acupuntura acupunturetherapy acupuncture salud china dolor plantasmedicinales acupunturaauricular acupunture health agradecidaybendecida medicinachina biomagnetismo improvement mascarillas medicinatradicionalchinesa medicine midios pnlcoaching pnlpractitioner rejuvenecimentofacial terapianeural vnzla wealth acupuncturist auriculoterapia bemestar medita amorosidade
Gua sha ☯️ é um instrumento utilizado pela medicina tradicional chinesa para melhorar a circulação sanguínea e aliviar a dor.
O Louis tem dor e tensão na musculatura cervical e adora!
Literalmente, "Gua sha" significa:
"Gua" = raspar e "Sha" = energia ruim
#medicinaveterinariaintegrativa #medicinacomplementar #medicinaalternativa #medvet #medvetporamor #medvetlife #medvetintegrativa #medicinaintegrativa #vet #veterinaria #acupuntura #acupunturaveterinaria #acupunturetherapy #acupuncture #veterinary #eletroacupuntura #reabilitar #dog #dogsofinstagram #instadog #mtc #mvtc #gaiaintegrativa #comamor #gaia #caes #guasha
Porque carinho é uma linguagem universal ☯️
️ @henrydwyerracing
#medicinaveterinariaintegrativa #medicinacomplementar #medicinaalternativa #medvet #medvetporamor #medvetlife #medvetintegrativa #medicinaintegrativa #vet #veterinaria #acupuntura #acupunturaveterinaria #acupunturetherapy #acupuncture #ozonioterapia #ozonio #ozone #ozonetherapy #horse #horses #gaiaintegrativa #gaia #comamor #amorosidade #animals #horseandchildren
Auricular acupuncture is the stimulation of acupuncture points on the external ear surface. It is a powerful way to rebalance hormones, stimulate the organs and create overall health & vitality.
#acupuncture #auricularacupuncture
#acupunturetherapy #medicinatradicionalchinesa #auriculoterapia #cupping #energia #healing #yinyang #holistic #equilíbrio #chinesemedicine #holistichealth
I’m super excited to announce that I started my #veterinaryacupuncture training this month!
Tons of people have asked me what sparked my interest so let me fill you in. If you’ve been following me for some time, you probably remember that around November of last year, our Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Layla, acutely started showing neurological deficits in her hind limbs. After every diagnostic known to man, including a CT scan, she was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy. It’s a horrible, sad, and gut wrenching disease process to watch. But on a more positive note, it’s not painful. It’s the equivalent of Lou Gherig’s in humans, where the nerve sheaths lose their myelin, which conducts nerve signals. It’s debilitating and there is no known cure and will eventually lead to full paralysis. We can, however, aim to decrease muscle atrophy and weakness to try to slow progression.
Surprisingly, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are in the top three for common dog breeds affected, with onset of around 8+ years... and our #lalabrowndog turned 10 years young this summer. So she fits the mold.
After trying everything possible, we were desperate to help her, and veterinary acupuncture has been the one staple in her regimen that has continued to improve and maintain her quality of life. After nearly a year, she’s slowly progressing but still walking, which is amazing because most kiddos are fully paralyzed by 6 months after diagnosis! So here I am, aiming to help my baby girl and many more with this new realm of veterinary medicine!
⭐️ Acupuncture Uses: ⭐️
-Chronic pain
-Seizure control
-Hormone regulation
-Orthopedic surgery
-Anxiety/stress/behavioral issues
And so much more!
I will be accepting trial appointments in the Fall at a discounted rate. Stay tuned, friends!
#acupuncture #holistichealing #holisticvetcare #degenerativemyelopathy #chesapeakebayretriever #chessiesofinstagram #veterinarian #veterinarymedicine #vettechlife #vettech #veterinária #veterinary #vetmed #vetmom #dogmoms #acupunturetherapy #acupuncturists #canineacupuncture #traditionalchineseveterinarymedicine #chineseveterinarymedicine #holisticwellness
"O movimento é nossa arma e nossa arte, através dele nos fazemos ciência. Nele depositamos nossos sonhos de trazer à vida, o que sem vida parece estar."
Pós em Traumato Ortopedia com ênfase em Pilates e Terapia Manual
Pós em Dermato Funcional Pós em Saúde da Família Ventosaterapia Dry Needling .
A @fisiio_life Tem o propósito de levar saúde a todos vocês ♥️ quem conhece meu trabalho sabe que sempre dou meu melhor e nessa nova etapa não será diferente!
#colunalombar #Fisioterapia #ciatalgia #quiropraxia #dermatofuncional #herniadedisco #Fisioterapia #TraumatoOrtopedia #ventosas #estetica #ortopedia #terapiamanual #dryneedling #acupuntura #acupunture #fisiopelvica #fisiologia #physiology #fisio #ortopedik #pilates #pilatesday #osteopatia #Yogalovers #yoga #nervociatico #acupunturetherapy #physique
Vücut ağrılarını dindiren bazı #akapunktur noktaları
Her bir noktaya 200 kez derin vibrasyon masajı uygulanırsa etkisini gösterir.
. .
#akapunkturilezayıflama #alternatiftıp #zayiflama #doğrubeslenuzunyaşa #acupuncture #acupunturetherapy #therapy #rehab #shouldertherapy #guzelik #easthetic #chriopractor #osteopati #osteopathy #manuelterapi #women #beatuy #fit #fitness #fizyoterapist #phsiotherapy #yogatherapy #occupationaltherapy #physicaltherapy #neurotherapy #massagetherapy #massages #massagelife #fisioterapia
SOMETIMES WE’RE ON MOUNTAINS other times we’re receiving unique gifts from the universe to slow down. Not featured here, my extremely arthritic knee that has had me unable to walk this week.
If you know me, you know I’m like the energizer bunny, always bouncing around. You may know about my “bad” knee history- 2 ACL/meniscus tears, 4 surgeries.
Yesterday I received the scary diagnosis that my arthritis has more than doubled in the past 5 years- and I’m experiencing a bad flare up from over doing it lately.
My medicine: CBD oil, a cortisone shot, acupuncture, a manicure. The softest sweatpants/sweatshirt I own. Elevate, ice, advil, repeat. And I’ve dropped the term “my bad knee”, this is the knee of a warrior.
#selflove #selfhealing #acupunturetherapy
Nou Mestre Punxaire.
L’acupuntor Martí Arnau... o millor dit Maltí Alnau, oriental de ‘pura cepa’.
Especialista en fisioteràpia combinada amb:
Acupuntura Clàssica: punxar per alliberar el dolor físic.
️Acupuntura Terapèutica: punxar per alliberar el dolor emocional.
Nuevo Maestro Pinchón.
El Acupuntor Martín Arnau, o mejor dicho Malti Alnau, oriental de pura ‘cepa’.
Especialista en fisioterapia combinada con:
Acupuntura Clásica: pinchar para liberar el dolor físico.
️Acupuntura Terapéutica: pinchar para liberar el dolor emocional.
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