mscommunity mswarrior multiplesclerosis msawareness mssociety thisisms lifewithms spoonie chronicillness livingwithms msstrong autoimmunedisease fitness msfamily mslife butyoudontlooksick curems invisibleillness msfighter chronicpain keepsmyelin mstalk multiplesclerosisfighter mymsstory notalldisabilitiesarevisible autoimmunewarrior motivation chronicdisease gradstudent mssucks
When I was first diagnosed I thought my life was over. Dramatic I know. But truly I was devastated. I thought I would have to give up everything I love doing and eating. I thought my life would become nothing more than pain, doctor appointments, and medication. I was wrong. Yes I had a, let’s say, more carefree life before Multiple Sclerosis, but my life now is just as amazing as it was before. Sure, I do things differently- I’ve learned to adjust to a new way of living. Heat intolerance, diet, medicine, I’ve adjusted to it all. I started publicly sharing my story with the hope of sharing HOPE! When I was first diagnosed I thought my life as I knew it was over, and I was right. My life before wasn’t working for me. I was having weird symptoms I could never explain. Since my diagnosis I’ve learned to avoid triggers which in turn help me avoid relapses. My life now isn’t worth any less just due to my chronic illness. I’ve just learned to adjust to the changes. I hope many of you, newly diagnosed and not, can find hope within your diagnosis. Hope that you’ll adjust. Hope that your life is just as fun and amazing as before; maybe even better! Hope for a cure. Keep fighting warriors. We got this. #thisisms #spreadpositivity
#MSverbindet wird hier in der Community oft gesagt... [Werbung wegen Profilnennung] ...und es stimmt, denn wir alle haben eins gemeinsam! Wir sind alle an #multiplesklerose erkrankt! Egal ob man im Rollstuhl sitzt, einen Rollator oder "nur" eine Gehhilfe verwendet. Wir alle leben mit einer unheilbaren #Autoimmunerkrankung um so trauriger bin ich darüber, dass wir uns mit so viel Missgunst und Neid begegnen! Gerade das passiert bei Samira von @chronischfabelhaft - nach ihrem Auftritt bei NDR erhält sie viele Nachrichten und neidisch Kommentare zu ihrem Auftritt. Nur weil es Samira nicht ganz so schwer getroffen hat wie vielleicht andere. Dennoch haben wir alle unser Päckchen zu tragen, so auch Samira. Sie tritt in Radiointerviews auf, in Podcasts und nun auch in 2 aktuellen TV Sendungen. Sie setzt sich dafür ein mehr Aufklärung über MS in die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen. Mit allen sichtbaren und unsichtbaren Symptomen. Auch wir anderen #MSBlogger setzen uns dafür ein, Anderen Mut zu machen und leisten Aufklärungsarbeit. Haben ein offenes Ohr für unsere Leser und bieten Alltagshilfen an. Wir schreiben mit viel Herzblut um Betroffene zu unterstützen und ihnen Mut zu machen und versuchen ihnen bei der Krankheitsbewältigung zu helfen. Jeder auf seine eigene Art und Weise. Ich bin froh dass es Blogger wie Samira gibt, die Aufklärungsarbeit leisten und für mehr #msawareness sorgen. Also lasst uns aufhören mit hässlichen Kommentaren, Missgunst und Verurteilungen. Liebe Neider, hört auf im Selbstmitleid zu baden und Andere mit in euren Sumpf zu ziehen! Stattdessen sollten wir gemeinsam dagegen stehen und für mehr Aufklärung und Tolleranz kämpfen! Wir alle haben das gleiche Schicksal und müssen unser Leben mit der MS meistern. MS hat 1000 Gesichter und nicht jeder Krankheitsverkauf ist gleich! Wir beschweren uns, dass andere nicht hinter die Fassade sehen und dann machen wir genau das Gleiche in dem wir gegen jemanden, den es vielleicht nicht so hart getroffen hat schießen! #MSGemeinsam bewältigen! Denn nur #Gemeinsam sind wir stark! Also lasst uns gemeinsam kämpfen!
Tackling Multiple Sclerosis with a positive mindset is NOT ignoring my symptoms, feelings, or anything of the sort. Living positively is knowing the bad days are out there, but being ready to take them on knowing they will also pass. Tomorrow is always a new day. This world is filled with good and bad. Balance. Sometimes it feels like living with #MS can be more bad than good, but we persevere nonetheless. Yesterday I was reminded that even though it may seem like a bad day (I barely had the energy to talk let alone walk, just in a really weird funk, nothing appeared to be going my way) there’s blessings in every single day. The blessing that hits me the hardest and brings me back to positivity when I want to rant about the things I didn’t get crossed of my todo list, events I couldn’t attend, plans I had to cancel is this very simple fact: I woke up today. I’m constantly reminded never to take a day for granted regardless of how “useless” the day may seem. Everyday you wake up, gently remind yourself that there are those who did not. Never take that for granted. Take today and do what makes you happy! Healthy or battling a chronic beast- Everyday is beautiful. Everyday is a gift. Xx #thisisms
"Hi, I am Nena, I have MS and I am terrified of stairs." I would say months ago. ♀️
And then I started to train on stairs in my home. 10 times a day.. 15 times a day. With holding fence, wall.. without holding. No matter how, I did it.
Today, happy to say.. i can do it almost like before.. Without thinking about next step! ♡
And that is something I didn't even dream I could do when I first started to walk after being in wheelchair for months.
So, don't you dare to give up. Neverrr.
' , .
Next challenge for me? Heels! Bcs i miss thoseeee .
Not everyone has to be happy all the time. That's not mental health. That's crap.
Feel what you need to feel.
It's okay to have bad days, to make mistakes, to be less than perfect.
But, you will always be perfect for the people who love you
Happy #MSmonday Living with Multiple Sclerosis has made each day a new adventure. Am I going to wake up energized or exhausted? Am I going to get anything on my todo list accomplished or nah? Are my supplements working or do I need to up the dosage? It’s wild. Anyone else feel like they’re conducting their own daily experiments? I know I sure am! I’ve conducted controlled experiments with the foods I eat, supplements I take etc. If I ever wake up feeling bad I think about what could’ve caused it. What did I or didn’t I eat/take. It’s fun! #saidnooneever #thisisms
I’m here to show a different side of this disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and how the attacks on the body differ in every single person diagnosed. What shouldn’t differ is our attitudes towards it. YES, it’s normal to be upset and fear the future (I’ve been there!) However, those thoughts should be fleeting. Get them out of your head as quickly as they popped in♀️ We mustn’t dwell on what we CAN’T control. You know what we can control?! We CAN control our positivity. Our mindset. We shouldn’t compare our symptoms or how well everyone is doing/not doing- what we should do is hold each other accountable. Spread positivity and hope instead of doubt and fear. Hold each other up when we start to get down. Keep each other positive and hopeful for a future free of MS. Keep fighting #mswarriors together we got this ✨ #namaste
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