freshvintagepaintedfurniture freshvintage paintedfurniture chalkpaintedfurniture chalkpaint fixerupper oldisthenewnew 3littleblackbirds farmhouse homedecor farmhousedecor beachhouse decor fleamarketflip home coastalliving fixerupperinspired beachhousedecor countryliving relovedfurniture vintage freshlook fusionmineralpaint beforeandafter countryhome farmhouseinspired coastal furnituremakeover midcenturyfurniture midcenturymodern fleamarketflip
Refilled and rearranged our space at #3littleblackbirds. Lots to see; painted furniture, home decor, and vintage pieces waiting for you.
#freshvintagepaintedfurniture #freshlook #vintage #oldisthenewnew #paintedfurniture #chalkpaint #chalkpaintedfurniture #farmhouse #farmhousedecor #beachhouse #beachhousedecor #bohostyle #bohochic #boho #homedecor #home #decor
Looking for fresh but vintage furniture? We've got you covered at #3littleblackbirds.
#freshvintagepaintedfurniture #freshvintage #freshlook #vintage #oldisthenewnew #chalkpaint #chalkpaintedfurniture #farmhousedecor #farmhouse #fixerupper #fixerupperinspired #beachhouse #beachhousedecor #coastalliving #fleamarketflip #style #homedecor #home #furniture #decor
Millie Vanilli may have blamed it on the rain but I blame the summer heat! It felt like it took forever to makeover this one, but it's finally done, looking amazing, and looking for a forever home. Now available at #3littleblackbirds.
#freshvintagepaintedfurniture #freshvintage #freshlook #homedecor #home #decor #decorating #farmhouse #farmhousedecor #beachhouse #beachhousedecor #paintedfurniture #furniturerefinishing #chalkpaintedfurniture #chalkpaint #shoplocal #chesapeakeva #fixerupper #fleamarketflip
These tables have as many names as they have uses! Hall table, entry table, console, vanity, desk, sofa table, and so forth! They are re-loved and ready to add to your home.
#freshvintagepaintedfurniture #freshvintage #paintedfurniture #chalkpaintedfurniture #chalkpaint #sofatable #farmhousedecor #farmhouse #fixerupper #fixerupperinspired #beachhouse #beachhousedecor #coastalliving #homedecor #home #relovedfurniture #table #3littleblackbirds #chesapeakeva #shoplocal
These are the sweetest end tables and a little sassy in Svenska (Swedish) Blue. It's crisp-cool toned blue-grey works as either a neutral or an accent color.
#freshvintagepaintedfurniture #freshvintage #paintedfurniture #homedecor #home #decor #chalkpaintedfurniture #chalkpaint #beachhouse #beachdecor #coastalliving #farmhousedecor #farmhouse #cottagehome #fixerupper #fixerupperinspired #countryhome #countryliving #oldisthenewnew #svenska #svenskablue
I told you I have a weakness for pairs of end tables! These sweet things are now at #3littleblackbirds. Love all the details and how they pop with the neutral paint color, distressing, and a kiss of dark wax.
#freshvintagepaintedfurniture #freshvintage #paintedfurniture #chalkpaintedfurniture #chalkpaint #endtables #neutralcolors #shabbychic #oldisthenewnew #fixerupper #fixerupperinspired #countryhome #countryliving #modernfarmhouse #fleamarketflip #homedecor #home #decor
I spotted this depressed piece on Craigslist but had so many ideas for it that I knew I "needed" it and it needed me! Can't wait to the Fresh Vintage makeover started.
#freshvintagepaintedfurniture #freshvintage #pinspiration #pinterest #paintedfurniture #before #beforeandafter #furniturerehab #furnituremakeover #fleamarketflip #fleamarketstyle #fixerupper #beachhouse #coastalliving #painteddresser #home #homedecor #decor
Is it a dresser? Is it a desk? It's both! I call this one "The Captain" because it feels like something one would find in a ship captains stateroom where everything has a purpose. Now appearing at #3littleblackbirds.
#freshvintagepaintedfurniture #freshvintage #paintedfurniture #painteddesk #painteddresser #paintitblack #generalfinishes #compassrose #nautical #coastal #nauticaldecor #coastaldecor #oldisthenewnew #popofcolor #dresser #dressermakeover
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