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Flow like water
Even though the largest rocks might stand in its way, water will always find a way through it.
As I went on my hike I decided to take the new 310 Peach Detox Tea with me. It has natural peach flavor to give it an unbelievably sumptuous, fruity taste. I have been really enjoy this tea and highly recommend it. Use code 310DULCEMOMLIFE for free shipping! Have you tried @310 ? Whats your favorite flavor tea or shake?
Hey you. ☠️#frederick #leatherjacket #bakerpark #fall #dance #pasdedeux #church #tower #diesel #dancephotography #ballet #dancelife #americanballettheatre #frederickmaryland #maledancer #frederickarts #performingarts #marylandculture #marylandarts #clusteredspires Photo by @joanne_marie_photography
Photo cropped to hide crumbs, dog hair, glitter from a craft project we did over three weeks ago that will probably never.go.away.ever...I mean...if you watched my stories from this morning you’d get a more accurate depiction of our real, true, honest life (that also happens to include old school rap and complete disarray of toys ♀️) but let me lie to you a little with this image ☺️ An innocent-ish little boy who may or may not happen to know *most* of the lyrics to House of Pain Jump Around BUT also knows how to pray a mean blessing over our meals. Whatever. It’s about balance. We are a happy little fam ♀️ Happy New Year from my feed (of lies) to yours! ☺️ #honestmotherhood #momphotographer #thebloomforum #homedecor #familyfirst #frederickmaryland #potterybarnstyle #restorationhardwareoutlet #targethomestyle #clickinmoms #murenmemories
Looking forward to performing in Swan Lake this week at the @metopera ! ABT will also be touring to @wolf_trap in two weeks to perform Swan Lake again for the final week of our season. I’m very excited to be at home, performing the Maryland/DC/Virginia area. #wolftrapnationalpark #wolftrapperformingarts #wolftrap #abtatthemet #gazebo #downtownfrederick #performingarts #dancephotography #zaraman #performance #grishkogeneration #americanballettheatre #swanlake #sleepingbeauty #frederickmaryland #maledancer #maryland #classicalballet #bakerparkfrederick #dancephotography Photo by @joanne_marie_photography