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Cluck Gable....leading man! He's a looker and he tries so hard to impress the ladies. He's a good protector and caller for treats. Some of the older girls, though, give him the proverbial eye roll and walk right by. Keep working on it, big guy!! Sharing for #roosdaytuesday with Michelle @newburyfarms .
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Found this treasure of an egg basket at a boutique in the local boutique tour. I love it!!
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An update on the 3rd generation of Golden girls. Six weeks old all feathered out and in the "no bullying" coop until they're big enough to hold their own with the big girls. Can you guess which one is the friendly, adventurous one
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My girls' pens got flooded and are still being eroded by runoff from the mountain. They seemed so happy to get out from the cramped area under the coop and not be standing in feather deep water. If I'd known it was going to be this bad I would have gotten out there and done it this morning or last night. At least now they've got some where to stand for tomorrow's rain and while things dry out. Then it'll be time for some major landscaping. More pics on @poultryinmotion92530 #crazychickenlady #ilovemypoultry
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