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So you see...I do have the most colorful bird. Swipe right to see all the colors bouncing off her feathers.
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A serenidade no olhar de quem nunca pagou um boleto na vida !
#calopsite #calopsita #keets #lovemypet #maedepet #birbs #borbs #fluffybirds #fluffypets #fluffyanimals #animaisfofos #animalofinstagram #calopsitainstagram #petlovebrasil #animaisbrasil #amopassaros #avesbrasil #petbirds #cockatiels #meuspets #protejaosanimais #calopsitagram #calopsitalivre #animaisfofos #animaisnaosaocomida #calopsitamansa #calopsitaslovers #cockatiels
Your daily dose of cuteness
#cuddlebug #congoafricangrey #africangreyparrot #parrots #birdsofinstagram #birdbath #parrotsofinstagram #parrotlover #parrotlife #birds_of_ig #parrotsoftheworld #macaws #cockatoo #amazonparrot #parrotlet #lovebird #cockatiel #budgie #parrotenrichment #petstagram #talkingparrot #birdtalk #smartparrot #positivevibes #fluffypets
If you saw my story this morning, you’ll know how much I love to shower. Sometimes, I think I should have been born a duck .
#cuddlebug #congoafricangrey #africangreyparrot #parrots #birdsofinstagram #birdbath #parrotsofinstagram #parrotlover #parrotlife #birds_of_ig #parrotsoftheworld #macaws #cockatoo #amazonparrot #parrotlet #lovebird #cockatiel #budgie #parrotenrichment #petstagram #talkingparrot #birdtalk #smartparrot #positivevibes #fluffypets