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The sound of disappointment at the end. RIP. [via Hail0513]⠀
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a smooth streak with the 870MCS (slug version) for the shotgun haters out there :) _____________________________________________
#battlefield3 #bf3 #battlefield4 #bf4 #battlefield #onlyinbattlefield #gamer
#videogames #gamers #bfv #battlefield5 #battlefieldv #bf1 #battlefield1 #eadice #firestorm #shotguns
Attacking and defending the Objective with the silenced F2000. That thing can be deadly accurate ⚡️. _____________________________________________
#battlefield3 #bf3 #battlefield4 #bf4 #battlefield #onlyinbattlefield #gamer
#videogames #gamers #bfv #battlefield5 #battlefieldv #bf1 #battlefield1 #eadice #firestorm #f2000
I can’t believe he took 3 rockets and still didn’t die! Got him in the end though with my first Firestorm kill from a chopper! (@thegamedrop_)
#battlefield5 #BFV #BF5 #battlefield #battlefield1 #bf1 #battlefieldv #gaming #gamer #gamestagram #firestorm #xbox #xboxone #ps4 #pubg #pubgvideos #battleroyale #pubgxbox #pubgfunny #fortnite #headshot #sniping
Played some bf1 yesterday to prepare for the tournament today
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