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Be sure to turn on your sound . Check the Link in bio for Racket specs. Thanks @tenniswarehouseeurope For the opportunity to test the @tecnifibre T-Fight 315 XTC! I really enjoyed playing the racket. It’s especially great for power and spin! But you also have a nice control and feeling with it. Two things I’m not sure if I can adjust to are the headsize and the weight. At the moment I don’t see the weight as a problem, in contrary I like the mix from weight and balance. But it of course could cause troubles the longer I play with it. The headsize is no problem for me at serves, volleys or groundstrokes where I am already at the ball. It's starts being a slight problem for wide balls with more running because my footwork needs to be more accurate. But that's something I could work on bzw should work on anyways.
At the end it was very worth it looking closer into the racket and I am considering switching to it. ☺️ And thanks @martinulb for being multitasking, hitting with me and camera man! #fightsmart #gotennis #lifeisbidibadu #playwild
"I can’t choose how my day will end but if I can choose how to start it, smiling"
Desayunando dolor de piernas y de cuerpo entero del Body Pump ♀️ del miercoles de @lidiabodoque que se cree que todos estamos como ella , y de las malditas series largas de ayer, 4x2000 - 95% ♀️.
Realmente , hoy no me habría levantado de la cama , hasta que me he acordado que solo tengo una oportunidad pra vivir, una oportunidad para vivir el día de hoy porque mañana ya no será el mismo día pero si otra oportunidad ☺️
In warm to hot conditions, most adult tennis players will lose between 1.0 and 2.5 liters of water during each hour of competitive singles, although sweat rates of 3.5 liters per hour have been observed during play in very hot (above 95° F) conditions.
Source: USTA website