greencastle chambersburg donegal shippensburg ireland ohw19 angrianan creativeeurope gdanskshakespearetheatre letterkenny parrabbola shakespeare shakingthetale shakingthewalls theatre thewinterstale waynesboro greencastlepa pennsylvania behindthescenes hagerstown northernireland wellness adultorthodontics aligners americanassociationoforthodontists braceface braces militarytribunals
Çimenlik Kalesi
#çimenlikkalesi #tarihieser #çanakkale #yeşil #gününfotografı #türkiyem
#fotoğrafvakti #fotografia #fotograf #picture #beautiful #greenlife #greencastle #castle #photooftheday #picoftheday #naturellovers #naturel #likeforlikes #vsco #vscoturkey #instagood #photography #naturephography #instagram_türkiye #viewphotography #landscape #ig_shotz #benimgozumden
Çimenlik Kalesi
#çimenlikkalesi #tarih #kale #çanakkale #yeşil #agac #gününfotografı #yeşilmavi #fotografia #fotograf #picture #beautiful #history #greenlife #greencastle #castle #photooftheday #naturellovers #naturel #likeforlikes #vsco #vscoturkey #instagood #instaturkey #photography #naturephography #instagram_türkiye #viewphotography #greenandblue
Greencastle in Northern Ireland☘#greencastle #countydown #northernireland #discoverni #europecastles #castlesoftheworld #castleofireland #zamkoholik #ig_sunsetshots #zamki #tourismireland #bestirelandpics #lovinireland #inspireland_ #thefullirish_ #irelandcollective #irish_daily #best_of_ireland #thisisireland #visitireland #irishpassion #discoverireland #niexplorer #loveni #ig_ireland #igersireland #instaireland #ireland #irlandia #loves_ireland @insta_ireland @romanticcastlesofireland @best_ireland_photos @ireland_before_you_die @irelandaily @littlepiecesofireland
Flashback on the Global Musician Workshop last June in the US, where I was very lucky to learn and play among amazing musicians such as @shanahandrums !
Thanks to @silkroadproject and @blockcello for this great program ! The next GMW is from May 26 to June 3, don't hesitate it's a unique experience !
"Zavebe" of #johnzorn with @baturayarkin @emilstein_ #alfredgoodrich @ehsan_matoori and @shanahandrums
Check the entire clip on YouTube
@greencastlesummermusic @depauwu @depauwmusic #globalmusician #globalmusicianworkshop #music #learning #flashbackfriday #worldmusic #jazz #impro #GMW #silkroad #lucky #usa #trip #indiana #greencastle #depauw #adventure #cello #cellist #viola #piano #drums #santoor #mix #experience #clip #1min
Got the chance to paint a sandwich board for @incognitotattoostudio . Thanks to the crew for the opportunity! #handlettered #handlettering #freehandlettering #handpaint #handpainted #handpaintedsigns #signs #signpainting #design #graphicdesign #art #arts #typography #typeandlettering #typographyart #scriptlettering #brushlettering #sandwichboard #greencastle #greencastlepa #pennsylvania #tattoo #tattoos #tattoostudio #incognito #incognitotattoo #incognitotattoostudio
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