selfcoaching coaching lifecoach motivation selfacceptance inspiration personaldevelopment selfdevelopment selflove wellbeing coach happiness higherself personalgrowth selfhealing spirituality success transformation wellness affirmations boundaries empowerment forgiveness innerchild intuition kindness personalpower psychology selfgrowth lifecoaching бизнестренинг_новосибирск
Ansiedade é isso: Nada aconteceu e na sua mente tudo já está desmoronando. Choramos antes de doer, sofremos antes de perder, desistimos antes de começar. O ANTES é a ansiedade roubando nossa felicidade.
É engraçado como às vezes nos preocupamos muito com alguma coisa e ela acaba não sendo nem um pouco importante. Nosso maior inimigo é a nossa mente, que cria o que não existe. E o mais sensível de todos é o nosso coração , que mesmo sabendo que é a criação da mente , ainda assim acredita.
Então relaxa essa cabeça...Pare de pensar tanto, pensar demais estraga tudo!!!
A vida está passando agora bem diante dos nossos olhos e quase todos estão esperando alguma coisa que ainda irá acontecer, enquanto a vida está acontecendo exatamente agora, e amanhã talvez não estejamos mais aqui para senti - la. A vida é agora. Nunca houve um momento em que a sua vida não fosse agora, nem nunca haverá!!! #mindset #mundanças #expectativas #sonhegrande #mentesmilionarias #mentesbrilhantes #oprimorico ##selfcoaching #coaching #coachingmotivacional #coache #coach #lifecoach #training #inspiration #motivacion #motivacao #automotivacao #sucesso #sucess
No, non è stata un’assenza di piacere, e’ stata un’assenza di dolore.
Perché ci sono quei maledetti eventi, che in concorso o senza la nostra volontà, accadono.
Accadono all’improvviso e paralizzano totalmente la tua vita;
Allora tu provi a dimenarti, arrabbiarti, scappare, distrarti;
Ma lui ti insegue, il dolore, ti perseguita;
E tu cerchi ragioni;
Provi a dare la colpa al destino, alla vita, agli altri, e poi a te, e poi di nuovi agli altri, e poi di nuovo alla vita;
Ti dai un gran da fare per trovare ragioni, per poi, dopo tutto questo correre e dimenarti, scoprire che non c’è una sola ragione che ti convinca abbastanza.
Non c’è una sola ragione che ti conforti abbastanza.
E’ il momento in cui capisci che non c’è altro da fare, se non conviverci.
E quindi ti lasci invadere, dal dolore, ti lasci trafiggere, fino al punto che ogni tua cellula non sarà in grado di percepirlo.
Lo vai a cercare.
Lo accogli perfino, lo inviti a sedersi accanto a te, ci parli.
Oggi ci sei tu e lui, e nient’altro;
Ma domani, domani, un giorno, non importa quando, ti sveglierai e lui se ne sarà andato.
Domani, un giorno, non importa quando, un sorriso albergherà di nuovo sul tuo viso.
Un sorriso d’amore, in cui si intravede un nuovo inizio.
#dolore #doloreeforza #sofferenza #momenti #motivation #momentidifficili #ostacoli #ispirazione #spiritualità #spirituality #sfide #lifelessons #lezionidivita #lezioni #imparare #sviluppopersonale #sviluppo #selfpower #selflove #selfcare #selfconfidencequotes #selfcoaching #innerguidance #innerpower #innervoice #starebene
Com essas pessoas eu aprendi que a vida é cíclica e não tem esse nem aquele que não tem altos e baixos. Melhor se sai que tem um pensamento concentrado, progressista e sabe de fato onde quer chegar. Obrigado a todos que fizeram parte da minha vida nesses 8 intensos dias. Amigos para sempre!
#coaching #ibc #selfcoaching #aprendizado #recomeco #informacao #conhecimento #gratidao #futuro #segündinhacheeģou #sabedoria #sucesso #independencia #amor #business #negocios #networking #network
These are almost all my falls within 2weeks. Every skater worked very hard and go through all these in reward a few minutes of glamorous on stage. #respect #skaterlife
#nocoach #selfcoaching #domore #trymybest #justbelieve #hkathlete #nevergiveup #neverstop #フィギュアスケート #롤러피겨 #花式滾軸溜冰 #figureskating #artisticrollerskating #фигурное катание #patinartistico #pattinaggioartistico #nocoach
Follow my fb: katherinechoirollerskate
Follow my ig: roller_sk8er_katherine
Follow my YouTube: RollerSkaterOnIceKatherine
Volete sapere come e’ stata impiegata la matematica per formulare strategie di soluzione dei problemi in ambito psicologico e psicoterapeutico?
Avete mai l’ansia?
L’ansia è una naturale mobilitazione delle nostre risorse fisiche e psichiche, per affrontare un evento inatteso o un pericolo.
Quando però dura troppo e non ha cause reali, allora segnala uno stato di disagio.
Un problema.
Esiste una predisposizione genetica all’ansia?
Il cervello e’ capace di produrre da sé sia ansia che serenità.
Piuttosto, ad essere determinanti nel perdurare dell’ansia come disagio, sono invece gli atteggiamenti mentali;
La paura del futuro, il perfezionismo, l’idealismo, la competizione con gli altri, l’ipercontrollo.
Come liberarsi dell’ansia?
Dato che l’ansia e’ figlia dell’ipercontrollo, un’azione di contenimento finirebbe per rinforzare la violenza del disagio;
Per eliminare l’ansia non bisognare fare nulla per eliminare l’ansia, qualsiasi azione svolta sul sintomo non può produrre un cambiamento.
Piuttosto, bisogna mettersi in uno stato di assoluta passività, accogliere il sintomo, e lasciarlo sciogliere.
Abbandonare il gioco!
Con il tempo, il trucco di abbandonare il gioco, insegnerà al cervello a non creare più questo disagio, sperimentando l’ansia soltanto in dosi fisiologiche.
Volete un esempio pratico?
Un esercizio utile per gli ansiosi da perfezionismo, e’ quello di disegnare su un foglio la propria immagine, e modificarla un po’ alla volta, un trucco diverso, pettinatura diversa, corpo diverso.
L’esercizio distrugge le maschere, porta il cervello fuori dal sistema dell’ansia, aiutandolo a recuperare il valore della trasgressione.
Non è una strategia interna al sistema dell’ansia, non agisce sul sintomo, ovvero sull’elemento.
Agisce sul sistema che l’ha generato, cambiandolo.
Recesintesi - Change
Autori Watzlawich Fisch Weakland
#motivazione #motivation #inspiración #inspiration #ispirazione #pensieriprofondi #pensierieparole #crescitapersonale #sviluppopersonale #sviluppo #progresso #intelligenzaemotiva #prestazione #performance #highperformance #selflove #selfpower #selfcoaching #cambiare #personaldevelopment #personality #benessere #mente #mentesana
At the beginning of my journey, somebody told me, “you are what you believe to be!” I was angry at this person; how can that be? Of course, I want to have freedom and do what I want to do, when I want and as much as I want. So why its not happening? ⠀
My NLP Trainer and Mentor @shinyunsal was the first Person telling me “because in your subconscious mind, you believe something different and this is what counts at the end of the day!” I was puzzled, how can I work against myself. That moment was the point where I took the commitment to do whatever it takes to reorganize my subconscious mind. ⠀
I learned a lot about programs what they do and how they evolved and today I’m convinced that the Beliefs we hold are the key to success. ⠀
Beliefs are critical, period ⠀
What’s so tricky about beliefs is that they have a core and many forms to that core. In other words, a belief which was built in childhood may have the same basic meaning but completely different expression. ⠀
The example I have on the post is the one I practiced the most, I went through it over and over again. The process is simple, but it requires commitment and the willingness to experience pain. Sometimes we don’t remember what happened exactly, that’s ok, just see yourself back in time. Things will show up. ⠀
Let’s take the example on the post. ⠀
Step 1) = Set the intention! “I want to speak up whenever I feel too” ⠀
Step 2) ask yourself, why is that so difficult? Where does this come from? The key is to be radically honest and write down the answers without judging them. It’s not easy because we are meant to judge everything ⠀
Step 3) I f you have a clear scene in mind, try to describe what you feel and why. Now change the outcome by replaying it the way you want to have. Feel the feelings. ⠀
Step 4) takes a photo of you as a child and look at it, prime your brain. This can help to mobilize old memories. Then meditate on re-parenting yourself, go back to your child. See it, embrace it and say “I you love it no matter what. You are protected. It's ok! ⠀
Are you dismantling your beliefs? #rewriteyourprogram ⠀
#beliefs #selfhealers #selfcoaching #power #childhood #reframe #eft #mindset #growth #you
Many times, i hear the question “who is in the driver seat?” Actually, this question is something that everybody has to ask itself daily. Who is driving you during your day and based on what information is it happening? ⠀
Being in the driver seat means taking over responsibility and if you don’t claim it somebody else will do that for you. You will not be asked; your brain will record and carry out what it beliefs to be good for you. ⠀
Our subconscious mind, also called the autopilot, is so much more powerful than our conscious mind. It handles millions of activities simultaneously and can steer us without that we realize it. It does it based on passed experiences, old information and by continuously scanning our environment for confirmation. Then in cooperation with the survival function it predicts worst case scenarios. It assures that we avoid pain and go for pleasure and that we save energy. The brain it’s a great supercomputer, it does it all on its own. But if we are not aware and we feed it with the wrong data then “garbage in garbage out” happens ⠀
Not being aware has many downsize ⠀
1 Running in survival mode increase stress response which is highly addictive. ⠀
2 Avoiding pain means also avoiding change because each change has some “pain” associated with it. ⠀
3 Operating the same programs everyday makes them stronger and stronger. ⠀
Its therefore really important that we learn to catch our self when we are running on this modus so that we become aware about what is crossing our mind. We can take notes analyse them and some changes in the subconscious mind. What should our beliefs, habits and rule be? It has been proven that it’s possible to teach our autopilot for high performance patterns. ⠀
As soon as the subconscious has absorbed it you become unstoppable. It runs the show! ⠀
Who is mostly sitting in your driver seat? #rewriteyourprogram ⠀
#driverseat #subconscious #mindset #mindgrowth #awareness #consciousness #thepresentmoment #autopilot #responsibility #selfhealing #selfcoaching #selfhealers #personaldevelopment #thinking #catch #bethechange #selhelp #youmatter ⠀
The benefit of changing from a video camera to iPhone to record the practice video
#slowmotion #axel #noquality #nocoach #selfcoaching #skaterlife #rainyday #domore #trymybest #justbelieve #hkathlete #nevergiveup #neverstop #フィギュアスケート #롤러피겨 #花式滾軸溜冰 #figureskating #artisticrollerskating #фигурное катание #patinartistico #pattinaggioartistico #nocoach
Follow my fb: katherinechoirollerskate
Follow my ig: roller_sk8er_katherine
Follow my YouTube: RollerSkaterOnIceKatherine
After long hours of work yesterday, I’m so tired and I have a few moments in mind like: could you please rain, so I can go back home and take a little rest?
But at last I went to the rink and did a 40mins on skate training. I’m so glad that I can still spin a little bit, coz my leg muscles are so tense!!!
And after skating, I always do 1min skipping. Within this minute, I need to do a maximum numbers of rope skipping. And last night although I’m super tired, I had a new record, 167times in 1min.
I’m having progress I guess, I can’t feel it, coz I’m too tired, but I can see it. Spinning faster, jumping a bit higher and spinning faster in the air. Hope everything will be alright. Time is super limited as I’m not student anymore, I need to go to work, I need to give back money to my family( I know this is an Asian thing) And we only have outdoor rink, and the rink is always being booked by other parties. But if you want it, you think ways to make it, isn’t it
#tired #workhard #anybodyunderstand ? #nocoach #selfcoaching #skaterlife #rainyday #domore #trymybest #justbelieve #hkathlete #nevergiveup #neverstop #フィギュアスケート #롤러피겨 #花式滾軸溜冰 #figureskating #artisticrollerskating #фигурное катание #patinartistico #pattinaggioartistico #nocoach
Follow my fb: katherinechoirollerskate
Follow my ig: roller_sk8er_katherine
Follow my YouTube: RollerSkaterOnIceKatherine
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