️ ・ スタートから雲取山まで⛰ 長沢山から芋の木ドッケの急登がきつすぎて なかなか着かない… 相方はいつのまにかいなくなってた ・ 雲取山のCP手前でようやく人に会えてほっとした顔 この時雨はまだ降っていなかったけど 湿度が高くてかなり蒸してました☁️ 雲取山まででで45km! まだまだ先は長い ・ photo by 坂祐次さん 高島拓也さん ・ #mountain #fastpacking #山 #mountains #trail #trailrunning #縦走 #分水嶺 #分水嶺トレイル #山好きな人と繋がりたい #山が好きな人と繋がりたい

Хештеги на тему #FASTPACKING

⁣⁣ "I'm torn between admiring your bravery, and the senselessness of running alone in the void". -Actual YouTube commenter this week. (I get a lot of these ‍♀️)⁣⁣ Going solo does come with additional risks. You have to double up on your preparation, be double confident in your strategies for when things go wrong, and if things go really wrong, you may well be hooped. Going solo is not for the inexperienced. (Luckily, I'm fairly experienced. But more on that another time.)⁣⁣️ Going solo also has a lot of incredible benefits. Adventuring on my own, I'm put entirely in the driver's seat, entirely responsible for my safety, success, and enjoyment. I'm also really vulnerable, and have enjoyed so, so many incredible experiences with locals around the world who took me in mainly on account that I was alone, and therefore both approachable and vulnerable. Without the distraction of partners, you are faced intensely with the challenge at hand, the thoughts in your mind, and the awe of the landscape.⁣ Yes, going solo comes with additional risks, but I manage those risks through my experience, solid preparation, and conservative planning. I hate to think that other similarly experienced wilderness-lovers are being discouraged by comments like this. Going solo is such a fulfilling and wonderful thing to put yourself through, and I really believe everyone should try it (even you extroverts, but heaven help you!). ⁣⁣ From the most AMAZING run in the mountains yesterday (all by myself!) #trailshoeselfie

Хештеги на тему #FASTPACKING

It’s not a race, not part of any known challenge, it’s just a goal I’ve set for myself, on my own terms. The Southern Alps were my fourth mountain range in my personal challenge to fastpack across a mountain range on every continent. It’s a totally pointless mission, important only to me, but I still push myself hard every day to do the best that I can do, and succeed on my own terms.⁣ ️ New wee video from my fastpacking adventure across the length of the Southern Alps is up on YouTube, link in story!⁣ @jayfrench @freeridenewzealand @montaneofficial #furtherfaster #fastpacking #thesolo6⁣

Хештеги на тему #FASTPACKING

From GearJunkie: "The FastpackHer 20 is my go-to for missions over 16 hours, ultralight fastpacking trips, or even for run commuting around town.”

Хештеги на тему #FASTPACKING

"How do you stay safe traveling on your own... as a solo woman?"⁣ I'm asked this a lot (almost daily), as I think all women who venture on their own do, and it's almost a valid question. The reason why I say 'almost' is because a solo woman's safety has some funny misconceptions. I get asked this question far more frequently when I'm heading into backcountry areas than when I walk down a city street. People are frequently surprised (and sometimes scared) to find out that I camp alone at night, and some folk can't even handle the thought of me going to a foreign country. ‍♀️️ Women are taught from a very young age to take a multitude of daily actions to keep themselves safe, and that our safety is entirely our own responsibility. It is so consistently drilled into us that we never stop being aware of our vulnerability. In fact, the daily actions we make are so second-nature to us, we don’t even realise we’re doing it. This ingrained feature in my female brain does not switch off when I’m abroad, nor when I run in my hometown at night. We're always aware.⁣ ♀️ I don't mind being asked how I keep myself safe. I've been travelling solo for a long time now, and I'm pretty confident the world is full of more good people than bad. What worries me is when women who have yet to have their first adventure have their heads filled with this fear, this idea that the world is not a place for a solo woman to explore. It worries me that those women will spend their whole lives missing out on awesome adventures, never knowing that the world is a fantastic place to explore. ⁣ I'm not dismissing violence against women - it's a horrible truth of humanity that I couldn't begin to address in an instagram post. But adventure - especially outdoor adventure - is something that everyone has a right to. Please stop telling women they shouldn't have it. ‍♀️⁣ ⁣ @jayfrench @freeridenewzealand @montaneofficial

Хештеги на тему #FASTPACKING

It’s all smiles under the Baja sunrise. : Dream Teamer @jordanIngmire

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