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Burning some .5” hot rolled Mild Steel. Root and cap. Er70s-2 filler on the Dynasty 280 running an @mfurick #12. bolted up flange to flange to try and reduce warpage. These parts are nice when you wanna just drop the hood and forget about everything.. unfortunately im not wired that way and welding for days starts to drive me crazy, Too much time in my own head ♂️. .
#mildsteel #tigwelding #welding #welder #millerwelders #miller_welders #fabrication #fabricationlife #metalfabrication #torchwear #weldmonger #tigfinger #furickcup
Flex heading on these hoes.......
Read: One little tiny smidge of undercut right there in front makes me not want to post this picture.. (sad right?) but I like it otherwise. Obvious inconsistencies mean more practice.. Why? Because we all live in this Instagram world of the right light and the right angle and a few shots makes things look better then they really are. Here’s a weld from today, I have hundreds more to go.. is every part perfect? No. Not even close. I do try.. but when something needs to get done you quit worrying about your dime spacing being off .015 thousandths and start worrying about deadlines. I try my hardest everyday and with practice I will accomplish my goals. Just remember, anyone can do anything if they want it bad enough. I was an X-Ray tech with 0 knowledge about anything Fabrication or welding related 3 years ago. .
#welding #tigwelding #welder #weldinglife #metalfabrication #fabricationlife #metalfabrication #gtaw #millerwelders #furickcup #torchwear