getyaanklesbroke coryxkenshin mysenpai senpai baldpai samurai slicethelikebutton ocookingwithcoryooo cussmynameiscoryxkenshin
Let me just take a minute to appreciate this Samurai Brother! If you don't know who this is, get ya ankles broke @coryxkenshin is my all time favorite youtuber. There is so many things I like about him. For one, he's Christian! His editing is phenomenal, he's hillarious, he has a knack for Japan. He likes the same snacks as me! Omg I can't name it all! I tried to get as much Cory-ness into one photo as possible. From the things he likes to the black and white tiles like his sound proofers/ FNAF floor. I'd be so happy if he likes this, It'll just make my day!