futurefriends pentatonix mattsallee mitchgrassi scotthoying kevinolusola kirstinmaldonado scomiche superfruit fcute ptxofficial kirstin love avikaplan bass mitch pentaholic beatboxing baritone markmanio mattsalleemusic mitchy soon sup3rfruit tenor acapella beausloane ptxforever
My reaction when they’ll release the lion king sound track (*^◯^*)
{ #pentatonix #ptx #ptxofficial #pentatonixfanaccount #kirstinmaldonado #scotthoying #mitchgrassi #kevinolusola #mattsallee #avikaplan #acapella #music #ptxworld #superfruit #cute #follow #pentatonixfanpage #breakalittle #futurefriends #kirstiemaldonado #aviandthesequoias #kodown #pentatonixforever #scomiche #meatandpotatoes #scevin #kervy #scomicheisreal #ptxtheworldtour }
UGH, missed Scomiche moments sooo much! I was really hoping PTX would do a lil' bit of 'MMMbop' in front of Taylor Hanson, but damn it, they did not! Rachel's beatboxing is sick!! Mitchy grooves at the end....
#mitchgrassi #scotthoying #scomiche #scomicheisreal #scomichewasreal #superfruit #pentatonix #powercouple #futurefriends #kirstinmaldonado #mattsallee #kevinolusola #ptxtheworldtour #ptxperience #rachelplatten
wooo now that it’s summer I had time to make my first animatic! I’ve been wanting to make one of these for sooo long. I think it came out pretty alright so hopefully this doesn’t get taken down lol enjoy
Please tag @mitchgrassi!
Song: The Sound of Silence by Pentatonix (@ptxofficial)
(This is @mitchgrassi’s verse)
I do not own this cover or Pentatonix
#pentatonix #ptx #ptxofficial #superfruit #futurefriends #scotthoying #mitchgrassi #kirstinmaldonado #kevinolusola #mattsallee #thesoundofsilence #kirstin #cartoon #anime #scomiche #sketch #art #animatic #sup3rfruit #digitalart #artsyle #manga #markers #animation #comic #drawing @sup3rfruit
Mitchy's laugh at the first clip is just too adorable.. And how he's all cool, lookin' cute posing for pictures in the last clip, but then he's like, scared of the ball hitting him I literally LOL UGH, my Mitchy!! ❤
#mitchgrassi #scotthoying #scomiche #scomicheisreal #scomichewasreal #superfruit #pentatonix #powercouple #futurefriends #kirstinmaldonado #mattsallee #kevinolusola #ptxtheworldtour #ptxperience