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•advice from a physician•
was shadowing in the wound clinic today and the doctor gave me and one of the other interns some GREAT advice that I thought I’d share with y’all
food for thought...
•when you go into medical school, go in open minded. no matter how much you are interested in a specialty do not close your mind because you will find yourself focusing on the information that will pertain to that specialty rather than studying holistically which will bite you in the butt later.
•take a gap year or two! you will not burn out as fast and will overall find yourself feeling more centered as a person
•be very considerate about what lifestyle you want when choosing a specialty. you don’t want to resent your specialty later, it will make you a worse doctor.
•pay attention to the mental health portion of med school very well. it will help you treat patients in all specialties the best you can.
overall, his message was that there will always be more things to do at the hospital/clinic and yes, doing that makes you a good doctor but ONLY doing that does not. if you don’t take care of yourself, you will never be treating patients to the best of your ability.
Ну знаешь, делая выбор, мы всегда чём-то жертвуем, поступление в любой университет - требует лишиться доли времени у каждого, кто хочет чему-то научиться.
Сейчас как раз сезон, когда много ещё вчерашних школьников уже готовы стать студентами, вопрос стоит только - какой же универ они выберут?
Ну я сегодня тебе расскажу топ-причин, почему не стоит соваться в медицинские учебные заведения:
❗️Но помни, если ты всем сердцем желаешь быть врачом, то тебя это может и не касаться.
Не буду говорить о том, что станет мало времени и появится много учебы, и так понятно, что мед один из самых сложных универов.
Огромная ответственность за жизни других, на которую не каждый готов;
КРОК, IFOM, ОСКИ(на укр) - просто банально не проработанные тестовые задания, раз в три года, которые иногда даже преподаватели не решают, а за не сдачу тебя могут просто исключить/на повторный курс;
Мало каникул, долгая летняя практика;
Пропускать пары/лекции нельзя, потом нужно их отрабатывать. Все. Готовься болеть на парах)
Я жалею, что не знала этого раньше. Так что тебе это может поможет.
Но тем не менее, я очень рада, что оказалась в Виннице и встретила много людей, которые меня ценили и понимали.
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Five years ago I walked into this man’s office for the first time; I had no idea what to expect, but that day my life changed. He gave me hope when I had none. He has worked tirelessly fixed the mistakes my previous doctor carelessly created. This picture was taken at my six-week post hysterectomy appointment. Let me tell you a little bit about this doctor.
My husband and I have spent countless hours in this room crying, listening and being heard. Dr. Eberhard chooses to work in the public sector to provide care for those who cannot afford to see private specialists. He is not interested in the money he can make, but the suffering he can help alleviate.
Any quality of life that I have today is because of him. He has never given up on me or trying to reduce my pain. He never gets frustrated that I’m not better and always works to find solutions that fit for me. He never pressures me into treatment options and always gives me time to consider my choices. I am a real person to him, not just facts on a page. He’s been tough on me when I need it and is always gentle.
He believes in the multi-faceted treatment of endometriosis and is the reason my insurance covers additional pain management like osteopathy. He understands the complexity of life with a debilitating disease and that the solutions available are less than ideal. He makes time in his very busy schedule to just talk with patients, even if he can’t make all of their pain disappear.
This man has incredible patience, knowledge and is a bright light of hope in the dark world of endometriosis. He understands that endometriosis care and diagnosis have a long way to go and he is fighting to make a brighter future for those who come after us.
Thank you, Dr. Eberhard, for never giving up on me. Thank you for the hours you’ve spent listening to me and explaining this extremely complex disease. You’re a life changer and I wish there were thousands more of you out there. The world is a better place for so many because of you.
Do you have any doctors who’ve changed your life?
خب امروز روز بزرگترین آدم توی زندگیه منه ،
یکی که نفسام به نفسش بنده ، •
یکی که پدرمه ، •
نفسمه زندگیمه ،
• جان و دلم به وجودش
میتپه ، •
دار و ندارم صدقه موهای سفیدشه •
، خودش اینستاگرام نداره اما من که دارم و پیجم رو مزین میکنم با صدای گرمش ، •
اینکه یک شهر به وجدانت قسم میخورن و من میبالم به دختر تو بودن
روز همه معلم های با وجدان مبارک ،
• از همینجا به عمو مصطفی عزیزم ( اینستا داره) شاعر بزرگ و معلم شریف و همچنین عمو بزرگم ، کلی تبریک میگم و دستشونو میبوسم .
آخ که چقدر دلم میخواست امروز پیششون بودم ،،،
#روزمعلم#بهترین_مردم_معلم_میشوند#پدر#عاشقتم#زندگیم#حامی#تکیه_گاه#رویش_دوباره_من #من_یک_رویشی_هستم #gooddoctors#اردیبهشت #کنکور #کنکور۹۸ #کنکور۹۹ #تجربیها #تجربی #ریاضی #انسانی #پزشکی #دانشجویی