functionalanatomyseminars functionalrangeconditioning functionalrangesystems controlyourself kinstretch functionalrangerelease functionalrangeassessment mobility frrelease healthyjoints mobilityisearned physicallongevity frcms controlyourselfevenmore evidencebasedpractice mobilitytraining tampa bodycontrol chiropractic functionaltraining jointhealth movement newyork therapy yqrbusiness dancephysio flexibility health hipcars mobilitytraining
✅ @str8_flexin31 post FR treatment working to acquire optimal mobility within his shoulder joints for his bodybuilding pro debut. ☑️The most effective way to improve ones posing is to make sure that the articulations (joints) involved in the pose, have the required mobility (structural & neurological competency) to accomplish that pose optimally.
☑️Brief clip of Seth working to maximize his front/rear double biceps poses.
#functionalrangerelease #functionalrangeconditioning #functionalrangesystems #functionalanatomyseminars #frpractitioner #frrelease #controlyourself #westsidebarbell #conjugate #conjugatemethod #shoulder #mobility #bodybuilding
A quadruped variation of scapular CARs in which my knees are slightly off the ground, placing a greater loading demand throughout my scapulothoracic joint's range of motion as well as upon my core. I like how scapular retraction feels here as you can really "sink" your body weight down towards the ground, which really allows you feel the motion well. Scapular protraction (when I press my body up towards the ceiling) also helps you perform a seldom-trained but vital shoulder movement. With this exercise you're basically lifting a little bit of your body weight through as much of your available shoulder blade flexibility as possible.
Recommended for people who feel chronic upper trap tightness, stiffness between their shoulder blades from prolonged sitting or athletes whose sports require significant upper body strength demands. May also be beneficial for people who experience pinching sensations in their shoulder whenever they lift their arms up in certain angles. #FunctionalRangeConditioning #ClinicalAthleteProvider
Assess, Treat & Train Physical Capacities by applying logical scientific principles.
‼️Training is cultivating physical capacities that DID NOT exist before‼️
✅Working with @westsidebarbellofficial track athlete @kngoldsmith23 and @tombarrywsbb post FR treatment to acquire increased physical capacities within the hip joint.
▶️Passive Range Lift-Off (training) for acquisition of end range control (neurological competency).
✅Regressive Angular Loading (RALs)
☑️Passively position the articulation (femur/lower extremity) at the indviduals passive end range of motion minus approx 5-10 degrees.
☑️Have the individual irradiate.
☑️Remove passive support.
☑️Perform RALs.
☑️Hold until time limit/positional breakdown.
✅Absolutely no “activating inhibited muscles", “corrective exercises", “resetting reflexes”, etc.; just putting in the WORK required to acquire increased physical capacity.
#functionalrangerelease #functionalrangeconditioning #functionalrangesystems #functionalanatomyseminars #frpractitioner #frrelease #controlyourself #westsidebarbell #conjugate #conjugatemethod #hippain #mobility #health #hip #track
90/90 Hinges
This exercise will get those hips warm guaranteed. This is a more advanced move out of the beloved 90/90 position.
The key with this exercise is finding a position for your upper body that will require no compensation. The further away you lean from the trail leg the easier the exercise is. The more upright you sit, the more likely your body will compensate through the movement.
1️⃣ Lift the trail leg - lifting first from the foot then the knee - and hover in place. Extend the knee and hover in place. Flex the knee back and set the knee down, then foot. Repeat x 5.
2️⃣ Lift the front leg - lifting first from the foot then the knee - and hover in place. Extend the knee and hover in place. Flex the knee back and set the knee down, then foot. Repeat x 5.
3️⃣ Embrace the cramp and switch legs. Place your non supportive hand on your trail hip to prevent any translation forward with the movement.
The upper body should be completely still.
Give it a try! (Sped up 2X) ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
#bluemtnsport #wallawallachiro #chiropractic #functionaltraining #functionalanatomyseminars #controlyourself #everydamnday #usuableflexibility #mobility #kinstretch #movebetter #feelbetter #functionalrangeconditioning #frc #90/90 #buildingabetterpeach #squattherapy #mobilitygoals #physicaltherapy #sportsrehab #functionalrehab #sportschiro
Have you noticed, or been told that one or both of your knees collapse?
That knee collapse, or knee valgus can happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes it’s a hip or ankle mobility issue - which this video does not address.
If mobility is there, it may be a neuromuscular issue - which this video does address ‼️. Take a band and attach it to a rig, rack, or any sturdy pole like object. Step into the band with whichever knee collapses. The key is to EXAGGERATE THE MISTAKE.
In essence, your pulling your knee into EVEN FURTHER valgus collapse. Your knee will have to resist the band and push out, retraining that neuromuscular issue.
#bluemtnsport #wallawallawa #sportschiro #crossfitopen2019 #functionalanatomyseminars #asstograsssquats #roguefitness #squattherapy #mobility #sportsmed #physicaltherapy #fitness #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #personaltraining #squatchallenge #squateveryday
1️⃣ 90 90 base position
leed leg external rotation 10 sec PAIL
+ 10 sec PRH x3
trail leg external rotation LIFT OFF x3
trail leg internal rotation LiFT OFF x3
trail leg entire leg LIFT OFF + hinges x3
90 90 transfer through bear sit
repeat on the other side
2️⃣ Prone base position
hip extension LIFT OFF + hinges x3
half frog Internal rotation LIFT OFF x3
This looks like a low intensity routine. IT’S NOT.
Body control. Body awareness. Trying not to let movements go extinct. Moving where I want to move NOT where my body wants to move.
Move your joints EVERY DAY. Physical longevity. DONE. No one else can do this for you. Movement is medicine.
Missed the Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) course in HK and can't make it to the one in Singapore?
I traveled 16,721km to Tampa, Florida to take this training and certified as FRC Mobility Specialist.
It's worth all my time when I got to trained by the founder of FRC, @drandreospina who developed this awesome joint training system.
If you wonder what FRC is and how it can improve your mobility and movement potential that further enhance your performance in daily mobility and your favourite sport. Shoot me a message ❤️ #FunctionalRangeConditioning
Advanced End Range Rotational Training w/ the club in standard grip and hinged over to challenge different/greater anatomy. This will do two things simultaneously.... make a capsular monster of the GH joint while making you feel pathetic about your actual ROM.
#functionalrangesystems #functionalrangeconditioning #functionalanatomyseminars #rotationaltraining #mobility #frc #controlyourself #prepareyouself #indianclubs #clubbells #kinstretch
FRS Creator @drandreospina
Passive inputs Passive results
Active inputs Active results
▫️foam rolling/lacrosse ball = PASSIVE input
▫️joint distractions (ex. w resistance bands) w stretching = PASSIVE input
▫️static stretching = PASSIVE input
▫️back extension over roller roller/ball = PASSIVE inputs
▫️traditional soft tissue/manual therapy techniques = PASSIVE input
▫️muscle ‘facilitation’ techniques = PASSIVE input
▫️Vibration guns/tools = PASSIVE input
P.S. NOTICE i never said the techniques above are useless. Re-read prior to gut reactions
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