forgiveyourself love forgiveness life inspirationalquotes forgive motivation quotes spirituality hope inspiration quoteoftheday friends good karma spiritual trust wisdom commitment friendship goodmorning goodnight inspire motivational peace peaceofmind popular spiritually thoughtoftheday thoughts thekaylamovement2019
When you know better you do better. Let go of everything that you can’t change. Make a promise to yourself to always strive to be your very best! #forgiveyourself #knowbetterdobetter #loveyourself #positivevibes #liveandlearn #motivationalquotes #warriorgoddesstraining #keepmovingforward #thankfulforgrace #liveyourbestlife #forgiveness #fridayvibes #fridaymood #happinessisachoice #yourverybest
Are you carrying some heavy emotions and limiting beliefs that are weighing you down? Have you been hurt, hold regrets, been heartbroken, suffered trauma, or are just overly stressed?
Do you have a little voice in your head that is constantly putting you down, holding you back, keeping you stuck in fear?
We can carry so much emotionally that prevents us from progressing in our lives, and sometimes we have to take a deep look so that we can actually release these.
For most of my life I held the belief that I wasn’t enough...period!
Pretty enough....
Smart enough...
Lovable enough...
Funny enough...
You get the picture, but I could go on. This belief was formed as a small child when traumatic experiences happened. I grew up never questioning these beliefs, and my outer reality would always mirror these beliefs. I carried a lot of hurt, and always avoided my emotions at all costs because if I faced them I thought I would drown in them.
Turns out you don’t, you can face anything and move through it, but you have to be willing to drop the things that are holding you back. You may not even know what they are until you start exploring. And I encourage you to do so, because this is where you can feel lighter and more free to chase your dreams.
If there is something weighing on your heart, please know you do not have to carry that weight anymore. Everyone faces hard things, you are not alone
YOU ARE ENOUGH!! YOU ARE WORTHY of the life you dream of
DM me if you need to learn the tools to finally shed the emotional weight because you don’t need to carry it anymore
#youareenough #youareworthy #healyoursoul #lifecoachforwomen #foodforthought #selflove #selfloveclub #letitgo #limitingbeliefs #mindsetquotes #qotd #emotionalhealing #emotionalbaggage #empoweringwomen #wellnessblogger #forgiveyourself #changeyourmindset #bethelight #selfcompassion
Proverbs 3:15-18
She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her; those who hold her fast will be blessed. .
It wasn’t until I did this bible study with @emilyruniablog that I found out she is not a women. She is Wisdom. .
I could make a list of things I am craving more wisdom in. But the first thing that comes to mind is with forgiveness. My goodness is it hard for me to let my guard down after someone has hurt me. It’s even harder when that person doesn’t even think they have something to be sorry about. Let me be honest and tell you that there are some things I don’t even forgive myself for. .
A dear friend of mine sent me the serenity prayer. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, & wisdom to know the difference”. .
This will be the first verse ever that I have memorized. But I think I have found wisdom in this verse. The first step is to go in prayer and ask God for wisdom in the situation you are struggling with. .
What comes to mind when you read this? What are you craving more wisdom in? Stop and ask God for it now. .
#livingloved #womenintheword #womeninthewordeveryday #godisgoodtous #simplyjesus #proverbsforliving #proverbs31women #wisdomispower #powerofprayers #couragetochange #acceptwhatis #wisdomtoknowthedifference #rubiesanddiamonds #wisdomisprofitable #mommingainteasy #forgivenessheals #forgiveyourself #forgivenessishard #findingpeace #mentalhealthisimportant #biblejournal #biblejournaling #biblejournalingcommunity #illustratedjournal #illustratedfaith #illustratedfaithcommunity
Isn't it interesting that when it comes to those we love, even when they don't behave in ways that are "deserving" of our love and our affection, we love them anyway. Even when they hurt us, when they make mistakes, we love them anyway. We know they aren't perfect and we know there are times when they'll slip up, yet we love them anyway.
Imagine if we loved ourselves like that? Imagine that even when things went wrong we cheered for ourselves, we didn't lose faith in ourselves, we loved ourselves anyway. Even if we said something we wish we could take back, made a decision we weren't proud of, made a mistake or missed an opportunity, imagine if we picked ourselves up and loved ourselves anyway?
Imagine if we realised that it wasn't about being a better person, or even a more deserving one - but instead realising that we are already both
Imagine that.