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It's been a super busy month at the day job so I haven't had much time for projects, but I finally figured out the last details of my first major project!
I showed off the work in progress prototype of this at MomoCon this year. Took me a few tries to figure out the best way to seal up the chain between the fingers. Eventually I discovered that I had a couple rings misaligned elsewhere, so I was able to solve the problem.
This Dragonscale Gauntlet uses 564 small scales and took approximately 12 hours to complete. (This does not include the time spent designing it). #DraconicWares #dragon #dragons #dragonscale #dragonscales #dragonjewelry #scalemail #chainmail #scales #theringlord #cosplay #scalemaille #chainmaille #handmade #handmadejewelry #scalemailarmor #scalemaillejewelry #chainmailjewelry #gauntlet #handcrafted #armor
Love this shot of us from the last Denver Ball put on by @the_chateau. Imagine, the second night of the event you find yourself in a castle with musicians serenading you as you feast from your lengthy medieval style table, wine in hand. This shot is from that night and it's one I hold dear to my heart.
“Kaleidoscope” Body Accessory: 4227 Rings • I named this capelet-like piece as such because I got the inspiration from this vintage object.
I remember my kaleidoscope as a childhood memory and the vision of fractals always make me imagine further.
It is basicly a cylinder with mirrors. As you looks into one end, light entering the other creates a colorful pattern, due to the reflection of the mirrors.
Here are some additional information:
- It is produced by the Scottish inventor Sir David Brewster. - The name is derived from Ancient Greek words: Kalos (beautiful, beauty) - Eidos (that which is seen: form, shape) - Skopeō (to look to, to examine) hence meaning "observer of beautiful forms".
- In the cylinder usually three mirrors are placed at an angle to one another, (usually 60°) so they form a triangle. This setting creates several duplicate images of the objects.
What about you? Do you remember it or did you have a kaleidoscope when you were a child?
Двухсторонние браслеты "Нормандия" из стали и меди.
С каждой стороны браслета разный рисунок плетения.
Ширина 12,5 мм.
Стальной – 1500 руб.
Медный – 1300 руб.
Можно сделать менее массивный вариант такого браслета за 900 руб.
Также возможен вариант из титана.
#кольчужноеплетение #кольчужныеукрашения #викинги #норманны #медныебраслеты #чистаямедь #стальныебраслеты #стальныецепи #orcweave #chainmaille
SOLD! I have one of these solid brass Byzantine wallet chains available. First one to comment sold gets dibs. I have brass clasps as well if you would want that as an option. Sweet ass @rigsofdoom wallet by @hotchkissleather not included. Thanks for looking. | #walletchain #chainwallet #bikerwallet #bikerchain #truckerwallet #harleydavidson #chainmail #chainmaille #edc #leather #choker #bracelet #leatherwallet #madeinusa #handmade #ripperchainco
“Yes. All men must die, but we are not men.” #Gameofthrones
@valeriyatikhomirova wears a OOAK @itisknown collar with “Athena” scalemaille tassets, available in the shop. @simplysavannahart
#itisknown #madeinny #femaledesigner #chainmaille #handmade #model #melanin #gothfashion #postthepeople #highfashion #photoshoot #armor #coif #chainmailcoif #gameofthrones #khalessi #editorial #moodygrams #instafashion #chainmail #fierce #collab #indiedesigner #highfashion #ooak #joanofarc #wgt
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