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Hashtags sur le sujet #CINCORANCH

Y así transcurrió otro Thanksgiving más en mi casa. Este es nuestro 4to año celebrando esta tradición Americana cocinando todo lo que se acostumbra en esta fecha y debo confesar que en gran parte se lo debemos a Diego quien a medida que ha ido creciendo ha ido pidiendo hacer más cosas de lo que es la cultura de su país. ⠀ ⠀ No tengo muchas fotos porque la verdad cada vez me preocupo menos por documentar estos momentos y vivirlos más ❤️ sin embargo recupere por allí algunas fotos tomadas por los demás. ⠀ ⠀ Gracias a Dios ante todo por mi familia, nuestra Salud y el amor que nos une. Gracias por los amigos que se han convertido en familia en este proceso que todos los que emigramos experimentamos al llegar solos a un país extraño. Gracias a quienes me acompañan por esta vía , colocados o no, por cualquiera de las razones que sea (recetas, estilo de vida, motivación, compañía, tips, por sentirse identificadas, etc), ustedes son parte importante de mi día a día y sin duda Motivación par mi también ❤️.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #thanksgiving #katytx #houston #cincoranch #rosyfinol

Hashtags sur le sujet #CINCORANCH

Glute & Core Superset It is always a major advantage to be able to properly engage and fire off the glutes. Whether it be for sport performance or to gain more control and become stronger in a lift. @tobenwigwe -Peep Game Give these two movements a try and add it to your arsenal. 1. @vertimax Curtsey Lunge Knee Drive 2. Single Leg Glute Bridge V Up #fitspo #athlete #houston #houstonfitness #athletetraining #explosivetraining #athletics #trainingday

Hashtags sur le sujet #CINCORANCH

If your looking to develop bounce like @alljump.nocap I’m the coach your looking for. — @rokpala8 — Get with me for all summer training E-Mail me at for all bookings. — #jumpgod #athleticgod #letsjumphigher #vertical #verticaltraining #verticaljump #verticaljumptraining #dunktraining #jumptraining #athletictraining #athleticperformance #athleticdevelopment #athletictrainer #athleticfitness #verttraining #athleticperformance #cincoranch #lacenterraatcincoranch #lacenterra #fulsheartx #richmondtx #cincoranchtx #katytx

Hashtags sur le sujet #CINCORANCH

⚡️PURPLE LIGHTENING ⚡️ • • Steps to achieve color like this requires A LOT of time. 7 hours actually. Especially when the hair is long and extra thick. • Prelighten Zones 2 and 3 with Redken flash lift 30 vol. then prelighten zone 1 with flash lift 20 vol. all with pH Bonder. • Tone to neutralize (Shades Eq Gloss 09P: 09V) • Final color: Matrix #SoColorCult Zone 1: Admiral Navy/Royal Purple Splash Light: Flamenco Fuchsia: Bubble Gum Pink Ends: Lavender Macaroon and a couple drops of Royal Purple. • • • #MatrixSoColorCult #SalonAtUltaBeauty #tiedyehair #iAmUltaBeauty #RachelBettisArtistry #katyhairstylist #btconeshot19_vibrant @behindthechair_com @marybehindthechair #houstonhairstylist #houstoncolorist #richmondtx #katytexas #fulsheartx #pinkandpurplehair #houstonhairdresser #sugarlandhairstylist #ultabeautysalon #ultabeauty @ultabeauty #cincoranch

Hashtags sur le sujet #CINCORANCH

Reality check... _ The world is the way it is, today is the way it is, your situation is the way it is. So what are you going to do about it? _ Here you are in this world, this world that is undeniably the way it is. You can do nothing to change what you’ve got, yet you can do everything to vastly improve what you get. _ The 3 _ : @yournonverbals _ #katyfitness #katytexas  #katytx #richmondtx #poundcake #eggrolls #sportsday #shredded  #foodstand #katyfootball  #katyhighschool  #tampafl  #tampabay #houston  #100to0 #palestinian #fitfam  #healthiswealth  #houstonpersonaltrainer  #personaltrainer  #cincoranch #cincoranchtx

Hashtags sur le sujet #CINCORANCH

Athleticism and Force Production Add these movements to your arsenal and let me know how it helps elevate your performance. Be sure to tag me in any of your vids! @theathletedeveloper _ #fitspo #athlete #houston #houstonfitness #athletetraining #explosivetraining #athletics #trainingday

Hashtags sur le sujet #CINCORANCH

Tag Three People That Instantly Emerges In-Mind — Some has built there self in such away, they expect other people to display their life’s energy exactly the same. — When that doesn’t transpire they admittedly disconnect — My question is if other people displayed there life’s energy exactly the same, dose it yield LIFE being exactly the same. — Really where’s the fun in that, this life seems to be made of so many different living organisms that move to a different rhythm of the beat. — Honor that, be grateful for that, admire it’s beauty for it is the very thing that has made life so majestic and blissful. — Having the ability to accept life and death, the bad and the good, and the right and the wrong gives you amazing clarity that it all coincides together. ITS LIFE = ITS ME. — @samuelsolisvideo — #jumpgod #athleticgod #letsjumphigher #devotion #dailydevotional #saturdayvibes #lifequotes #instapic #alien #cincoranch #lacenterraatcincoranch #lacenterra #fulsheartx #richmondtx #cincoranchtx #katytx

Hashtags sur le sujet #CINCORANCH

Vertical Jump Exercise #26 - Here’s another dope superset you can utilize to increase your vertical jump. - Keying in on triple extension applying massive force into the ground getting the most out of your athleticism. - #jumpgod #athleticgod #letsjumphigher #vertical #verticaltraining #verticaljump #verticaljumptraining #dunktraining #jumptraining #athletictraining #athleticperformance #athleticdevelopment #athletictrainer #athleticfitness #verttraining #athleticperformance #cincoranch #lacenterraatcincoranch #lacenterra #fulsheartx #richmondtx #cincoranchtx #katytx

Hashtags sur le sujet #CINCORANCH

☀️Feeling good as the @1upnutrition supps kick in before this epic workout session _ Check out for Supps to Add to your daily regime, and for an added bonus use code: TheAD20 for 20% off of your order _ #fitspo #athlete #houston #houstonfitness #athletetraining #explosivetraining #athletics #1upnutrition #becomebetter

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