goldfish goldfishjunkie goldfishkeepers goldfishofinstagram goldfishunion aquariumlife fancygoldfish goldfishes goldfishtank goldfishworld oranda ranchu fish fishtank goldfishaddict goldfishcommunity goldfishkeeper goldfishlove goldfishlover instafish orandagoldfish ranchugoldfish goldfishcommunity
Getting this nerd and Takumi from @kingkoigoldfish when we were down south was one of the best decisions. Ever. We never came up with a name for him so we just call him Buddy or Bubba. I would LOVE to breed him with Belle and raise some butterflies. He is just too perfect! #goldfish #fancygoldfish #goldfishunion #goldfishkeepers #goldfishaddict #goldfishjunkie #butterflytelescope #butterflytelescopegoldfish #butterflytelescopes #telescopebutterfly #crazyfishlady #crazyfishfamily
Enjoy Sunday "Change layout My Little fish room"
100% WC & clean the filter.
See.. how so simple tank i have . #goldfish #ranchugoldfish #goldfishindonesia #goldfishkeepers #goldfishpond #goldfishtank #goldfishkeeper #ranchu #lionhead #aquarium #goldfishunion #goldfishofinstagram #goldfishkeeper #goldfishfry #goldfishlover #goldfishworld #goldfishcommunity #orandagoldfish #goldfishjakarta #goldfishjunkie
【 Calico Oranda Mating Chase 】今日の明け方にかけて雨の予報だったので東錦を仕掛けてみました。今朝早起きして(5時起き)小雨のなかプラ舟を覗きにに行くと・・・すでに産卵が終わってました。ガーン!!!
ブログ更新しました。【 I updated my blog! 】
#金魚 #蝶尾 #東錦 #志村養魚場 #goldfish #butterflytail #butterflytelescope #calicooranda #pets #goldfishunion #oranda #aquarium #fancygoldfish #goldfishjunkie #kingyo #calico #goldfishkeepers #龍睛 #東錦の日記