formulastudentnetherlands formulastudent engineering ttcircuitassen assen fsuk ttcircuit fortuna fsae fsea mmuracing racing motorsport easl easlstress schrothracing scrutineering brsmotorsport cordula eventsummer event g19e racecar becauseeacecar lundformulastudent manchesterbee becauseracecar scale132
A racing car is an animal with a thousand adjustments.
#formulastudent #fsae #racing #engineering #fsn #racecar #ttcircuitassen #fsuk #assen #competition #formulastudentnetherlands #team #green #mechanicalengineering #ttcircuit #formulasae #lion #electricalengineering #easlstress #becauseracecar #wuppertal #fsea #mmuracing #twuppertal #bergischeuniversit #closeupchallenge #easl #mmu #fortuna
Za nami je nadvse uspešen in zanimiv dan. Zjutraj smo imeli zagovore pred sodniki glede stroškov projekta in izdelovalnih procesov. Nato smo imeli še predstavitev in zagovor kontrukterijskih odločitev.
Ker nam včeraj še ni uspelo dokončati mehanskega pregleda, nam pa je to danes. Odpravili smo vse nepravilnosti in uspešno opravili s testom zavor, hitrim izstopom voznika iz formule in testom bočnih sil.
Za zaključek pa smo opravili s prvo pravo dirkaško disciplino- skidpad (vožnja osmice). Na namerno mokri stezi smo opravili z odliko in dosegli čas 5.294 s, kar nas uvršča na prvo mesto v naši kategoriji.
Jutri pa še pospeševanje in vožnja na čas
We had a very successful. In the morning we had a meeting with the judges where we discussed Cost and Manufacturing. After that we held Design Report Event.
Yesterday we were unsuccessful with totally completing the Mechanical Inspection so after Static Events we went to the Scrutineening area. There we completed the rest of mechanical issues, Driver Egress, Tilt and Brake test.
For the final chapter of the day we went to the skidpad area where we competed in our first real driving challenge. On purposely went track we did great and managed to finish the line in just 5.294 s. For now this is the best result in our class.
Tomorrow Acceleration and Autocross
#fsn #formulastudentnetherlands #formulastudentteamljubljana #svarog2019 #formulastudent #fsae #skidpad #formulastudentelectric #formula #oneteamonedream #ttcircuitassen #superiorengineeringteam
Accel @fsnetherlands #accel #acceleration #fsn #formulastudentnetherlands #esleek19 #workworkbalance #therealsleekshady #dhbw #collegeproject #formulastudent #schokoladeracing #engineering #dhbwengineering #hypetrainwasyesterday #thisisthehypecar #theotherstuttgart #becreative #beinnovative #racecar #thankyousponsors #1400nm #sleepisfortheweak #notimeforburnout #becausereacecar #ateamecar Foto by: @aitormartin96
Bird’s-Eye Perspective #viewgoals #birdseyeview #fsn #formulastudentnetherlands #esleek19 #workworkbalance #therealsleekshady #dhbw #collegeproject #formulastudent #schokoladeracing #engineering #dhbwengineering #hypetrainwasyesterday #thisisthehypecar #theotherstuttgart #becreative #beinnovative #racecar #thankyousponsors #1400nm #sleepisfortheweak #notimeforburnout #becausereacecar #ateamecar
Absolutely ecstatic what a solid week of competition in the Netherlands - We managed to secure 3rd place in the skid pad event and an outstanding 1st place in efficiency. What an amazing start to the month. Top UK team ! #uhracing #universityofhertfordshire #formulastudent #fsn #formulastudentnetherlands #teamwork #engineering
A racing car is an animal with a thousand adjustments.
#formulastudent #fsae #racing #engineering #fsn #racecar #ttcircuitassen #fsuk #assen #competition #formulastudentnetherlands #team #green #mechanicalengineering #ttcircuit #formulasae #lion #electricalengineering #easlstress #becauseracecar #wuppertal #fsea #mmuracing #twuppertal #bergischeuniversit #closeupchallenge #easl #mmu #fortuna
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