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Can you beat the 25‘ timecap?
Try to go unbroken on the thrusters and dial in a consistent pace on the rower and run! Take Short transitions, even slow rowing and running is better than resting!
Tag a buddy and smash it.
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Qualifier 19.2 for the upcoming @halfwaytherethrowdown
This is gonna be a sprint, leave nothing in the tank.
What’s your score?
#crossfitter #wod #paytheman #crossfittraining #crossfitcommunity #wodlife #crossfitlove #crossfitlife #crossfitgames #crossfitgirls #crossfituk #hwpo #crossfitgermany #crossfitmotivation #crossfitberlin #crossfitfamily #crossfitopen #intheopen #crossfitaddict #openseason #crossfitathlete #crossfitbox #crossfitcompetition #justdontquit #openprep
Give this spicy couplet a shot. Start with 5 deadlifts & pull-ups, followed by 10, 15, and so on!
This will get grippy very soon!
What’s your score?
#crossfitfamily #crossfitgermany #wod #crossfitter #crossfitbox #crossfitlove #crossfittraining #openprep #intheopen #crossfitgirls #crossfitmotivation #crossfitgames #crossfitcommunity #crossfitaddict #openseason #wodlife #crossfitcompetition #crossfitathlete #hwpo #crossfitopen #justdontquit #paytheman #crossfitberlin #crossfitlife #crossfituk
Damn those push ups get tough after the burpees.
Start with 5 cals on the rower - go on with 5 burpees and 5 Push Ups until you start the round of 10.
Aim for a consistent effort over all rounds.
#crossfitfun #crossfitguys #crossfitportugal #boxlife #crossfitstyle #instacrossfit #crossfitmasters #thecrossfitbox #crossfitphotography #ukcrossfit #norep #crossfitmexico #lovecrossfit #crossfititaly #crossfitspain #crossfitworld #forgingelitefitness #ilovecrossfit #wodlife #crossfiteurope #wods #crossfitbali #crossfitargentina #crossfitaustralia #crossfitcolombia
Wednesday Grinder - you never go wrong with power cleans!
This is gonna be a fast one. Split the cleans wisely and don’t blow up on the rower.
What’s your score?
#boxlife #crossfiteurope #thecrossfitbox #crossfitworld #crossfitstyle #norep #wodlife #crossfitcolombia #crossfitphotography #crossfitspain #ukcrossfit #crossfitmexico #crossfititaly #forgingelitefitness #crossfitargentina #lovecrossfit #instacrossfit #crossfitfun #wods #crossfitguys #crossfitmasters #crossfitaustralia #crossfitbali #crossfitportugal #ilovecrossfit
Tag a buddy who you wanna tackle this with.
Start with 6 t2b, followed by 6 squat snatches - 6 t2b and 5 snatches, go on until 1 snatch and rest for 2 minutes.
Now climb back the ladder.
#crossfitbali #crossfitargentina #norep #crossfitstyle #crossfitfun #ukcrossfit #crossfitmexico #crossfitguys #forgingelitefitness #instacrossfit #crossfitportugal #ilovecrossfit #crossfitcolombia #lovecrossfit #crossfiteurope #crossfitphotography #crossfitaustralia #crossfitworld #thecrossfitbox #boxlife #wods #crossfititaly #crossfitmasters #wodlife #crossfitspain
Openprep. Give this spicy couplet a shot and post your score to the comments.
#crossfitaustralia #crossfitmexico #crossfitstyle #crossfitworld #wods #crossfitguys #crossfitbali #crossfititaly #crossfitargentina #crossfitcolombia #norep #instacrossfit #crossfitportugal #thecrossfitbox #crossfitphotography #crossfitmasters #lovecrossfit #ukcrossfit #crossfitspain #crossfitfun #forgingelitefitness #boxlife #wodlife #ilovecrossfit #crossfiteurope
This is a fun one.
Don’t go to hard on the assault bike and go for fast singles on the power cleans.
Tag a buddy who you wanna crush this with.
#crossfitlove #crossfitberlin #crossfitfamily #intheopen #crossfitaddict #crossfitcommunity #crossfitgirls #crossfitopen #crossfitlife #hwpo #crossfitgames #paytheman #openseason #crossfitathlete #openprep #crossfitter #crossfituk #wodlife #crossfitmotivation #crossfitgermany #wod #crossfittraining #crossfitcompetition #justdontquit #crossfitbox
Nasty combo to finish a good week of training. Don’t go to hard on the rower and smash the barbell part!
If you can’t go for quick singles on the power snatches - scale the weights slightly down.
What’s your score?
#crossfittraining #crossfituk #crossfitlife #crossfitathlete #crossfitbox #crossfitcommunity #openprep #crossfitcompetition #crossfitberlin #intheopen #crossfitgermany #paytheman #crossfitgirls #crossfitopen #hwpo #crossfitter #crossfitgames #crossfitaddict #crossfitmotivation #wod #justdontquit #crossfitfamily #wodlife #openseason #crossfitlove
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