Paola Bracho Hahahah
Um pouquinho vilã
@photogridbrasil .
#morenaolhosazuis #morena #godblessme # #floripa #florianopolis #modelo #olhosclaros #santacatarina #olhosazuis #musa #gatasdoinstagram #lindamorena #morenalinda #asmaisgatas #lindasmulheres #mulhereslindas
#ilhadamagia #saojose #palhoça #beiramarnortefloripa #jurereinternacional
Samwise ain’t no fool⠀
✝️Christian Canvas Art | Made in ⠀
✝️link in bio⠀
#godcan #fingerprintofgod #godchaser #godconsciousness #godcreated #godisgreat #godfirst #godislove #thanksgod #godchildren #godcentred #praisegod #thankgod #godcomesfirst #godbless #godblessamerica #godblessyou #godblessme #godblessed #godblessings #godblesstexas #godblessus #godblessher #godblessourtroops #godblesshim #godblessing #godbewithus #godblessall #godblessusall #godblessusa
The key is to always Trust GOD
Pic by @let_god3 .
I’m thankful that I know that no matter what I go through today, You will be there for me tomorrow if tomorrow comes. I’m thankful that even if people around me might show me love today, but hatred tomorrow, I know that You will still show me love and mercy tomorrow. Thank you because every single day I can rely on You no matter how the world treats me.
"Elisha said, “Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don’t ask for just a few. 4 Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars, and as each is filled, put it to one side.” 2 Kings 4:3-4
From the message: How To Get a Financial Miracle. LINK IN BIO