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Вот и закончились соревнования.) Мой спонтанный дебют за 1.5 месяца подготовки, после хорошего «читмила» в неделю.
В целом, результатом трансформации я не огорчена, но могло быть и лучше, однозначно есть куда расти!
Начало положено. Отдельное спасибо за помощь в подготовке @nasretdinova_ma_ifbb (позинги и наконец научилась ставить спину ) наставления и поддержку @anna.trener @vlassovevgen @apakaev_grom
Еще хочу!
#fitgirl #fitnessaddicted #fitmodel #ifbbgirls #ifbbfitmodel #goodexperience #фитнессмодель #фитнесбикини #stronggirl #competition #ifbbcompetition #спорт #ifbbkz #fitnessmotivation #fitnessmodel #фитмодель #качковскаяlife #athlete #motivation #trainhard #playharder
“Dios es quien me arma de valor y endereza mi camino; me da pies ligeros y me mantiene en las alturas” .
#gymlifestyle #gymmotivation #dedicacion #focus #lifestyle #fitnessmotivation #naturalboy #fitnessaddicted #fitnesslifestyle #model #nopainnogain #musclemodel #mensphysique #adictionfitness #musclemania #bestmodel #aesthetic #fitnessmodel #classicphysique #bodybuilding #ripped #gymaddiction #vidasaludable
Absolutely love this post by @syattfitness. Progress looks different for everyone. No matter where you are on your journey, keep going.
Some people struggle with self control.
They want to lose fat but have difficulty saying “no.”
Often times they mentally justify it in saying they’re “flexible dieting.”
But flexible dieting doesn’t mean “eat junk and lose fat.” It means “don’t feel guilty for having a treat - but you still have to be wicked consistent to make significant, lasting changes.”
For them, practicing self control and saying “no” more often might help them achieve their goal.
Other people struggle with food anxiety.
They get anxious at the thought of going out to eat at a restaurant because they don’t want to “ruin their progress.”
They feel bad for having a slice of cake at their own birthday party.
They, logically, know it sounds silly and they often give their friends/family/clients amazing nutrition advice that promotes a more flexible approach...but they struggle with it themselves.
For them, saying “yes” more often and having a treat might help them achieve their goals.
Progress is not only measured in weight loss or fat loss or measurements or numbers or quantifiable data.
Progress is also measured in mental, emotional, and behavioral changes.
And, candidly, if you don’t improve your mindset first, any physical changes/improvements are going to be short-lived.
Because sustainable results only happen with a sustainable mindset.
#sustainability #flexibledieting #moderation #ifitfitsyourmacros #iifym #calories #caloriecounting #macros #healthyeating #cleaneating #carbs #carbohydrates #preworkout #postworkout #fitness #fitnessaddicted #nutritioncoach #surefatloss
Aloha zusammen ♂️
So, ich sitze im Zug der mich in Kürze nach Hause bringt. FEIERABEND . Wieder einen Tag näher am Juni. Wie die Zeit vergeht. Kommt es Euch auch so vor? Mir ist so als wäre der Jahresanfang noch gar nicht so lange her .
Und was steht heute noch an bei mir? Das Übliche! Für die Kids da sein, Abendessen (heute gibt es Spaghetti mit Hackfleischsoße, also nicht ganz diätkonform), Kinder ins Bett bringen und Trainieren. Heute steht Tag 2 der Traininhswoche an - Deadlifts und Dips/Chin-ups.
Apropos Diät....war heute früh massiv erstaunt.....77 kg auf die Waage gebracht. Wenn es so weiter geht hab ich mein Ziel bald erreicht und kann langsam wieder mit dem Aufbau beginnen .
Wie Ihr schon gesehen hat unterstützt mich die @rpstrength Diät App bei der Ernährung #rpdietapp .
Kann Renaissance Periodization jedem nur wärmstens empfehlen .
Wo bekommt Ihr Euer Trainings- und Ernährungswissen her? Schreibt es mir doch in die Kommentare, denn ich lerne gern dazu .
Ansonsten bleibt nur zu sagen: Ka kite ano!
Auf der Suche nach super Supps? Schauts bei @starkewarenutrition vorbei. Link in meiner Bio.
#fitcop #fitdad #fitguy
Find someone who loves you for who, how and what you are!
Not for your looks, not for your money or other materialistic stuff!
Find someone who loves you,
who supports you,
who has your back,
who lifts you up when you’re down,
who dreams, laughs and cries with you,
who is honest and worthy of your trust,
who goes with you through thick and thin,
who doesn’t care about age,
who truly cares about you,
who stands to your relationship and
who’s simply the love of your life!
@emily_5199 this is you and I love you ❤️❤️