grave_gallery graveyard_freaks project_necropolis grave_affair aj_graveyards cemetery graveyard_dead graveyard_fanatics graveyard_life cemeterylovers cemetery_shots gloomy_side_views tv_churchandgraves graveyard_photogroup cemeteryphotography graveyard etoe_2 cemetery_nation kings_gothic graveyardbeauty graveyardphotography cemeterywandering vd_sepulcrum grave r_a_d graveyard_shots entropy_to_epitaphs gallery_of_dark_arts gothicsepulcrum ominous_perfection ig_asylum
Congratulations to our portrait from the past! This feature is from the talented: @necro.manteion
Please visit their page and give this talented artist some support!
Thank you for helping us remember these lost souls. A face adds so much more than just a name. Please be sure to add #posthumous_portraits to all of your ceramic portrait finds!
We support the following wonderful hubs. Please pay them a visit:
#aj_graveyards @aj_graveyards
#_click_gravestone @_click_gravestone
#darkness_fantasy @darkness_fantasy
#etoe_2 @entropy_to_epitaphs
#fa_sacral @fa_sacral
#gallery_of_dark_arts @gallery_of_dark_arts
#grave_affair @grave_affair
#graveyard_freaks #graveyard_freaks
#grave_gallery @grave_gallery
#graveyard_fanatics @graveyard_fanatics
#romantic_darkness @romantic_darkness
#gothicsepulcrum @gothicsepulcrum
#masters_of_darkness @_mastersofdarkness_
#project_necropolis @project_necropolis
#souls_hunters @souls_hunters
#ominous_perfection @ominous_perfection
#the_mirror_of_our_souls @the_mirror_of_our_souls
#tv_churchandgraves @tv_churchandgraves
#ethereal_moods @ethereal_moods
Congratulations to our portrait from the past! This feature is from the talented: @kundrys_todesschlaf
Please visit their page and give this talented artist some support!
Thank you for helping us remember these lost souls. A face adds so much more than just a name. Please be sure to add #posthumous_portraits to all of your ceramic portrait finds!
We support the following wonderful hubs. Please pay them a visit:
#aj_graveyards @aj_graveyards
#_click_gravestone @_click_gravestone
#darkness_fantasy @darkness_fantasy
#etoe_2 @entropy_to_epitaphs
#fa_sacral @fa_sacral
#gallery_of_dark_arts @gallery_of_dark_arts
#grave_affair @grave_affair
#graveyard_freaks #graveyard_freaks
#grave_gallery @grave_gallery
#graveyard_fanatics @graveyard_fanatics
#romantic_darkness @romantic_darkness
#gothicsepulcrum @gothicsepulcrum
#masters_of_darkness @_mastersofdarkness_
#project_necropolis @project_necropolis
#souls_hunters @souls_hunters
#ominous_perfection @ominous_perfection
#the_mirror_of_our_souls @the_mirror_of_our_souls
#tv_churchandgraves @tv_churchandgraves
#ethereal_moods @ethereal_moods
Ossário, ossuário...? Qual a diferença? Para que servem?
Com o tempo, os jazigos perpétuos podem não ter mais espaço para novos sepultamentos. Ou também o jazigo é temporário e, depois do tempo contratado, é necessário retirar os ossos. Em ambos os casos, a exumação é feita e os restos mortais são transferidos para um local menor.
E aí entra o ossário ou ossuário. Li que ossuário seria para uma só pessoa e o ossário para até 4 pessoas. Mas também li que era o contrário. E no dicionário Michaelis ossário e ossuário são sinônimos
Independente da definição, estas estruturas geralmente ficam nas paredes das necrópoles. Podem ter ou não identificação, retratos e até pequenos vasos.
#necroturismo #necrotur #ossario #ossuario #cemiterio #CemitérioSãoPaulo
Over time, the perpetual graves may no longer have room for further burials. Or else the deposit is temporary and, after the time contracted, it is necessary to remove the bones. In both cases an exhumation is made and the remains are transferred to a smaller place. And here comes the ossuary.
The ossuaries are in the walls of the necropolises. They may or may not have identification, pictures and even small vessels.
#cemeteryfinds #graveyard #graveyard_photogroup #cemeterylife #cemetery_shots #grave_gallery #cemetery_dead #graveyardart #project_necropolis #graveyard_fanatics #graveyard_freaks #grave_affair #_click_gravestone
Eu vejo coisas que ninguém vê.. I see things that no one sees..
#historiadamorte #historiasocialdamorte #cemiterio #artecemiterialnobrasil #artecemiterial #death #necroturista #darktourist #mementomori #taphophilia #photography #cemetery_dead #cemetery_lovers #cemetery_nation #cemeterywandering #cemeteryphotography #cute #cemeteryexplorer #graveyard #project_necropolis #cats #catsincemetery #graveyard_freaks #instacemetery #catlover #grave_gallery #brazil #graves
⚽️ Em 30 de junho de 1953, falecia Charles William Miller, aos 78 anos.
O homem que trouxe o futebol para o Brasil nasceu aqui mesmo, em São Paulo, em 1874. Mas Miller foi para a Inglaterra com 10 anos de idade para estudar e lá conheceu o esporte.
Retornando ao Brasil em 1894 para trabalhar na São Paulo Railway, Miller trouxe consigo 2 bolas, uma bomba para poder enchê-las, um par de chuteiras e um livro de regras.
Ele jogou profissionalmente até 1910 e depois ainda foi árbitro.
O jazigo do pai do futebol no Brasil encontra-se no Cemitério dos Protestantes, em São Paulo.
E pensar que apenas 5 anos após a morte de Charles Miller, o Brasil conquistaria a sua primeira Copa do Mundo!
#necroturismo #necrotur #futebol #CharlesMiller #cemiterio #CemitérioDosProtestantes
⚽️ On June 30, 1953, Charles Miller passed away, at the age of 78.
The man who brought football to Brazil was born in Sao Paulo in 1874. But Miller went to England at the age of 10 to study and there he met the sport.
Returning to Brazil in 1894 to work at the São Paulo Railway, Miller brought with him 2 balls, a pump to fill them, a pair of cleats and a rule book.
He played professionally until 1910 and then was an umpire.
The father of soccer in Brazil is buried in the Cemetery of Protestants, in São Paulo.
And to think that just 5 years after the death of Charles Miller, Brazil would conquer its first World Cup!
#cemetery #graveyardphotography #cemeterylens #funeralart #grave_gallery #graveyardbeauty #instagraves #cemeteryexplorer #soccer #football
#grave #graveyard #tombstone #cemetery #cemetery_shots #cemeterylife #grave_gallery #graveyard_dead #graveyard_life #graveyard_freaks #graveyard_fanatics #graveyardbeauty #tombstones #grave_affair #friedhof #graveyardfields #ominous_perfection #souls_hunters #entropy_to_epitaphs #renegade_dark #darkmood #project_necropolis #cemeteriesofinstagram
Does not everything depend on our interpretation of the silence around us?
[Lawrence Durrell]... #grave_affair #graveyard_life #grave_gallery #entropy_to_epitaphs #tv_churchandgraves #project_necropolis #ars_sacra #kings_gothic #igw_sepulcrum #infinity_gothic_grave #aj_graveyards #voodoo_society #souls_hunters #geneve______ #EtoE_2 #thehub_gothic #instagram #dark_mania__ #fancygoth_edit #_click_gravestone #masters_of_darkness #cemetery_shots #gloomy_side_views #barcelona #cimiteri_monumentali_ #vd_sepulcrum #asi_es_gotico #graveyard_fanatics #gloomy_side_views #graveyard_freaks #cementiridepoblenou
#graveyard_freaks #aj_graveyards #graveyard_fanatics #graveyard_photogroup #cemetery #grave_affair #grave_gallery #entrophy_to_epitaphs #gallery_of_dark_arts #vd_gothika #etoe_2 #kings_gothic #masters_of_darkness #cryptic_aesthetic #the_mirrors_of_our_souls #voodoo_society#total_gothic #graveyard_life #aj_graveyards #souls_hunters #project_necropolis