floralstories underthefloralspell floraldesign flowerstagram florallife flowermagic inspiredbypetals moodforfloral blooms floralinspiration florallove flower flower_daily flowers justbefloral dsfloral floraldesigner floralphotography floralstyling ihavethisthingwithflowers playingwithpetals slowfloralstyle capturingcolour floralarrangement florals flores floweraddict flowerart flowergram flowersmakemehappy flowersandmacro
This time of year I’m drawn to all the bright colors after the dull long colorless cold winter. Normally these two colors would be clashing for me, but I kind of like them right now.
Enjoy your weekend lovelies.
P.S. Someone snipped my yellow crocuses overnight that just emerged , I might even know who it might be
So, meine liebe Dana @justme_dana - wenn du denkst, dass ich nach den ganzen Jahren, die wir uns nun auf Insta schon kennen, deinen Geburtstag vergessen habe - neeee - natürlich nicht
Und daher lasse ich alle heute - ganz speziell und nur für dich - in den Stories malen ️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY
#botanicaldreamers #allkindsofmagic #bloomandgrow #hashtagauthentic #createinspring #createyourstory #floralstories #botanicalcreativity_ #slowfloralstyle #moodforfloral #underthefloralspell #inspiredbynature_ #inspiredbypetals #natureonthepage #seasonspoetry #lovelysquares #aslowmoment #smallmomentsofcalm
✦ After a rainy morning I went for a walk with my dog and found so many cute spots. I always thought things look more beautiful after the rain. The colours are vivid and everything seems brighter. I also love spring rain, those short showers that just freshen up the air, but this one’s continued for the whole afternoon and evening and it looks like it’s here to stay for some time... ✦
✦ Are you a fan of spring rain? ✦ .
#facades #cherryblossoms #mycityloves #prettylittletrips #momentsofmine #tv_living #searchwandercollect #underthefloralspell #theartofslowliving #theprettycities