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Anyone else get a lootcrate recently? Pray got one for Christmas and will be opening it today, stay tuned for the goodies inside!
Hamstern vor dem Brexit. #fatloot
finally I get to the boss drop a exotic gear piece please ( gets rare instead ) #rollhax#finalboss#fatloot#epic#wow
Filla-flower-reversal #fillacello #glasspendants #glassofig #pendantsofig #jewelry #eusheenwannabe #opal #profoundglass #chicagoglass #newthings #color #fatloot #glassmancometh
First #destiny2 forge and this drops #fatloot #loot
#bootyfordays #fatloot #showittome #shitposting
All the loot from Otakon weekend #spending$$$ #fatloot #moneywellspent
@lootcrate delivers another awesome package. #lootcrate #fatloot #battleground
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