getintoit sylviasglamstudio tampabraider tampabraids fauxlocs kidsbraids kidsbraidstampa kidshair sewin tampastylist yaaassss feedinbraids blowout iworkforme sewintampa crochet crochetbraids hairbling invisiblecrochet makeup dance hair knotless knotlessbraids love bundles customwig feedinponytail illusioncrochetbraids kchairstylist
@ambitionsown #Rondell #BoutToGetLockedUp #ForTheCause #ServingScrambles #ToLakeishaAndDem #Damien #BoutToGetAmara #Stephanie #WasGonnaSingLikeAMockingbird #NobodyWannaGoToJail #ExceptRondell #Titus #YouDidGood #Bella #AintNothingLikeComingHomeToAEmptyHouse #CouldntEvenCallForHelp #YouHaveBeenCanceled #DriveBy #GiftingSuite #TooBadEvanSleepingWithTheEntireTown #Evan #LeatherPantiesAndBustier #ICant #UnseeIt #GetIntoIt #BonnetRecap #LetsTalkAboutIt #WatchClub
#AmbitionsOwn TUESDAY 10pm on @owntv
#Everbody #DontPhuckWitYou #TheWayYouThinkTheyDo #ComingThruWitAWord
#FamilyBeTripping #WeRelated #ByBlood #WeAreRelatives #FamilyDontOperateLikeThis #TheyComfortable #DontSisMe #BooMe #CallMeYourAce #IfYourHeartIsntInIt #NoFakes #NoFrauds #PullTheKnifeOutSus #SoYouJustAintGonSayNothing #GetIntoIt #ImCoolOnYou #ThisAintAboutNobodyYouKnow #DontNeedNoHitDogsHollerin
#BonnetChronicles WARNING!
#Happy #Pride
#BitchesGoingHard #YouShouldKnow #BitchesPayingBills #StudsRule #ButSomeOfYallFellasNeedClarity #ImTrynaHelpSomebody #WatchWhenSheSay #ShewentShoppingWithDiane #YouKnowYallBudget #YallCantAfford3PairOfLoubs #ThiisAintForEverybody #JustYouIfItsYOU #LOL #LoveIsLove #WalkInYourTruth #tamiroman #MondayMemories #LiveLoveLaugh #GetIntoIt #Classic
@ambitionsown #ambitionsown
#LetsTalkAboutIt #WatchClub #Deja #MightDoMolly #IDontKnow #MySpiritUneasy #RazorIsSketchy #Stephanie #ShadyBih #DivideAndConquer #RondellGonPopoff #SheAintSellingThelmas #EvanLancaster #YouGoingDown #YouThoughtBellaWasPlayingCheckers #CheckmateBih #YouLookedSoHurt #GiveThatWomanHerStore #AlexaPlay #GangstaBih #GetIntoIt #BonnetRecap #bonnetchronicles
TUNE IN NEXT TUESDAY 10pm on @owntv
@fashionnova #fashionnova
#PSA #IKnewIShouldntHaveAnswered #Voicemail #WhatToDoWithYourLife #HellIDontKnow #TalkToJesusAboutIt #LiftYouUp #WhoGonLiftMeUp #SomeDays #YouPutPressure #OnOurFriendship #TrynaFigureOutMyLifeTooSis #PeopleDontHaveTheStrength #AllTheTime #ImmaBlowOneDay #YouRightGirl #RightOne #WrongDay #YouAintGotNothingPoppin #GetOffPhoneWithMe #GoMakeSomeChanges #YouWastingTime #GetIntoIt
Heute war ein spannender Tag. Ich hatte meinen ersten Probearbeitstag und es hat echt Spaß gemacht. Bin gespannt wie die nächsten 2 Tage werden. Ich werde euch aufjedenfall berichten. Es ist total cool neue Leute kennenzulernen und mal für jemanden anderen kreativ zu arbeiten. Aber mehr sobald alles feststeht! Wie war euer Tag heute so
Some of the most memorable evenings I've had in Las Vegas have been #OneNightOnly events. THIS FALL, you can be a part of @SchittsCreek: Up Close & Personal, at @Cosmopolitan_LV, on #SaturdayOctober19; where the stellar cast – including father-and-son co-Creators, #EugeneLevy and @InstaDanJLevy (the 2019 #MTVMovieAndTVAward-winner for #BestComedicPerformance makes for an adroit #Moderator), @AnneFrances, @EmilyHampshire, @OlReid, and the always-brilliant #CatherineOHara – will screen scenes from the Canadian sitcom (as well as #Outtakes and #BtS footage), share tales from the set, and even provide the As to some of the audience's Qs. And all before @POPtv airs the hit comedy's sixth and final season!
#GetIntoIt #SchittsCreek #UpCloseAndPersonal #DanLevy #CatherineOHaraAndEugeneLevy #AnnieMurphy #EmilyHampshire #NoahReid #POPtv #CBC #18xCanadianScreenAwardWinners #Comedy #Sitcom #Humor #NotARealCompany #GiveTheseFolksAnEMMYAlready #CosmopolitanLV #Vegas